2014 Halves Pairing



International Captain
Forum Staff
Oct 5, 2011
Gee I was just having a joke, christ.

In relation to Norman IMHO the only good part of this last season was the fact that we got rid of him. He is not a team player and I think the time that has passed between the last time he played 6 in the NRL, combined with the money parra threw at him has clouded some peoples judgements.

Norman had a solid start in the first half of 2012, but so did the whole team. I think a much logical explanation for the poor performances of 2013 is the total lack of fitness of the team (which looks like they have moved to address) rather than the removal of boy wonder from five eight.

Norman's 'decline' came down to the fact that he had been found out by the defence. It only takes a few video reviews to realise that the guy isn't gonna pass. Once they worked out that he prefers to run it up like a prop he was constantly shut down.

Before anyone starts thinking that we lost a future immortal, may I remind you that boy wonder couldn't even hold down his perferred spot in the Q Cup. If he is still the 6 at parra by half way through next season I will be shocked.


International Rep
Mar 4, 2008
Norman is another player that should have been put in QLD Cup early on in his development. Continuously going yourself instead of creating opportunities for others - it sounds like a bad habit you pick up playing against poor defence with little structure.
Marty Deutschmann

Marty Deutschmann

NRL Captain
Oct 23, 2013
Gee I was just having a joke, christ.

In relation to Norman IMHO the only good part of this last season was the fact that we got rid of him. He is not a team player and I think the time that has passed between the last time he played 6 in the NRL, combined with the money parra threw at him has clouded some peoples judgements.

Norman had a solid start in the first half of 2012, but so did the whole team. I think a much logical explanation for the poor performances of 2013 is the total lack of fitness of the team (which looks like they have moved to address) rather than the removal of boy wonder from five eight.

Norman's 'decline' came down to the fact that he had been found out by the defence. It only takes a few video reviews to realise that the guy isn't gonna pass. Once they worked out that he prefers to run it up like a prop he was constantly shut down.

Before anyone starts thinking that we lost a future immortal, may I remind you that boy wonder couldn't even hold down his perferred spot in the Q Cup. If he is still the 6 at parra by half way through next season I will be shocked.

I'll agree with the fitness thing. 100%.

But in regards to norman...didn't he play fullback in the Q Cup? One thing though with players or performers who are expected to be creative is, confidence and results have a strong correlation. His being sent to fullback pissed him off. (which is a character flaw yes, but the build up of bad timing was understandably getting to him) ?

I dunno...I think parra poached him at the best possible time. Whether or not he proves to be a good poaching is yet to be seen but one thing he will feel there is respected. Not saying the broncos did the wrong thing by him, I don't think they did in a sense...they did what was best for the team at the time......but in Norman's mind they did. And that is all that matters in the way of getting results. So hopefully for him, he can get over the disapointment of now knowing he's missed a great opportunity at the Broncos and pull it out for a new club, new coach, new team during a rebuilding phase. But yes,

Sport is greatly a mental challenger. Attitude inspires success....however, moving forward......who will play 5/8th?? Hopefully Milford. He's a future star. I don't know enough on Strasser / Taylor and it's hard to find any real highlight packages to give them a real look. I just wish i knew already what 2014 will look like. AHHH off seasons suck ass


International Captain
Forum Staff
Oct 5, 2011
I'll agree with the fitness thing. 100%.

But in regards to norman...didn't he play fullback in the Q Cup? One thing though with players or performers who are expected to be creative is, confidence and results have a strong correlation. His being sent to fullback pissed him off. (which is a character flaw yes, but the build up of bad timing was understandably getting to him) ?

I dunno...I think parra poached him at the best possible time. Whether or not he proves to be a good poaching is yet to be seen but one thing he will feel there is respected. Not saying the broncos did the wrong thing by him, I don't think they did in a sense...they did what was best for the team at the time......but in Norman's mind they did. And that is all that matters in the way of getting results. So hopefully for him, he can get over the disapointment of now knowing he's missed a great opportunity at the Broncos and pull it out for a new club, new coach, new team during a rebuilding phase. But yes,

Sport is greatly a mental challenger. Attitude inspires success....however, moving forward......who will play 5/8th?? Hopefully Milford. He's a future star. I don't know enough on Strasser / Taylor and it's hard to find any real highlight packages to give them a real look. I just wish i knew already what 2014 will look like. AHHH off seasons suck ass

Yeah I agree with most of what you are saying. I disagree about Norman but I guess we will all find out soon enough :)

Agree about the off season. This would all be a lot better if we knew who the 6 was next year. Hopefully it's milford but who knows. On Taylor from the small amount I have seen I think he is definitely a star of the future and it is pleasing to hear reports that he stayed with us for less when others wanted him because 'he only wants to be a bronco'. As others have said though I think he is a few years off yet and would not want them throwing him in too early. For his development I hope he returns to NYC next year and if he is still progressing well, move him to Q cup and give him a game or two late in the season to see how he goes, like the tigers did with brooks (pending how we are travelling at the time of course).

As for Strasser I think he has the goods and if we don't get Milford next year I hope we run with a Hunt/Strasser combo.
Marty Deutschmann

Marty Deutschmann

NRL Captain
Oct 23, 2013
Yeah I agree with most of what you are saying. I disagree about Norman but I guess we will all find out soon enough :)

Agree about the off season. This would all be a lot better if we knew who the 6 was next year. Hopefully it's milford but who knows. On Taylor from the small amount I have seen I think he is definitely a star of the future and it is pleasing to hear reports that he stayed with us for less when others wanted him because 'he only wants to be a bronco'. As others have said though I think he is a few years off yet and would not want them throwing him in too early. For his development I hope he returns to NYC next year and if he is still progressing well, move him to Q cup and give him a game or two late in the season to see how he goes, like the tigers did with brooks (pending how we are travelling at the time of course).

