Ben Hunt

  • Thread starter BroncosFan4Life7
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State of Origin Rep
Jul 27, 2013
And you're an anonymous troll on a forum taking the name of one of the club's greats. Your opinion means no more than anyone else's, so GFY.

I don't want to derail this thread, but I agree with you and I've chosen to simply not read his replies anymore. :biggrin:
Big Pete

Big Pete

International Captain
Mar 12, 2008
Alright folks let's focus back on Hunt.

I'll ask this question, why are some of you so confident in Hunt's ability? What qualities stand out about him in your opinion?

Do you honestly picture Hunt as the Maroons #7 down the track?
Mr Fourex

Mr Fourex

State of Origin Captain
Apr 9, 2012
9/10, he's OK.

That's a bit high.

6....maybe 7/10 as he stands now.

He had a couple good games and then finished the last 3 games of the season with an overwhelming ....... mehhh

Not sure if he's the answer .....I have a feeling he's not.
Mr Fourex

Mr Fourex

State of Origin Captain
Apr 9, 2012
Alright folks let's focus back on Hunt.

I'll ask this question, why are some of you so confident in Hunt's ability? What qualities stand out about him in your opinion?

Do you honestly picture Hunt as the Maroons #7 down the track?

Bucking Beads

Bucking Beads

International Captain
Mar 5, 2008
It all depends on if he can be consistent. His best is pretty bloody good but producing it for 80 minutes week in week out is the issue. Only time will tell how good or bad he will be. Needs time to develop in the position though. His development has been stuffed.


International Rep
Mar 4, 2008
He has all the skills he needs to make a great half.

Passing, kicking (short kicks at least, and with variety too), vision. Defence has been poor, but that's something I don't care about halves if their attack makes up for it. His biggest problems have been consistency and being able to stay in the game for the whole 80 minutes. You'd think that those problems can be fixed, but Sandow has almost the exact same ones too, so who knows how Hunt handles it.

Anyway he definitely won't be wearing the #7 jersey with DCE around. :tongue_smilie:
Mister Wright

Mister Wright

NRL Captain
Jun 8, 2009
I reckon he has the best right-to-left pass in the game. When he turns on the bullet pass he always finds space for his outside backs.


NRL Player
Sep 24, 2012
Given the circumstances judging him harshly would be ridiculous. He's shown he can step, break a tackle, break a line, commit defenders, throw a great cut out pass, force repeat sets, his long kicking game is improving and he can tackle (not position in defence). He's also great at reading the play and knowing whether to pass or not. Yes he has major flaws. But at this point they all look to be due to lack of experience in the halves. Qld's future spine. 9. Any number of players 7. Dce 6. Hunt/Milford 1. Milford/Barb(a auto correct) he might not make it but he's shown he has the maximum potential to be in the mix.


QCup Player
Aug 25, 2011
Really not sure about Hunt. Like everyone, I wonder how stifled he is from out of position/bench warming. I'm not sure that he can be what we need without some specialised attention through quality coaching. Happy to see him succeed if he has it in him.

Cue Andrew Johns....please
Steve Renouf

Steve Renouf

NYC Player
Aug 31, 2012
Come on mate at least give him a whole season to show what he's made of. If he was bad they would play him. Personally I think he will be a great half.
I have formed my opinion on Hunt from watching him play up until now. Maybe I will be proved wrong, I hope that will happen, but I doubt it.

And you're an anonymous troll on a forum taking the name of one of the club's greats. Your opinion means no more than anyone else's, so GFY.
I never said my opinion means anything more than anyone else. And if having an opinion that is not in line with the majority's views makes me an anonymous troll then so be it, and thanks for the well wishes.

Alright folks let's focus back on Hunt.

I'll ask this question, why are some of you so confident in Hunt's ability?
What qualities stand out about him in your opinion?

Do you honestly picture Hunt as the Maroons #7 down the track?
Good question.


Banned User
Sep 2, 2013
It's clear he has some skills, but whether they can translate to 80 min football is yet to be seen. After the last game though I'm inclined to think unless he gets some real help with his confidence he will never make it. My real concern is that after playing so long as a backup hooker he still couldn't outshine Macca. Yes he was playing out of position, but I would like to think he could have played at least as well as Macca.


International Captain
Forum Staff
Oct 5, 2011
It's clear he has some skills, but whether they can translate to 80 min football is yet to be seen. After the last game though I'm inclined to think unless he gets some real help with his confidence he will never make it. My real concern is that after playing so long as a backup hooker he still couldn't outshine Macca. Yes he was playing out of position, but I would like to think he could have played at least as well as Macca.

Yes, it also concerns me that a halfback that was coming off the bench for 10 minutes cant outshine our cemented hooker. It also concerns me that parker hasn't been able to outshine hoffman at fullback, but hey what ya gonna do...


State of Origin Rep
Oct 9, 2011
I used to love when the Blues picked him, much like Anasta, they were QLD's best player very often. Hmm... Much like Pierce...

I know this is off-topic but Braith Anasta was a great player in his day and played pretty well for NSW from memory. Pearce is just another of those players that performs very well at club level but can't take his game to the next step.
Steve Renouf

Steve Renouf

NYC Player
Aug 31, 2012
I know this is off-topic but Braith Anasta was a great player in his day and played pretty well for NSW from memory. Pearce is just another of those players that performs very well at club level but can't take his game to the next step.
You might want to check your memory, Anasta was a joke for NSW and I and I am sure many other QLD supporters cheered whenever he was picked.

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