NEWS Brisbane to Bennett: it's not you, it's us

back in the day wayne came to my school and delivered a sanctimonious lecture on how to be a unlikable teetotaller dickhead of an ex copper

luckily enough only the first and third parts rubbed off on me

i liked him well enough when he had the broncs winning though and i think the way he treats the media is pretty funny

in conclusion, who knows
Wayne Bennett is not having a bar of the Magic Round outdoor post-game press conferences, despite fines being threatened:

“They can’t make me go and sit there. Unless they physically take me there they won’t get me. It ain’t going to happen. I’m not a fan because I know some of the situations that could happen and I don’t want to be exposed to that."

“I’m prepared to do the press conference, I’m just not prepared to go to that place. If they want to fine me, that’s their prerogative. My prerogative is to not go if I don’t want to. I will be available for a press conference in the usual room.”

“I don’t discuss penalties for dangerous play because I don’t teach my players to hit anyone in the head. I don’t need to talk about it or mention it to them because it’s not the way I want them to play. Does it happen sometimes? Yes. Sometimes someone makes a bad decision. The consequences are going to be there and I’m happy about that."

“It’s not what I coach or believe in. They know my standards.”

He knows TPJ better than most. He knows Milford better than most. He knows James Roberts better than most.

Is it possible Bennett is @upthebroncs?
Reckon it's time for the title of this thread to be changed to something like 'The Wayne Bennett agenda thread' .. interesting how its taken a turn since the Souths game up here a few weeks ago..

Prior to that time, he'd recommended the Broncos to Adam Reynolds for 2022 & beyond and had seemingly left the door ajar for an approach from the club re a return. Since the press conference after that game he's taken possible opportunity to describe the Broncos as a bad club for players to be involved with.

Apart from puffing his chest out to other clubs with job vacancies for next year, he's clearly pretty keen on twisting the knife into the Broncos. Today's comments re Milford are pretty interesting, given what he said about James Roberts a couple of years ago when he exited Brisbane and arrived at Souths.
I'd say WB saw that the Broncos organization had become toxic long before the end of his second stint there. My guess is that he was only welcomed back by most but not all of the powerbrokers in the shadows. It would require WB to have the patience of Job and the Wisdom of Solomon to not respond bitterly when asked about the Broncos after the disgraceful way he was both undermined and disrespected.

We should all understand that it wouldn't matter in the slightest what words WB uses when asked a question concerning the Broncos, the meaning of those words will be disregarded and another spin put on them which would doubless be some form of condemnation. Truthfully, is there anyone on here who would call the Broncos ' a smart club' ?? So, if WB calls it as it is should the messenger be shot?
Maybe just change the title to "The Old Man is yelling at clouds again"
Or maybe 'We need to be better'

Or are you saying we've been a smart club, WB has got it wrong, experience should be ignored?
I'd say WB saw that the Broncos organization had become toxic long before the end of his second stint there. My guess is that he was only welcomed back by most but not all of the powerbrokers in the shadows. It would require WB to have the patience of Job and the Wisdom of Solomon to not respond bitterly when asked about the Broncos after the disgraceful way he was both undermined and disrespected.

We should all understand that it wouldn't matter in the slightest what words WB uses when asked a question concerning the Broncos, the meaning of those words will be disregarded and another spin put on them which would doubless be some form of condemnation. Truthfully, is there anyone on here who would call the Broncos ' a smart club' ?? So, if WB calls it as it is should the messenger be shot?

Or maybe 'We need to be better'

Or are you saying we've been a smart club, WB has got it wrong, experience should be ignored?
Wayne is human and fallible like anyone else. Despite his stoic appearance, he has emotions and can fall victim to their influence, just like everybody else.

There was a short segment on NRL360 where Ikin mentioned the bad blood, but also said "(Kevvie) needs to be supported so that he feels...that he can do it (coach) his way, and not Wayne's".

Wayne is a powerful dude, who knows how to wield that power. Bennett is used to getting his way and this is part of the reason why when he leaves things start to fall apart. There is a power vacuum; a system that has lost its dictator.

