Broncos - 2015 Discussion



QCup Player
Aug 20, 2013
He had a better season than Corey Norman did in 2012-2013 (or probably ever will).

He's a class player. I want him there for the big games. He plays best off the back of other people's brilliance.

He found the line against NQ to get us back in the game. That was a good effort to get there. He knew where to be when Hodges was firing and rallying the troops.

Jarryd Hayne was godlike in 2009 (like Barba in 2012) and pretty much went missing until 2014.

Barba and Milford sweeping around for the second man play with Ben Hunt terrorising the short side and big forwards. Bring on 2015



International Rep
Oct 17, 2013
image of that swagger
(unless he gets a new full-back tatt and starts a new EB crew QLD chapter... or moves back to a suburban sydney club, or maybe the gold coast... )

I don't understand some of the things you say on here haha..


NRL Player
Sep 24, 2013
I agree with everything you said and I think if Barba got his speed and confidence back, and Bennett can fix our attacking structures he would be back to career best.

I just wanted to point out that though, 8 tries is decent but I imagine most were scored while he was playing at 6.

Yes, the fact most of the tries were scored while he was playing five-eighth, makes it even better that he was able to find the try line on 8 occasions despite playing in an unfamiliar position (in first grade anyway) whilst also not playing in peak form. Imagine if he was playing fullback while in peak form.

I mentioned this before in another post, but Barba has a rare ability to find the tryline from almost anywhere, an ability most other players don't possess. This further suggests, that if he was playing at his optimum weight, full of confidence and free from his injury concerns, his best football will follow.

It also reveals, that Barba shouldn't be the one creating for others, but should be the beneficiary of what his halves have created for him. This is something our halves have struggled to do and therefore could not provide him opportunities while he was playing fullback, hence his lack of quality involvement. If our halves can create for him, he's more than likely to finish off a an attacking play.
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NRL Player
Jan 23, 2014
Yes, the fact most of the tries were scored while he was playing five-eighth, makes it even better that he was able to find the try line on 8 occasions despite playing in an unfamiliar position (in first grade anyway) whilst also not playing in peak form. Imagine if he was playing fullback while in peak form.

I mentioned this before in another post, but Barba has a rare ability to find the tryline from almost anywhere, an ability most other players don't possess. This further suggests, that if he was playing at his optimum weight, full of confidence and free from his injury concerns, his best football will follow.

It also reveals, that Barba shouldn't be the one creating for others, but should be the beneficiary of what his halves have created for him. This is something our halves have struggled to do and therefore could not provide him opportunities while he was playing fullback, hence his lack of quality involvement. If our halves can create for him, he's more than likely to finish off a an attacking play.

The only problem is that if Barba plays fullback next year, Milford will play 5/8 and Hunt will play 7. Hunt is not a genuine number 7, he isn't a ball player like Cronk or Thurston and neither is Milford really. So sadly this problem may continue next year...may, I hope not!


State of Origin Rep
Jun 26, 2008
The only problem is that if Barba plays fullback next year, Milford will play 5/8 and Hunt will play 7. Hunt is not a genuine number 7, he isn't a ball player like Cronk or Thurston and neither is Milford really. So sadly this problem may continue next year...may, I hope not!

I can't really agree with this.

hunt showed during the season that he can ball play .... and quite well.

It's more a case of no team structures where people knew what to expect most of the time.

Give Hunt/Barba a full preseason to sort their structures out and i'm sure they'll be quite a dynamic halves combination.
Danoz Direct

Danoz Direct

NRL Captain
Oct 12, 2013
I don't know what it is but I just see our best halves combination as Milford and Hunt. I think if Barba slims down to his previous weight, he will be able to get back close to his best.


International Rep
Oct 17, 2013
I don't know what it is but I just see our best halves combination as Milford and Hunt. I think if Barba slims down to his previous weight, he will be able to get back close to his best.

It doesn't matter how much weight Barba loses, it won't help the fact that teams are aware that he can not catch a high bomb with pressure put on him.


State of Origin Rep
Jun 26, 2008
It doesn't matter how much weight Barba loses, it won't help the fact that teams are aware that he can not catch a high bomb with pressure put on him.

I think you're right about this .... as sad as it is to say, i can't see him playing fullback (for us) again.....especially when Milford is coming.


International Rep
Oct 17, 2013
I think you're right about this .... as sad as it is to say, i can't see him playing fullback (for us) again.....especially when Milford is coming.

We can't win games by giving the opposition regular repeat sets in our twenty. It just can't happen.


Banned User
Jul 4, 2013
Question. If Barba played 5/8th all season and Hoffman fullback all season how many extra wins would we have?


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
Question. If Barba played 5/8th all season and Hoffman fullback all season how many extra wins would we have?

well we wouldn't have been relying on results going our way in the final round for starters

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