Ben Hunt vs Ash Taylor

You do know that repeating the same thing ad nauseum won't make it true, right?

Maybe I should break it down in sizeable and easier to swallow chunks:

- Hunt's progress is very unlikely to be steep at this stage. It will be flattening or plateauing, although he may still have some improvement in him.
- Taylor's progress is still very much in its steep phase, since he is still a rookie learning to apply his talent on the big stage.
- We have a baseline called Ben Hunt's whole career.
- We have similar trajectories up to the start of both players FG careers.
- We can compare both players during those trajectories, but cannot do so for the remaining of Hunt's career, as Taylor hasn't got to that point yet.

Now, like most scouts do, you compare the innate talent of the players, their willingness to work hard, their physical attributes, their intelligence and their mental toughness during the trajectories they have in common, and based on how far the older player got, you extrapolate how far the younger one can go.

It's just an exercise of probabilities taking into account a relatively normal career path, because like [MENTION=2065]lynx000[/MENTION] said, anything could happen... from the player crumbling under the pressure, to a possible Earth invasion by hostile alien forces.

I never realised we had so many scouts on here, this is fantastic! Interested to learn how you measured Taylor's intelligence, ment toughness and willingness to work through watching some U20's games?
Sorry, I stopped reading after this. Simply not true.

Please discuss the posts, not the posters.

I was discussing the post. You put up an earlier post that baited another member, then followed up with the post that I quoted claiming a similar bait. I want to discuss those two posts and why they should be treated differently?
I was discussing the post. You put up an earlier post that baited another member, then followed up with the post that I quoted claiming a similar bait. I want to discuss those two posts and why they should be treated differently?

Who said they should be treated differently? They're two similar posts by myself and Brett, the only difference is how each of us responded to said posts, now if you could stop derailing this topic with your personal agendas that would be phenomenal. If you have any further complaints, you know where to direct them.
Saying Taylor is a liability or concedes more tries than he creates is a load of bollocks. That's just the standard got to excuse when it comes to Taylor.

I'd prefer if Milford wasn't Morgan's bitch in defense of course, but I still wouldn't trade the Milf for anyone, as I wouldn't have traded the Lockyer for anyone, curiously another half with a more than suspect defense.

You're basing your opinion on what you've seen in the 20's, right? How many times did you see teams beat the Broncos U20's purely because Taylor was leaking points like a perforated Steve Michaels?

This thread seems like a sensitive topic for some people. Do I sense some insecurity around Hunt's ability to lead the Broncos to a premiership?

For the record, I agree Cult, this thread has become muddled. I don't mind it if people compare their abilities now, but I disagree Hunt's sample should be only include his first seven games. For starters, Hunt was younger during that time, wasn't playing half and wasn't in a position to play in a full-strength outfit.

Compare them on their 2016 achievements.

I also believe both players have improvement in them.

Personally, the reason I take offence to this thread is because it comes across as purely an agenda thread. It began as the "I don't like Bennett because of how he came back" to the "I don't like Bennett because we don't need Boyd" to the "Milford is not a half he should play as fullback but Bennett won't move Boyd" to the "Even though Milford is good we should move him to fullback so Taylor can be given a starting spot" to the "Boyd and Milford are going okay but Hunt is shit and we never should have let Taylor go because he might be better than Hunt" thread. Now it's the "who will be better in the future" thread. It's just really tiring.
Who said they should be treated differently? They're two similar posts by myself and Brett, the only difference is how each of us responded to said posts, now if you could stop derailing this topic with your personal agendas that would be phenomenal. If you have any further complaints, you know where to direct them.

Are you going to intimate that the way you responded was in some way more justified, more adult or otherwise than my response? This is interesting.
You're basing your opinion on what you've seen in the 20's, right? How many times did you see teams beat the Broncos U20's purely because Taylor was leaking points like a perforated Steve Michaels?

Personally, the reason I take offence to this thread is because it comes across as purely an agenda thread. It began as the "I don't like Bennett because of how he came back" to the "I don't like Bennett because we don't need Boyd" to the "Milford is not a half he should play as fullback but Bennett won't move Boyd" to the "Even though Milford is good we should move him to fullback so Taylor can be given a starting spot" to the "Boyd and Milford are going okay but Hunt is shit and we never should have let Taylor go because he might be better than Hunt" thread. Now it's the "who will be better in the future" thread. It's just really tiring.