He is an excellent coach, but his methods are not entirely conducive to success following his abdication. For example, Newcastle, for which he must shoulder some of the blame. For example, St George, who declined following Wayne leaving. For example, Brisbane both times he left. For example, Rabbitohs, who did not allow Wayne Bennett to take as much control of the club as he usually does.

The issue is that Wayne takes a club by the scruff of the neck and people fall in line. He gets his way and because there is structure and leadership it works. This falls apart when the management system, which was made less relevant during this time then inherits a system wherein they have to suddenly resume responsibilities that were previously being withheld from them.

One great real world anecdote that I can think of is when I was working with a Libyan woman. I was talking to her as her home had recently been bombed and she was desperately worried about her family back in Libya. She told me then that she much preferred her country under Gaddafi, because although he was a dictator (particularly to our western sensibilities and persuasions), he brought stability to Libya and the time after that, the so-called "liberation", has been in essence a time of severe instability, unrest and general unhappiness for its people.

Now, those are her opinions and I don't know what life is like in Libya first-hand, but neither do I know what life is like at the Broncos. However, if there is an essential power-vacuum and there are people there in power who have essentially been riding the coattails of power for however long, then yes, one may expect confusion, poor management and disharmony in the club.

At the end of it all I don't blame Wayne for the situation. He is who he is and if I am right about this, then the club made that decision before and maybe now they are reluctant to do it again. Kinda like how Napoleon got exiled one time, came back to a heroes welcome, had some success but ultimately ended up facing Waterloo and being exiled a second time for good.
Wayne is human and fallible like anyone else. Despite his stoic appearance, he has emotions and can fall victim to their influence, just like everybody else.

There was a short segment on NRL360 where Ikin mentioned the bad blood, but also said "(Kevvie) needs to be supported so that he feels...that he can do it (coach) his way, and not Wayne's".

Wayne is a powerful dude, who knows how to wield that power. Bennett is used to getting his way and this is part of the reason why when he leaves things start to fall apart. There is a power vacuum; a system that has lost its dictator.

He is an excellent coach, but his methods are not entirely conducive to success following his abdication. For example, Newcastle, for which he must shoulder some of the blame. For example, St George, who declined following Wayne leaving. For example, Brisbane both times he left. For example, Rabbitohs, who did not allow Wayne Bennett to take as much control of the club as he usually does.

The issue is that Wayne takes a club by the scruff of the neck and people fall in line. He gets his way and because there is structure and leadership it works. This falls apart when the management system, which was made less relevant during this time then inherits a system wherein they have to suddenly resume responsibilities that were previously being withheld from them.

One great real world anecdote that I can think of is when I was working with a Libyan woman. I was talking to her as her home had recently been bombed and she was desperately worried about her family back in Libya. She told me then that she much preferred her country under Gaddafi, because although he was a dictator (particularly to our western sensibilities and persuasions), he brought stability to Libya and the time after that, the so-called "liberation", has been in essence a time of severe instability, unrest and general unhappiness for its people.

Now, those are her opinions and I don't know what life is like in Libya first-hand, but neither do I know what life is like at the Broncos. However, if there is an essential power-vacuum and there are people there in power who have essentially been riding the coattails of power for however long, then yes, one may expect confusion, poor management and disharmony in the club.

At the end of it all I don't blame Wayne for the situation. He is who he is and if I am right about this, then the club made that decision before and maybe now they are reluctant to do it again. Kinda like how Napoleon got exiled one time, came back to a heroes welcome, had some success but ultimately ended up facing Waterloo and being exiled a second time for good.
One way of looking at it I suppose. Hell of a lot of assumptions. You presume to know who was responsible for what at clubs that keep things to themselves. How you can claim to know is beyond me. St George declined according to you yet WB delivered a premiership and a club with a markedly increased membership. He left that club so much better off that they actively sort to again employ his services.

Newcastle were a basketcase before WB and continued to be after he left but we now know that Tinkler was the dictator, not WB. You'll need to provide more than opinion to demonstrate WB left the Broncos worse off. Pretty sure we were failing before WB returned and when he left our sqad and club were trumpeted as the cream of the crop. We had regained respect. As for Souths they are currently equal second and don't look to be in bad shape. Whether or not that remains the case only time will tell.

