RUMOUR Bellamy - 10 Year Deal

Makes perfect sense to me. Great way to develop new coaches to excellence. Should hopefully bring about a cultural change as well. Playing up against Seibs is one thing, try that shit on with Bellamy and Walters and good fucking luck. I remember in the army one guy getting a face ripping from our platoon Commander...made him pine for the good ole days when it was just his kindly seco doing it.
Why wouldn't he just stay with Melb if he can work remotely. Living on the Goldie/Kingscliff area and only travelling to Melb once a fortnight is easily achievable. every chance we are getting screwed over once again
Give him a two year deal, make him prove his worth.

He's great as a head coach for the Melbourne Storm, but he's going to have a very different role and quite frankly, his time as NSW coach doesn't inspire confidence that he would be able to recognize and recruit players that fit into our system, if he even has a hand in any of that. He's been great at recruiting players that fit into the Storm system because he created it. He's not going to have that same luxury here.

I agree here. Bellamy's entire career has been based around The Best Player Ever leading the team around, and plugging players in and around that. If he comes with a cloned 20-year-old Cam Smith, then I'd throw the chequebook at him.
Why wouldn't he just stay with Melb if he can work remotely. Living on the Goldie/Kingscliff area and only travelling to Melb once a fortnight is easily achievable. every chance we are getting screwed over once again

Maybe he's sick of Melbourne.
I agree here. Bellamy's entire career has been based around The Best Player Ever leading the team around, and plugging players in and around that. If he comes with a cloned 20-year-old Cam Smith, then I'd throw the chequebook at him.
He seems to be doing a fair job of identifying replacements though.
Pappenhauzen , Munster and Grant.
Not as good as the 3 they replaced but balanced with a fair forward pack.
He seems to be doing a fair job of identifying replacements though.
Pappenhauzen , Munster and Grant.
Not as good as the 3 they replaced but balanced with a fair forward pack.
Throw in Brandon Smith who is an absolute terrier, and Hughes who is the most improved halfback in the comp.

The scouts at the Storm are second to none. The number of players who fulfill their potential under Bellamy make us look like an incompetent backwater.
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the more leaks there are in the press, right when Bellamys trying to win a GF this year.....this club doesnt fucking learn...

This bloke does not tolerate fools...

Much like GI, we had Bellamy signed sealed and delivered more than once and fucked it...

I have no faith the utter rabble in there now will do this......BTW where is the fucking CEO..?

Delusions of grandeur and yet we still havent filled in the current vacant positions...took 6 weeks to get a coach in...

can we please just announce a CEO thanks......
CS9 quoted as saying if he played on he wouldn’t under any othe coach than CB. Also that he didn’t believe CB would take up the Broncs offer -siting its time to put his feet up given the amount of effort he puts in everyday. Hope he’s wrong.
Understand. I was referring to CS9 in an assistant role, not a playing capacity. I think the Broncos would accommodate Bellamy's desire to spend less time 'at work'. I'm less sure about the immediate future though, 2021. There's really only two people who are a great fit for Coaching Director(Overlord!) CB and WB. The 2021 setup is a puzzle that's for sure.
He seems to be doing a fair job of identifying replacements though.
Pappenhauzen , Munster and Grant.
Not as good as the 3 they replaced but balanced with a fair forward pack.

There's a reason Bellamy is quitting as a head coach after next year. Those are all decent players, made to look exceptional by their captain. Having Smith there means that every role can be simplified, whether it's their halves, their fullback, or anyone one else. Once a role is simplified, it can be drilled down to an absolute certainty.

Triple M were talking about Adam Blair on the weekend and how he struggled at the Tigers because his role was so diversified compared to his time at the Storm. All he needed to do there was be at a certain offset to Cronk and that was it, the plays came from there. In any other team, there are more responsibilities and situations that need to be accounted for. Not at the Storm, because everything comes from Coach Smith and they literally just have to react like simple pre-programmed robots. It's also why the Storm have struggled when their Plan A is foiled, because they literally have no Plan B programmed.

All the Storm have done is develop a system where they only need a very narrow scope from recruits, the common one is a willingness to be flogged in to submission. The individual talents allow them to plug in to a certain position, but their takents aren't enhanced by the Storm system, they're just isolated and forced to play within those bounds. The entire Storm and Bellamy system will crumble when Smith retires, because no one, not even Harry Grant or Brandon Smith, can replicate what he brings.
There's a reason Bellamy is quitting as a head coach after next year. Those are all decent players, made to look exceptional by their captain. Having Smith there means that every role can be simplified, whether it's their halves, their fullback, or anyone one else. Once a role is simplified, it can be drilled down to an absolute certainty.

Triple M were talking about Adam Blair on the weekend and how he struggled at the Tigers because his role was so diversified compared to his time at the Storm. All he needed to do there was be at a certain offset to Cronk and that was it, the plays came from there. In any other team, there are more responsibilities and situations that need to be accounted for. Not at the Storm, because everything comes from Coach Smith and they literally just have to react like simple pre-programmed robots. It's also why the Storm have struggled when their Plan A is foiled, because they literally have no Plan B programmed.