This is exactly how I feel.
Me too in a way. It's an agenda thread based on what might happen in years to come.
It is possible to have an opinion without it being an agenda. I was in the "Let him walk" category at the time the discussions were raised, because I assumed Hunt would improve his kicking game over the off-season, which clearly hasn't happened.

I'm certainly not giving up on Benny, he led us to a Grand Final last year, but I'm like 25% concerned that Taylor is going to be the far better player in the neat future.
It is possible to have an opinion without it being an agenda. I was in the "Let him walk" category at the time the discussions were raised, because I assumed Hunt would improve his kicking game over the off-season, which clearly hasn't happened.

I'm certainly not giving up on Benny, he led us to a Grand Final last year, but I'm like 25% concerned that Taylor is going to be the far better player in the neat future.

What about a more chaotic future?
I never realised we had so many scouts on here, this is fantastic! Interested to learn how you measured Taylor's intelligence, ment toughness and willingness to work through watching some U20's games?
I wonder why you ask this? Surely it's not a bait, is it?

I mean, you know very well that I know the kid, have seen him play for years, have talked to him, have even carried the water bottles for him at the time he was playing in the same team as my son, and have continuously followed his career since he was 14 or 15.
I'm not a professional scout, nor do I pretend to be, but I am entitled to an opinion, especially when it is a better informed one. I mean, do you reckon I might have picked up a thing or two about him during that time?

You're basing your opinion on what you've seen in the 20's, right? How many times did you see teams beat the Broncos U20's purely because Taylor was leaking points like a perforated Steve Michaels?
No, I'm basing it on 6/7 years of watching the kid grow as a footballer. A feeling shared by more and more people nowadays btw...

And no, I didn't see that happen nearly as many times as I saw the Broncos U20's beat other teams thanks to him.

Personally, the reason I take offence to this thread is because it comes across as purely an agenda thread. It began as the "I don't like Bennett because of how he came back" to the "I don't like Bennett because we don't need Boyd" to the "Milford is not a half he should play as fullback but Bennett won't move Boyd" to the "Even though Milford is good we should move him to fullback so Taylor can be given a starting spot" to the "Boyd and Milford are going okay but Hunt is shit and we never should have let Taylor go because he might be better than Hunt" thread. Now it's the "who will be better in the future" thread. It's just really tiring.
You may not like it, you may disagree, but how is it offensive? Are we hurting your feelings? Hitting a nerve maybe?
Are you going to lie down in a fetal position and cry for weeks if Taylor does deliver on his promise?

Didn't this thread get precious, my god.
Truer words were never spoken.
I mean, you know very well that I know the kid, have seen him play for years, have talked to him, have even carried the water bottles for him at the time he was playing in the same team as my son, and have continuously followed his career since he was 14 or 15.
I'm not a professional scout, nor do I pretend to be, but I am entitled to an opinion, especially when it is a better informed one. I mean, do you reckon I might have picked up a thing or two about him during that time?

No, I'm basing it on 6/7 years of watching the kid grow as a footballer. A feeling shared by more and more people nowadays btw...

I also know know that your bias extends due to the fact that he is from the group of kids that your son played with, correct? The same way you have an affinity with Berrell?

And no, I didn't see that happen nearly as many times as I saw the Broncos U20's beat other teams thanks to him.

Him purely? I was pretty sure that the Broncos U20s had a pretty good team last year. He may have been impressive, but I'm not sure if he can take the credit for all of it. Whereas he was most surely the reason he fell off tackles like a limp cheeseburger patty, can't share those efforts with the team, sorry.

You may not like it, you may disagree, but how is it offensive? Are we hurting your feelings? Hitting a nerve maybe?
Are you going to lie down in a fetal position and cry for weeks if Taylor does deliver on his promise?

I might do. But mostly because it insults my intelligence and that of our fellow posters. It annoys me like 1910 spruiking the Jets, in that you're far more invested than just a wide-eyed, excited fan. There's an element of this that you hold personally, so it's never going to be an argument held on impartial terms, is it.
I think in 5 years time, Taylor will be a nothing player. I don't base that on his ability, I base it on his teams ability to keep their shit together. He's working under a coach who knows the technical side of what needs to happen, but doesn't seem to be able to coach it. He's working under a CEO who's an old NRL dino.

If the club can sort their shit out, he will probably go well.