WB is a powerful leader and that will always inspire powerful criticism and petty spite filled people. That he has flaws is a given, they are ubiquitous. WB has been gone for years and cannot be blamed for our present situation. To keep blaming him for some imagined power vacuum years after his departure is utterly asinine. We are where we are because we didn't replace him with quality and now reap the rewards.

I believe we felt better when we had a powerful leader. One last thing, Melbourne has such a leader. Do you think they might experience some lean times when Bellamy leaves? Will you also accuse him of being a dictator should that happen?
One way of looking at it I suppose. Hell of a lot of assumptions. You presume to know who was responsible for what at clubs that keep things to themselves. How you can claim to know is beyond me. St George declined according to you yet WB delivered a premiership and a club with a markedly increased membership. He left that club so much better off that they actively sort to again employ his services.

Newcastle were a basketcase before WB and continued to be after he left but we now know that Tinkler was the dictator, not WB. You'll need to provide more than opinion to demonstrate WB left the Broncos worse off. Pretty sure we were failing before WB returned and when he left our sqad and club were trumpeted as the cream of the crop. We had regained respect. As for Souths they are currently equal second and don't look to be in bad shape. Whether or not that remains the case only time will tell.

WB is a powerful leader and that will always inspire powerful criticism and petty spite filled people. That he has flaws is a given, they are ubiquitous. WB has been gone for years and cannot be blamed for our present situation. To keep blaming him for some imagined power vacuum years after his departure is utterly asinine. We are where we are because we didn't replace him with quality and now reap the rewards.

I believe we felt better when we had a powerful leader. One last thing, Melbourne has such a leader. Do you think they might experience some lean times when Bellamy leaves? Will you also accuse him of being a dictator should that happen?

I was saying that both ways of looking it are simply assumptions. In the same way that we assume that Wayne is correct in saying that it is a toxic environment looking from the outside in.

Of course they were better off. They won a premiership. But that is relative. Brisbane had come close, but saying Bennett left Brisbane better off is very hard to say because Briabane remained essentially well off as Bennett left. In the time after, however, St. George has suffered in a similar way to the Broncos following Wayne's departure. Tailing off and now look at the state of the club today. In fact, my perspective of St. George is that they have, in effect, mirrored Brisbane to some extent. By that I mean they have, year by year slipped down the ladder as the Bennett-assembled team dissipated, they struggled to find form and new coaches came and went. They even hoped to get Benny back, like Brisbane.

Newcastle was a different kettle of fish, but one could maybe say that where St. George may have had a better management team present capable of dealing with Benny leaving, Newcastle did not. It was also spoken about, at the time, that Bennett was to blame, but perhaps to some, Tinkler was less established (no Premierships) and therefore a more likely candidate. I would say, maybe both things are true...? I don't know. Bennett still wrangled them into some sort of order, but it was a tall order, as you say.

Bennett is still at Souths, so he has the team in order. I actually only read the information about him being kept out of the other operations, so I don't know that for fact. That is hearsay. But yes, time will tell.

I am not being petty, simply trying to be objective. I am not putting him above reproach or making him out to be infallible. Most of what I see from him are carefully worded excuses for why others are responsible and never him. This is often a trait exhibited by master manipulators, though I accept that Bennett is an excellent coach and his reasoning is acceptable to an extent.

I don't believe it is asinine to say what I said. In fact, I think I gave rather reasonable logic towards my hypothesis. I suppose I could have given more justification as to why other coaches failed. Put simply, they were put into a system made for Bennett, by Bennett, but were not Bennett and the club hierarchy was lax in its support of new coaches. The current administration seems to be addressing that.

Regarding Bellamy, yes, he is a similar personality. Perhaps they will experience lean times, though I believe a lot of their success is predicated by the need for a strong NRL club in AFL land, so they may have help in other areas. I would already accuse Bellamy of being a dictator, though I do not know their club structure and how much influence he has towards club decisions. DD is showing that he is extremely capable and perhaps Bellamy did not need to inject himself in this way. I do not know. It is all speculation, though I dare say that what Bellamy says goes, for the most part.

