2014 Halves Pairing



NRL Captain
Mar 16, 2008
I think the biggest concern is that our best case scenario still involves Ben Hunt as the senior playmaker in the team.

Does the guy have the ability to manage football games?

He's a great ball player and is deceptively quick of the mark in his running game, but does he have the patience to grind out games and play the boring stuff..

All those years coming of the bench playing 20 minutes of back up hooker rather than plying his trade in the QCup could be telling.


NYC Player
Apr 3, 2013
I have faith in Hunt to be able to be the dominant playmaker, but my only issue will be with our long kicking game, he and Macca really need to step up on that front. Short kicking, running and passing will be fine, but I think we'll be in trouble if Milford/Barba can't make breaks when we're coming out of our own half.


NRL Captain
Mar 16, 2008
Bash the middle, hit the edges with Thaiday and Gillett on 3 or 4 or out the back to Barba...

Hodges given good space, a proper winger outside him and boom that's good for at least 2.5 tries a game, I think.


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
I think the biggest concern is that our best case scenario still involves Ben Hunt as the senior playmaker in the team.

Does the guy have the ability to manage football games?

He's a great ball player and is deceptively quick of the mark in his running game, but does he have the patience to grind out games and play the boring stuff..

All those years coming of the bench playing 20 minutes of back up hooker rather than plying his trade in the QCup could be telling.

The off season will give him the best opportunity to prepare for next season as a real playmaker instead of being a substitute dummy half for McCullough and a few games here and there in the halves which gave him no time to develop real combinations, He can make a difference given the right platform to work with, but he alone can't carry the side. Can he play the patience game? I think that's where someone like Kevin Walters could really benefit a player like Hunt, working on that side of his games especially his kicking game.


QCup Player
Oct 24, 2013
Hunt is realistically only a reasonable bench player. We do not have a halves combination. We are in trouble. Is it too late to make a late approach to James Oconnor? Lucky to make the top 10 next year. Mayby we will see Gillet at half and Stagg at 5/8 . Nothing wold surprise me with Gee in charge of recruitment.


International Captain
Forum Staff
Oct 5, 2011
Hunt is realistically only a reasonable bench player. We do not have a halves combination. We are in trouble. Is it too late to make a late approach to James Oconnor? Lucky to make the top 10 next year. Mayby we will see Gillet at half and Stagg at 5/8 . Nothing wold surprise me with Gee in charge of recruitment.

Are you kidding me? You rate oconner as a playmaker over hunt? That's fucking ridiculous, have you even watched oconner play?


NRL Captain
Aug 5, 2013
Hunt is realistically only a reasonable bench player. We do not have a halves combination. We are in trouble. Is it too late to make a late approach to James Oconnor? Lucky to make the top 10 next year. Mayby we will see Gillet at half and Stagg at 5/8 . Nothing wold surprise me with Gee in charge of recruitment.
Hahaha that's great gutsa.
Danoz Direct

Danoz Direct

NRL Captain
Oct 12, 2013
Hunt is realistically only a reasonable bench player. We do not have a halves combination. We are in trouble. Is it too late to make a late approach to James Oconnor? Lucky to make the top 10 next year. Mayby we will see Gillet at half and Stagg at 5/8 . Nothing wold surprise me with Gee in charge of recruitment.

Are you kidding me we have hardly seen hunt in the halfback roll. Lets just wait and see what happens over preseason and then make a judgement after the first 10 rounds.


NYC Player
Aug 27, 2013
At 78 kg i think he is too light yet. Give him another year.
Unfortunately he has lost a couple of years with illness and injury.

Im sure a few weekends with Sammy on the pies will sort that out.


NRL Captain
Mar 16, 2008
uptheguts you make a fair point while missing the mark.

The Broncos are placing a lot of responsibility on Hunt which could make or break our season and which more seasoned play makers (Wallace and Prince) failed to do.
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Russell Coight

Russell Coight

QCup Player
Jul 10, 2013
I think hunt has proved he can't cut it. Griffin just loves to felate his former 20's players.
Danoz Direct

Danoz Direct

NRL Captain
Oct 12, 2013
Did you see him play last year? With a good pre season he could be a gun and a leading halfback in the competition. Give him time to grow into the role.


It's Bronco Time
Aug 27, 2008
He hasn't even been given a proper chance yet, and you think he has proven he can't make it?

Give him a proper shot and then judge

I don't know if he'll make it, but he should get a fair crack


State of Origin Rep
Jun 26, 2008
He hasn't even been given a proper chance yet, and you think he has proven he can't make it?

Give him a proper shot and then judge

I don't know if he'll make it, but he should get a fair crack


With a full pre-season under his belt he'll have his best shot at securing the halfback spot.

He needs to be given a decent go at it.
Harry Sack

Harry Sack

International Rep
Forum Staff
Jun 12, 2013
I think hunt has proved he can't cut it. Griffin just loves to felate his former 20's players.

I don't disagree with the bold but Hunt hasn't really had a chance to prove anything IMO. He's been coming off the bunch for the last couple of years as a Hooker. Reserving judgement at this stage.

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