2016 Strongest Line-Up



State of Origin Rep
Mar 2, 2010
Re: Looking Ahead to 2016

So keen for Anderson to strut his stuff, could be our next iconic genuine winger.


NYC Player
Oct 17, 2013
Re: Looking Ahead to 2016

Kahu should be locked in on the wing. He takes bombs better than anyone else we have.

This is such a tough one, I've found myself going back and forth, On one hand he is great under the high ball and courageous as all hell on the wing but he has those tap on passes to his outside man that would be killer in the centres, he does tend to race up and jam an opposing centre rather then slide but if he can perfect it just like steve matai then we could have an awesome centre on our hands.

I guess alot of it could depend who out of kahu or copley perform better at centre in the trials, But copley should be nowhere near that wing spot it's centre or nothing for him.


International Captain
Jan 25, 2013
Re: Looking Ahead to 2016

The thing with Glenn is that he may not have the impact as other forwards, but he is likely our most mobile one - which is extremely helpful to cover the inside of Milf or to help get across if he's getting isolated.


International Rep
Oct 17, 2013
Re: Looking Ahead to 2016

I feel like Oates is a back line player for now but why not give him a go in the centres? No high bombs, won't come off his wing. Will draw in 2 defenders too. Imagine Carlin Anderson's speed outside that.
1 Boyd
2 Kahu
3 Reed
4 Oates/Copley
5 Anderson


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
Re: Looking Ahead to 2016

I feel like Oates is a back line player for now but why not give him a go in the centres? No high bombs, won't come off his wing. Will draw in 2 defenders too. Imagine Carlin Anderson's speed outside that.
1 Boyd
2 Kahu
3 Reed
4 Oates/Copley
5 Anderson

too much reed


International Rep
May 21, 2013
Re: Looking Ahead to 2016

I've gone back and forth on Reed more than anyone on this forum I think, and I still don't know where I land on the issue. Some games he's absolutely unreal, setting up 2 tries and scoring 2 himself, whilst shutting down every single attacking raid down the left side of the field, in other games he's non-existent in attack and lets attackers run around the outside of him for fun.

If he can C O N S I S T E N T L Y play at his best, and get healthy for once (Pretty sure he had niggling shoulder and leg complaints all year, just judging by how much he grimaces when he gets up after a tackle), he'd definitely be the best Centre on our roster. It will all depend on whether Wayne thinks he can get his best out of him, if he doesn't, he'll be goneskies.


BRL Player
Apr 25, 2014
Re: Looking Ahead to 2016

On the topic of Reed I must say hes kinda ageing as it is. Think hes like around 27-28 so it'll be ideal to kinda "blood" new centre combination in Kahu/Copley or even Oates/Copley. That way once boyd retires, Kahu slots at fb and then maybe Jordan drew or even Aaron Whitchurch can come in but I guess thats ages to come


Senior Staff
Sep 6, 2013
Re: Looking Ahead to 2016

I know this won't happen but I'd be doing this:

1. Kahu (He looked great at the back early in the year and is far more creative than Boyd, plus Boyd did Jack (another Reed reference :) ) all for us this year and his defensive positioning was terrible all year.
2. Boyd
3. Reed (Copley is better potential wise but he really needs to take the pre-season to show Bennett he wants it)
4. Oates (I've been calling for this for a while)
5. Anderson (I love what Maranta offers but need to give Anderson a shot, he is too good not to get a shot. If he fails, bring in Maranta.)
6. Milford
7. Hunt
8. McGuire (He is going to revel in the new reduced interchanges)
9. McCullough (He has improved but imagine if WE had Granville in the GF or Parcell with speed out of dummy half, they wouldn't have even needed Parker walking up alongside Macca only for him to bomb it with a stupid ineffective dummy)
10. Blair (Boy oh boy was I wrong on him early in the year and very happy to say so)
11, Glenn (He has been very good this year, just unfortunately hampered by a leg injury in the GF, deserves his spot and will be effective in the reduced interchange)
12. Gillett (He was brilliant in the GF, he needs to be in the second row starting)
13. Parker (His final season most likely even though nobody wants to think about it, Arrow needs to be around squads as 18th man)

14. Kikorima (He is going to be even more lethal against tired forwards next year)
15. Joffa (He showed what he was capable of this year, he is super fit and a massive plus for our bench)
16. Wallace (How much has he improved!! Was amazing in the GF, just needs to get the refs off his unfair case)
17. Teo (If we sign him it would be brilliant but if not, Thaiday gets the spot and Gavet can show he wants it by tearing it up in pre-season)

18. Arrow (He has to debut next year, absolutely has to and be carried around as 18th man at home games)
Bucking Beads

Bucking Beads

International Captain
Mar 5, 2008
Re: Looking Ahead to 2016

Has Wayne discussed his plans for Corey Oates moving forward?? He is a beast and will probably end up in the back row but you just never know.
Danoz Direct

Danoz Direct

NRL Captain
Oct 12, 2013
Re: Looking Ahead to 2016

Has Wayne discussed his plans for Corey Oates moving forward?? He is a beast and will probably end up in the back row but you just never know.

I think he starts our sets off to well for him to be moved next season, but maybe 2017.
Bucking Beads

Bucking Beads

International Captain
Mar 5, 2008
Re: Looking Ahead to 2016

I think he starts our sets off to well for him to be moved next season, but maybe 2017.
Yeah well there isn't really many spots in the pack for him. Better to be playing 80 on the wing than not getting much game time off the bench. Its be nice to have genuine speed in the backline and a goal kicker on the wing.


International Rep
May 21, 2013
Re: Looking Ahead to 2016

I'm not having a go or anything @Bucking Beads, just genuinely interested.

Do you regret moving on from supporting the Broncos in hindsight? Or are you fine with your decision and happy to support the boys down the coast.

Edit: Got a reply via PM. :)
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Danoz Direct

Danoz Direct

NRL Captain
Oct 12, 2013
Re: Looking Ahead to 2016

Why Wallace and Offa over Thaiday?

I believe they both need to play throughout the season, but not at the same time, Thaiday will be in the squad every time.
Black Philip

Black Philip

State of Origin Captain
Mar 5, 2008
Re: Looking Ahead to 2016

1. Boyd
2. Maranta/Copley/Anderson
3. Kahu
4. Reed
5. Oates
6. Milford
7. Hunt
8. McGuire
9. McCullough
10. Blair
11. Thaiday
12. Gillett/Glenn
13. Parker

14. Nikorima
15. Gillett/Glenn
16. Wallace
17. Ofahengaue

Very difficult to fit Te'o into the team if we get him. We have an excellent chance to finish top 4 again. At the very least, we will be a highly competitive unit.


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