As for Strasser I think he has the goods and if we don't get Milford next year I hope we run with a Hunt/Strasser combo.

one of the things I'm nervous about, is looking at these potential "stars" of the future...we can only choose one for the spot. Like with DCE and Hunt....they chose to back hunt instead. And at the time, it was justified. I just think we didn't do the right thing by him putting him backup hooker. Should of let him continue developing in the Q Cup as a halfback and not disrupt his natural game.

But yeah, like i said, we can really only choose one of these guys. Cause surely whoever we don't, will get poached soon enough. How long are you willing to wait for your chance? Depth is such a hard thing to achieve when you have marquee or gun players. The guys who miss out just move on....so right now, we are in desperate need for a 5/8th and have a couple of prospects coming through who definitely aren't ready..?! That's a sh|tty position to be in! I can't take another crap season waiting to cement a decent premiership winning spine. We need the right spine NOW and to stick to it.


NRL Player
Feb 16, 2013
No he is a five-eight/fullback I have been reading some articles about it.
With the Broncos he has been used almost exclusively at Centre/Fullback. He may well have played a couple of games early at 5/8 but shifted pretty quickly


State of Origin Rep
Mar 2, 2010
But yeah, like i said, we can really only choose one of these guys. Cause surely whoever we don't, will get poached soon enough. How long are you willing to wait for your chance? Depth is such a hard thing to achieve when you have marquee or gun players. The guys who miss out just move on....so right now, we are in desperate need for a 5/8th and have a couple of prospects coming through who definitely aren't ready..?! That's a sh|tty position to be in! I can't take another crap season waiting to cement a decent premiership winning spine. We need the right spine NOW and to stick to it.

This is what I'm worried about, that a spud like Griffin will choose the wrong player and someone leaves and becomes a gun.


BRL Player
Mar 13, 2013
Norman has talent no doubt. I really think Griffin killed the team's confidence by playing Hunt, Norman and Hoffman out of position. Norman's passing game is great. Just needs to work on being more selective. In response to the QCup statement, I wouldn't even care about trying to impress for the 6 if I was him either as I signed to another club already.
Marty Deutschmann

Marty Deutschmann

NRL Captain
Oct 23, 2013
Norman has talent no doubt. I really think Griffin killed the team's confidence by playing Hunt, Norman and Hoffman out of position. Norman's passing game is great. Just needs to work on being more selective. In response to the QCup statement, I wouldn't even care about trying to impress for the 6 if I was him either as I signed to another club already.

yeah exactly! Why would you bother? haha


NRL Captain
Mar 4, 2008
Taylor is not going to happen next season and Nikorima and Strasser are long shots imo, they didn't buy Barba to play 5/8 they bought him to play FB, reasons for not playing Hoffman at FB are the same for not playing him at 5/8. The Broncos don't usually do things on a whim, I don't think the club releases two halves without having a firm idea of who they plan on replacing them with and by all accounts that's Milford.
Marty Deutschmann

Marty Deutschmann

NRL Captain
Oct 23, 2013
Taylor is not going to happen next season and Nikorima and Strasser are long shots imo, they didn't buy Barba to play 5/8 they bought him to play FB, reasons for not playing Hoffman at FB are the same for not playing him at 5/8. The Broncos don't usually do things on a whim, I don't think the club releases two halves without having a firm idea of who they plan on replacing them with and by all accounts that's Milford.

We will see..."Ricky Stewart doesn't lose many." A quote I read today RE Milfy


NRL Captain
Mar 16, 2008
1. Barba
6. Norman
7. Hunt

Could have been a great combination.

I think Barba would have smoothed over Norman's timing issues and made him look better than Hoffman ever did. Barba would also keep the defence second guessing, allowing Norman's running game to be more effective.

Same might ring true for Norman with Hayne at the Eels.

In the wash-up, I actually wish him well, so long as his name is never bandied about for Origin.
Marty Deutschmann

Marty Deutschmann

NRL Captain
Oct 23, 2013
Dunno if I am more excited for 1 November about Milford news or Battlefield 4 release date.
yeah...I heard there's supposed to be an "announcement" come November 1....but where is the source on that?

Or is it only just the fact that clubs can approach contracted players after that date which has people queuing their cum for?
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State of Origin Captain
Mar 5, 2008
People seem to be overlooking the fact that Taylor is still recovering from his shoulder op which kept him out for nearly the whole year.

It's a mighty big call to think that a young guy is going to pull up from his second serious injury in two years, do the whole off-season, impress, play trials and play NRL round 1.

All on the back of half a dozen 20's games.

You're absolutely right. I forgot about injury. Obviously then, more time is needed. At the same time, he's an impressive little fellow. U20's or not, I reckon you can see in his level of snap and decision making the real prospect of something special.
Mr Fourex

Mr Fourex

State of Origin Captain
Apr 9, 2012
Norman, paired with Hunt would have been a master class.

I like the cut of your jib Marty........:wink:

Both Hunt and Norman played some of their best NRL football when positioned in the halves together.

You've pointed out the irony in the Norman situation.......it's not the first time Brisbane management have bet on the wrong horse.

The only thing to be glad about, is at least the reason why Hunt and Norman won't be seen together in a Brisbane jersey next year has been finally told to **** off out of the club.
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