I think Bellamy experienced similar during his apprenticeship under Bennett and there are news articles to this point.
WB always has a plan and I am sure he probably has had a talk with Milf. "go to a good club for two years, get your game back, then if Brisbane 2.0 gets the green light, I will bring you home".

I could see Milf going to the Storm or Rorters on a base contract, then coming back for sure.
WB always has a plan and I am sure he probably has had a talk with Milf. "go to a good club for two years, get your game back, then if Brisbane 2.0 gets the green light, I will bring you home".

I could see Milf going to the Storm or Rorters on a base contract, then coming back for sure.

'And if you don't improve, son,' he said, after he'd carefully placed the phone back in it's cradle, 'well, you saw what happened to the Jet. You'll be dead to me. But the Tigers might throw you a lifeline.'
'And if you don't improve, son,' he said, after he'd carefully placed the phone back in it's cradle, 'well, you saw what happened to the Jet. You'll be dead to me. But the Tigers might throw you a lifeline.'
"Wait... tigers throw me a lifeline. They were going to be the good club I go to for 2yrs!!"
I was saying that both ways of looking it are simply assumptions. In the same way that we assume that Wayne is correct in saying that it is a toxic environment looking from the outside in.

Of course they were better off. They won a premiership. But that is relative. Brisbane had come close, but saying Bennett left Brisbane better off is very hard to say because Briabane remained essentially well off as Bennett left. In the time after, however, St. George has suffered in a similar way to the Broncos following Wayne's departure. Tailing off and now look at the state of the club today. In fact, my perspective of St. George is that they have, in effect, mirrored Brisbane to some extent. By that I mean they have, year by year slipped down the ladder as the Bennett-assembled team dissipated, they struggled to find form and new coaches came and went. They even hoped to get Benny back, like Brisbane.

Newcastle was a different kettle of fish, but one could maybe say that where St. George may have had a better management team present capable of dealing with Benny leaving, Newcastle did not. It was also spoken about, at the time, that Bennett was to blame, but perhaps to some, Tinkler was less established (no Premierships) and therefore a more likely candidate. I would say, maybe both things are true...? I don't know. Bennett still wrangled them into some sort of order, but it was a tall order, as you say.

Bennett is still at Souths, so he has the team in order. I actually only read the information about him being kept out of the other operations, so I don't know that for fact. That is hearsay. But yes, time will tell.

I am not being petty, simply trying to be objective. I am not putting him above reproach or making him out to be infallible. Most of what I see from him are carefully worded excuses for why others are responsible and never him. This is often a trait exhibited by master manipulators, though I accept that Bennett is an excellent coach and his reasoning is acceptable to an extent.

I don't believe it is asinine to say what I said. In fact, I think I gave rather reasonable logic towards my hypothesis. I suppose I could have given more justification as to why other coaches failed. Put simply, they were put into a system made for Bennett, by Bennett, but were not Bennett and the club hierarchy was lax in its support of new coaches. The current administration seems to be addressing that.

Regarding Bellamy, yes, he is a similar personality. Perhaps they will experience lean times, though I believe a lot of their success is predicated by the need for a strong NRL club in AFL land, so they may have help in other areas. I would already accuse Bellamy of being a dictator, though I do not know their club structure and how much influence he has towards club decisions. DD is showing that he is extremely capable and perhaps Bellamy did not need to inject himself in this way. I do not know. It is all speculation, though I dare say that what Bellamy says goes, for the most part.

I think Bellamy experienced similar during his apprenticeship under Bennett and there are news articles to this point.
In the time after, however, St. George has suffered in a similar way to the Broncos following Wayne's departure. Tailing off and now look at the state of the club today


How can anyone respect your opinion when you somehow can blame St George's current situation on WB when he left 10 FUCKING YEARS AGO??????

