You're trying to make your point based on Thurston's failure to achieve something once, that he has otherwise done many, many times.
You're brushing aside Hunt's glaring deficiencies by emphasising what he does well, ignoring the fact that one of, if not the most important job of an halfback, is doing what his weakness is.
Moving the forward pack around for field position is not so much the halfback's as the hooker's job, and Macca has been (justifiably) crucified for failing to do it here quite a few times, without people getting up in arms about it... at least not like Hunt.
It's not when we're going well or against weaker adversaries that Hunt's weakness comes to the fore, but when we need to apply pressure against a tough opponent, earning repeat sets, making them work hard to come out of their ingoal by kicking into the corners, varying our 5th tackle options to keep them guessing and get some holes opened in their defense, etc...
That is the job of a halfback, and as you said... his weakness. That wouldn't be so much of a problem if we had someone else in the team capable of doing is, but we don't.