All the Storm have done is develop a system where they only need a very narrow scope from recruits, the common one is a willingness to be flogged in to submission. The individual talents allow them to plug in to a certain position, but their takents aren't enhanced by the Storm system, they're just isolated and forced to play within those bounds. The entire Storm and Bellamy system will crumble when Smith retires, because no one, not even Harry Grant or Brandon Smith, can replicate what he brings.

We won't find out I guess.
Harry Grant is probably close to Smith at the same age.
CB has said all along he doesn't want to coach forever like a WB.
17 years is a fair dig so I think it's a bit unfair to say he is quitting because Smith is retiring. A lot of people said Melb would struggle post Slater then post Cronk but they keep coming up with replacements.
I hope Smith retires so we can see at least 1 year before Bellamy steps aside as head coach.
There's a reason Bellamy is quitting as a head coach after next year. Those are all decent players, made to look exceptional by their captain. Having Smith there means that every role can be simplified, whether it's their halves, their fullback, or anyone one else. Once a role is simplified, it can be drilled down to an absolute certainty.

Triple M were talking about Adam Blair on the weekend and how he struggled at the Tigers because his role was so diversified compared to his time at the Storm. All he needed to do there was be at a certain offset to Cronk and that was it, the plays came from there. In any other team, there are more responsibilities and situations that need to be accounted for. Not at the Storm, because everything comes from Coach Smith and they literally just have to react like simple pre-programmed robots. It's also why the Storm have struggled when their Plan A is foiled, because they literally have no Plan B programmed.

All the Storm have done is develop a system where they only need a very narrow scope from recruits, the common one is a willingness to be flogged in to submission. The individual talents allow them to plug in to a certain position, but their takents aren't enhanced by the Storm system, they're just isolated and forced to play within those bounds. The entire Storm and Bellamy system will crumble when Smith retires, because no one, not even Harry Grant or Brandon Smith, can replicate what he brings.
I think that is a gross over-simplification.

Of course when Smith retires there will very likely be some regression. It simply isn't possible to have perhaps the best player of all time retire and then expect there to be no fallout from that.

I'd suggest though that a huge part of Bellamy's success rests on the deeds of Smith, but similarly, I'd suggest a significant portion of Smith's success rests with Bellamy. It's one of those incredibly rare occasions where a player and Coach end up in a near perfect partnership where both are made better by working with the other. I think Alfie, incredible talent that he was, still owes a level of his success to being coached by a guy in Bennett who could recognise his strengths and weaknesses and adjust his approach accordingly.

It's not just about Smith though, Melbourne have lost Inglis, then Slater, then Cronk, and shortly of course, they'll lose Smith too. Bellamy could honestly have cut and run two years ago when Slater was already gone and it was apparent Cronk was going too. He didn't though, and I suspect in his mind as much as it was about getting one more title with Smith, he no doubt values his legacy and I suspect like anyone with ego, he would want to leave something at Melbourne that can stand up long after he's gone.

He obviously cannot replace Inglis, Slater, Cronk and Smith. These are some of the finest players of the modern era. But I'd suggest in some of the guys he's got coming through, he's probably got the closest he could come to emulating these guys. I certainly know I'd take just about every one of them at Brisbane.

I suspect when he walks out of there in 2021 he'll have possibly another title under his belt, but he'll also be leaving behind one of the most exciting and promising playing groups in the competition and it will be up to them and their new Coach to carry the baton at that point. He'll be coming back to Queensland to enjoy a less demanding role closer to his family and honestly, I think after nearly 20 years of doing a simply masterful job, that's a more than fair enough time to walk away without anybody sniping from the sidelines that it was about fear of not being successful anymore.
There's a reason Bellamy is quitting as a head coach after next year. Those are all decent players, made to look exceptional by their captain. Having Smith there means that every role can be simplified, whether it's their halves, their fullback, or anyone one else. Once a role is simplified, it can be drilled down to an absolute certainty.

Triple M were talking about Adam Blair on the weekend and how he struggled at the Tigers because his role was so diversified compared to his time at the Storm. All he needed to do there was be at a certain offset to Cronk and that was it, the plays came from there. In any other team, there are more responsibilities and situations that need to be accounted for. Not at the Storm, because everything comes from Coach Smith and they literally just have to react like simple pre-programmed robots. It's also why the Storm have struggled when their Plan A is foiled, because they literally have no Plan B programmed.

All the Storm have done is develop a system where they only need a very narrow scope from recruits, the common one is a willingness to be flogged in to submission. The individual talents allow them to plug in to a certain position, but their takents aren't enhanced by the Storm system, they're just isolated and forced to play within those bounds. The entire Storm and Bellamy system will crumble when Smith retires, because no one, not even Harry Grant or Brandon Smith, can replicate what he brings.
Plan A doesn't get foiled too often though.....there non existent plan B is a hell of a lot better than our plan which no one in the club knows