Seriously. That's fucking bonkers. Too irrational for me. Well, at least on this topic. Ok. WBs toxic, a **** and wrecks everything he touches, what about that scout group he was in when he has 11, they're gone, if you look back far enough no place he's been near survived !!! Couple more years and there won't even be St George and Newcastle in the NRL, WB will have killed another two organisations.
In the time after, however, St. George has suffered in a similar way to the Broncos following Wayne's departure. Tailing off and now look at the state of the club today


How can anyone respect your opinion when you somehow can blame St George's current situation on WB when he left 10 FUCKING YEARS AGO??????

Seriously. That's fucking bonkers. Too irrational for me. Well, at least on this topic. Ok. WBs toxic, a **** and wrecks everything he touches, what about that scout group he was in when he has 11, they're gone, if you look back far enough no place he's been near survived !!! Couple more years and there won't even be St George and Newcastle in the NRL, WB will have killed another two organisations.

What a ridiculous reply to a respectful response. I don’t care if you believe what @Organix said or not and I don’t care if what he said is accurate or not and I don’t know if I agree with it or not but at least it is well thought out and articulated.

A response like yours just makes you look like a spiteful old man in the mould of Paul Kent. You love to correct people and then produce textual diarrhoea like this?

And of course you will most likely reply with your usual attacking garbage and claims staff shouldn’t act like whatever (this is my own view not representative of staff), so I won’t reply, I just want people to give Organix’s post the respect well written posts like that deserve.
What a ridiculous reply to a respectful response. I don’t care if you believe what @Organix said or not and I don’t care if what he said is accurate or not and I don’t know if I agree with it or not but at least it is well thought out and articulated.

A response like yours just makes you look like a spiteful old man in the mould of Paul Kent. You love to correct people and then produce textual diarrhoea like this?

And of course you will most likely reply with your usual attacking garbage and claims staff shouldn’t act like whatever (this is my own view not representative of staff), so I won’t reply, I just want people to give Organix’s post the respect well written posts like that deserve.
While I don't agree with his tone I 100% agree with his argument. It's conspiracy theory madness that a coach leaves a place worse off intentionally as some sort of evil master plan.

Let's all thank Seibold for the place being better off than last year, he obviously setup the foundations for a claim up the ladder.

Oftan the simplest explanation is the correct one. Searching for all these crazy theories like him being a master manipulator who sets up clubs to fail the second he leaves is just crazy theories not based in reality.

The reality is, he is often replaced by worse coaches so the joints go down.

I know a business that made 20k a week, they leased it out for 8k a week, within 12 months the people leasing it had profits shrink to below 5k a week. Within 2 years they had to break lease or face bankruptcy. The original owners took the place back and within 12 months profits were over 20k a week again, after 2 years, they would regularly make 30k a week net profit.

Coaching is a tough gig, very few coaches make it past 5-10 years, statistically anyone who replaces Bennett (or Bellamy/Robinson when the time comes) will almost certainly fail. That's just probability.
Bennett's quality is so evident at the moment with what's happening to the Qld side.
While I don't agree with his tone I 100% agree with his argument. It's conspiracy theory madness that a coach leaves a place worse off intentionally as some sort of evil master plan.

Let's all thank Seibold for the place being better off than last year, he obviously setup the foundations for a claim up the ladder.

Oftan the simplest explanation is the correct one. Searching for all these crazy theories like him being a master manipulator who sets up clubs to fail the second he leaves is just crazy theories not based in reality.

The reality is, he is often replaced by worse coaches so the joints go down.

I know a business that made 20k a week, they leased it out for 8k a week, within 12 months the people leasing it had profits shrink to below 5k a week. Within 2 years they had to break lease or face bankruptcy. The original owners took the place back and within 12 months profits were over 20k a week again, after 2 years, they would regularly make 30k a week net profit.

Coaching is a tough gig, very few coaches make it past 5-10 years, statistically anyone who replaces Bennett (or Bellamy/Robinson when the time comes) will almost certainly fail. That's just probability.
The problems lie not so much with WB, but with the failure of those clubs to conduct proper succession planning. We have sucked at it for 15 years.