2016 Strongest Line-Up

Super Freak

Super Freak

International Captain
Forum Staff
Jan 25, 2014
Re: Looking Ahead to 2016

1. Boyd
2. Oates
3. Reed
4. Kahu/Copley
5. Maranta/Anderson
6. Milford
7. Hunt
8. McGuire
9. McCullough
10. Blair
11. Te'o/Glenn
12. Gillett
13. Parker

14. Glenn/Te'o
15. Thaiday
16. Gavet/Wallace
17. Nikorima
Danoz Direct

Danoz Direct

NRL Captain
Oct 12, 2013
Re: Looking Ahead to 2016

1. Boyd
2. Oates
3. Reed
4. Kahu/Copley
5. Maranta/Anderson
6. Milford
7. Hunt
8. McGuire
9. McCullough
10. Blair
11. Te'o/Glenn
12. Gillett
13. Parker

14. Glenn/Te'o
15. Thaiday
16. Gavet/Wallace
17. Nikorima

I just can't shake the feeling that our team looks a whole lot more dangerous without Reed and Maranta in the side.
Black Philip

Black Philip

State of Origin Captain
Mar 5, 2008
Re: Looking Ahead to 2016

I think Reed is seriously underrated by many Broncos fans.


International Rep
Forum Staff
Sep 28, 2012
Re: Looking Ahead to 2016

I think Reed is seriously underrated by many Broncos fans.

His problem is consistency. Some games he's untouchable, others he's worse than a passenger and is a burden, sometimes in both attack and defence. Whether it's him getting too cocky in his own ability with regards to his tackling style (which has been well and truly covered by now), injury hampering his ability, him being one of those 'play well when we're winning' type players or similarly a player that's a bit shit except when he's not.

The guy's 27 turning 28 and you still don't know what sort of player you'll get on game day. And yes I get that outside backs can be a bit of a lottery with form, but he's playing for us in top 4 Bennett coached side. Not the Warriors or Tigers.

Also probably working against him is the fact we never passed right because of old man Hodgo, so Reed had more possession, and more missed chances with his somewhat common ball-hogging. Also, you put everything he does and everything a Copley or Kahu can do side-by-side in attack, he looks like he moves in slow-motion. Seriously when was the last time he broke the line on his own?

In defence, everyone targeted Milf +Reed this year, especially the Cowboys with the Morgan play. That may decrease but it got exposed a lot this year so it'll happen next year until we can (maybe) shut it down effectively.


International Captain
Senior Staff
Apr 26, 2008
Re: Looking Ahead to 2016

I think Reed is seriously underrated by many Broncos fans.
Not by me, I'm a fan. Copley can stay in reserves for all I care, for mine Reed deserves a centre spot, and for next season, I'd like to see Copley get the other spot, if only because I think Copley is an awful winger, and it would be much better for the team having Kahu on the wing, but then Kahu is great at setting up his winger, while Copley is a hog. Oh well, glad I'm not coach :)
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NYC Player
Oct 17, 2013
Re: Looking Ahead to 2016

This is where i stand with jack reed.

Great player for our style this year being a more defensive centre, I like his extra efforts on things like kick chase and i actually find he is pretty damn good at marking up on his opposing centre in D, With not to much unneccessary shooting out of the line which suited our stay back and slide tactics this year.

The problem is his tackling style of letting an opposing centre get outside of him cutting them down from side on gets found out against bigger centres, He tends to slip off the tackle against the hurrells and fergusons.

In attack he is alright in set plays and can put his winger away pretty well these days, But is never going to be a strike centre that will change a game like copley may end up being.

All in all i think reed is tough as nails and has all but earned first crack at centre given the year he has had, But can't shake the feeling that he will be left behind at some point in the next couple of years as the backs just keep getting bigger faster and stronger, As a defensive centre myself i can appreciate how difficult it is to standout in this time with giant islanders running at you almost every game, the athletes are genetic freaks nowadays and almost dead is the average normal body size hard working centre.


International Captain
Jan 25, 2013
Re: Looking Ahead to 2016

This is where i stand with jack reed.

Great player for our style this year being a more defensive centre, I like his extra efforts on things like kick chase and i actually find he is pretty damn good at marking up on his opposing centre in D, With not to much unneccessary shooting out of the line which suited our stay back and slide tactics this year.

The problem is his tackling style of letting an opposing centre get outside of him cutting them down from side on gets found out against bigger centres, He tends to slip off the tackle against the hurrells and fergusons.

In attack he is alright in set plays and can put his winger away pretty well these days, But is never going to be a strike centre that will change a game like copley may end up being.

All in all i think reed is tough as nails and has all but earned first crack at centre given the year he has had, But can't shake the feeling that he will be left behind at some point in the next couple of years as the backs just keep getting bigger faster and stronger, As a defensive centre myself i can appreciate how difficult it is to standout in this time with giant islanders running at you almost every game, the athletes are genetic freaks nowadays and almost dead is the average normal body size hard working centre.

This all the way. Excellent summary. He's won way more games than he's lost, it's more that we're so used to him being a defensive rock that when he does let one in it stands out.

For mine, the #3 jersey is his to lose. Copley should get the right centre spot, simply because he's crap under the high ball and Kahu is so good. I suspect that Kahu is a good enough club man that he won't consider the wing spot as a lesser position.


International Rep
Mar 4, 2008
Re: Looking Ahead to 2016

If Reed is a defensive player, I really don't want to think about who a non-defensive player is. He gets caught out too often against quality opposition (like Ferguson).
Super Freak

Super Freak

International Captain
Forum Staff
Jan 25, 2014
Re: Looking Ahead to 2016

It would help Reed if he didn't have to worry about Milford.

One of the reasons why I want Te'o.
Bucking Beads

Bucking Beads

International Captain
Mar 5, 2008
Re: Looking Ahead to 2016

Jack Reed is one of those players that can be both overrated and underrated.


International Rep
May 21, 2013
Re: Looking Ahead to 2016

It would help Reed if he didn't have to worry about Milford.

One of the reasons why I want Te'o.

Yeah that's what I was thinking about as well, would be a massive upgrade for our defence on the left side, Glenn lead the league in missed tackles the season before last I'm pretty sure (Or was very close), if Te'o is working in tandem with Milford that means Reed doesn't have to overcommit to helping him as much. which means he can focus more on not letting people outside of him, which in turn also means our winger doesn't have to race in-field to cover for Reed covering for Milford!
Super Freak

Super Freak

International Captain
Forum Staff
Jan 25, 2014
Re: Looking Ahead to 2016



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