Yes, right now he's sitting in the stands with us, coming up with the kind of solutions that sound good to fans. It's easy to win fans over by feeding our own words back to us. To an extent Pies has been doing that. We say it on BHQ, three months later he does it.
What's a lot harder is steering a public corporation, that's answerable to shareholders and delivering the profits that justify their investments. As
@Foordy keeps pointing out, that's the job of the CEO, not micromanaging the players.
Ben is speaking a great game right now, and thanks to his media training he's become confident in front of camera and can complete entire sentences with umming and ahhing, or relying on nervous placeholders like "sort of." It's easy to conflate this confidence with inspiration.
As for the spreadsheets, that's great but he might want to learn a few algorithms to plug into them. Any kid can sort a list.
I do like him, though. Even though he shitted me as a player.