Ben Hunt

  • Thread starter BroncosFan4Life7
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Banned User
Sep 2, 2013
Yes, it also concerns me that a halfback that was coming off the bench for 10 minutes cant outshine our cemented hooker. It also concerns me that parker hasn't been able to outshine hoffman at fullback, but hey what ya gonna do...

Hell yeah, it's shocking, but like you said, what are you going to do. If only the coach listened to you, we'd be so much better off. Thanks for the support.


QCup Player
Aug 5, 2013
I'd even be open to a Kimmorley type AC. Never rated him as a player in a big game but he was a scheming and passionate half and seems to have a positive coaching outcome wherever he assists. Could be talking through my hat too. I used to love when the Blues picked him, much like Anasta, they were QLD's best player very often. Hmm... Much like Pierce...
Not sure can blame Kimmorley but McCrones game has gotten even worse this year under him and has increased his intercept passes ala Kimmorley
Harry Sack

Harry Sack

International Rep
Forum Staff
Jun 12, 2013
I rate the footy brain of Kimmorley and I think he would actually make an extremely good coach at some stage. Would love to get him up here to help develop Hunt.

Onto Hunt, for me the jury is still out. He showed some flashes in his limited opportunites this I've said numerous times, we really fucked his development. Next year, with the 7 his after a full off season training for the role, will hopefully see him reach his potential. No, I can't see him playing for QLD.


NRL Player
Jun 29, 2013
I rate the footy brain of Kimmorley and I think he would actually make an extremely good coach at some stage. Would love to get him up here to help develop Hunt.

Onto Hunt, for me the jury is still out. He showed some flashes in his limited opportunites this I've said numerous times, we really fucked his development. Next year, with the 7 his after a full off season training for the role, will hopefully see him reach his potential. No, I can't see him playing for QLD.

Kimmorley teaching Hunt to throw an intercept every second set, and Kearney teaching everyone how to miss tackles. :scared:


International Rep
Mar 4, 2008
I wouldn't want Kimmorley coaching halves, but guys like him and Jason Taylor at the Roosters would make excellent tactician coaches. Reading and listening to some of their stuff can be pretty eye opening.
Harry Sack

Harry Sack

International Rep
Forum Staff
Jun 12, 2013
Kimmorley teaching Hunt to throw an intercept every second set, and Kearney teaching everyone how to miss tackles. :scared:

:loool: I'll rage if Kearney is still here next season TBH.

Cheers to whoever added my brand new sig for me. Very proud of this accolade.


Banned User
Jul 4, 2013
Brett Kimmorely would be the 2nd best halfback the club has ever had.

He was terrible.


State of Origin Rep
Oct 9, 2011
Brett Kimmorely would be the 2nd best halfback the club has ever had.

He was terrible.

Kimmorley was a premiership winning halfback, clive-churchill medalist and played 20 tests and 10 Origins. Sure he wasn't the best player but to say he was terrible is wide of the mark.
Harry Sack

Harry Sack

International Rep
Forum Staff
Jun 12, 2013
I wouldn't want Kimmorley coaching halves, but guys like him and Jason Taylor at the Roosters would make excellent tactician coaches. Reading and listening to some of their stuff can be pretty eye opening.

Yeah, his analysis and understanding of the game is excellent. As a halves coach I might have been getting ahead of myself, but as a tactician I'd happily take him.


Senior Staff
Mar 5, 2008
Bit harsh on Kimmorley. He wasn't a horrible player by any stretch, he just played when Johns played, so everyone compared every player to Johns. And of course, a Johns fan will tell you that every other player is worse than the fat assed little drug cheat.


State of Origin Rep
Aug 19, 2013
I wouldn't want Kimmorley coaching halves, but guys like him and Jason Taylor at the Roosters would make excellent tactician coaches. Reading and listening to some of their stuff can be pretty eye opening.

Ben or shane walker maybe! !!!
Bull Shark

Bull Shark

State of Origin Rep
Jun 4, 2008
Bit harsh on Kimmorley. He wasn't a horrible player by any stretch, he just played when Johns played, so everyone compared every player to Johns. And of course, a Johns fan will tell you that every other player is worse than the fat assed little drug cheat.

given what he was taking I think the only person Johns was actually cheating via drugs was himself .. was more a case of him playing some great football despite his drug intake


International Captain
Jan 25, 2013
given what he was taking I think the only person Johns was actually cheating via drugs was himself .. was more a case of him playing some great football despite his drug intake

The apologists can say that all they want, but you know what they say, a playmaker's greatest asset is confidence. John's confidence came artificially in pill form.
Old Mate

Old Mate

NRL Player
Jul 5, 2008
I hate Johnsy but geez, let a man take a pinga. Wouldn't mind seeing what he'd come in the Cowdownie Fairs annual pinga chew.
Last edited:


QCup Player
Aug 5, 2013
The apologists can say that all they want, but you know what they say, a playmaker's greatest asset is confidence. John's confidence came artificially in pill form.

He was done for E's wasn't he, that really has no affect on ones confidence when you're not high on it and I doubt anyone would say he actually played while high, you simple couldn't.

He wasnt the only player using recreational drugs and you'd be naive to believe any club was 100% clean he was just unfortunate enough to be caught out once he retired.


Banned User
Sep 2, 2013
Look, let us hate on Andrew Johns and stop ruining our fun. I actually thought he said he took them to calm his nerves before a big game? How far before a big game he took them and how long they lasted I wouldn't have a clue.


Banned User
Sep 2, 2013
I think everyone has said everything that can be said, which is why it has derailed. Won't be much to say now until the pre-season starts. Then we can get all the false statements from the coach and players about how they have been working on their defense in the off-season training, especially with wrestling. The condition coach has had them running so hard they have been puking and for them to also say Ben Hunt has been going really well in training and is ready to take the next step.

Then when the season starts we will the same shit dished out because Griffin doesn't have a friggin clue. I kid I kid. I'm still hoping that things will be turned around next year.

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