Broncos - 2015 Discussion



NRL Player
Jun 4, 2013
The first player I'd be sorting out if I were Bennet would be Martin Kennedy.

It's clear he can be a weapon. He's the biggest prop in the game and should be bending the line on every run. His issue is all mental, and this is exactly where wayne excels to earn the label of " greatest coach the game has ever seen ".

First thing I'd do, is have a conversation with him. Heart to heart, become a trusted father figure, pin point exactly what it is in his mind causing his insecurities and unlock what's holding him back. . Could be the pressure of a big contact, the pressure of a club like the broncos, or it could have stemmed from the inherent pressure that the club was under last year in general after their "worst season ever" as it was labeled in the news. Or, its a combination of them all.

I'd start by pulling him away from the group, get him in before the rest of the team start their pre-season and get him boxing. Train him with vigorous discipline. Boxing is one of the best mediums for improving mental and physical discipline, and it's what he needs to master. It will harden his body to take stronger hits. Because we all know his problem is hutting the line hard, so stripping back whatever fear he has of doing that at the moment is the key. Boxing is a great place to start in the quest to focus his mind on his body as a whole, and to distract him from the team and club pressures.

I'd then have him running through mud and into through other natural forms which produce strong resistance like maybe the beach, doing a beap test through 450mil deep water or even taking hit ups into wind turbines. Get his legs to start working hard like a machanical beings that can subconciously fight against the resistance of deeper water, which in turn would make them harder to stop in a tackle.

Even doing yoga might help. Moderate his breathing and mental state.

All in all, just keep him away from other players for a while to focus on him. Make him feel confident in himself again. Transform his mentality into being an alpha. We need him ****y. We need him running out onto the paddock determined to prove he's the biggest and strongest no matter what! To defend his honor and reputation. Turn him into a warea-hargraves who will always dominate a field and prove he's the bigger and better man.

Just close your eyes and picture it........................ martin kennedy, walking down the tunnell at suncorp Stadium, 10 on his back, ready to go out and inforce pure energy and strength. The ultimate brute. Hercules.... The look of sheer focus in his eyes. The jersy is his life force, and he will defend it.. He's a bronco.. And no one will ever ride him

Exceptional posting and insights Marty! The amount of football knowledge at BHQ is a wonderful resource for 'laymen' like myself and it's a real credit to subscribers such as yourself that you are willing to share your thoughts on topics such as this.

Again, congratulations on such a thought provoking and articulate post. Hope you stay around for many seasons to come.


International Captain
Forum Staff
Oct 5, 2011
As much as I love Ben Hunt and rate him I would be surprised if he was named in the top 17 as Cronk and DCE are ahead of him at this stage. Woods may have nailed down his spot in the top team by the sound of it.

Bench spot mate. It mentioned it in that article
Super Freak

Super Freak

International Captain
Forum Staff
Jan 25, 2014
Exceptional posting and insights Marty! The amount of football knowledge at BHQ is a wonderful resource for 'laymen' like myself and it's a real credit to subscribers such as yourself that you are willing to share your thoughts on topics such as this.

Again, congratulations on such a thought provoking and articulate post. Hope you stay around for many seasons to come.

So why didn't you listen to us and move Hoffman from 5/8 earlier?!
Super Freak

Super Freak

International Captain
Forum Staff
Jan 25, 2014
Hopefully Hunt gets the utility spot.

It's not like he has never played as a utility..

As for Kennedy, hopefully Bennett can turn him around. I would give him 5 weeks to show improvement otherwise he is gone.
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NYC Player
Oct 30, 2013
Imagine if 12-18 months ago someone said that Hunt could make his debut next season for Australia. Probably would have been run out of town.


International Captain
Senior Staff
Apr 26, 2008
And so he should. Robbie can play a bunch of different positions: hooker, halfback, 5/8, coach, CEO...
I know this is sarcasm but Farah should have the bench spot ahead of Hunt, he's the better player. I do want Hunt to get it though, playing for Australia would be a great experience for him.


Life is a Fantasy League
Jan 9, 2011
I know this is sarcasm but Farah should have the bench spot ahead of Hunt, he's the better player. I do want Hunt to get it though, playing for Australia would be a great experience for him.

Farah is poison tho, he needs to be knocked down a peg and being left out of the 4 Nations squad would be a perfect start.


State of Origin Rep
Oct 9, 2011
Well he can cover hooker and the halves very well and has a fair amount of experience at this level. I would be excited for Ben if he made the team but I won't have any problems if Farah was picked ahead of him.


International Rep
Mar 4, 2008
Hunt can cover halves, and poorly at hooker
Farah can cover hooker, and poorly in the halves

Huge difference?
Dazza 92

Dazza 92

NRL Captain
Oct 13, 2014
We might have found our new goal kicker. Hunt kicked 5 from 6

Something i have been mulling over for a while now; do we replace Corey Parker as our no 1 goal kicker?

Since moving into the front row his averages have dropped a lot; he was 80+% when he played in the back row/lock, but he was also palying 80 minutes too, not off the field as part of the front rower rotation.

Could Hunt be groomed for that role in the near future then i wonder..?


NRL Player
Jun 17, 2013
Something i have been mulling over for a while now; do we replace Corey Parker as our no 1 goal kicker?

Since moving into the front row his averages have dropped a lot; he was 80+% when he played in the back row/lock, but he was also palying 80 minutes too, not off the field as part of the front rower rotation.

Could Hunt be groomed for that role in the near future then i wonder..?

That can't be right. Parker plays exactly the same regardless of the number on his back. . . apparently. Agree though that goal kicking is a problem. Parker used to be quite good (around 2006 or so) but it's time for a change particularly if he retains sole captaincy. Ben Hunt is an option. Maybe McCullough - he looks like he needs more responsibility.


International Rep
May 21, 2013
1. Boyd / Barba
2. Vidot
3. Reed
4. Hodges
5. Copley
6. Milford
7. Hunt
8. McGuire
9. McCullough
10. Kennedy / Gavet
11. Glenn
12. Gillett
13. Parker

14. Thaiday
15. Oates
16. Gavet / Kennedy
17. Ofahengaue

Getting better...
Danoz Direct

Danoz Direct

NRL Captain
Oct 12, 2013
1. Boyd / Barba
2. Vidot
3. Reed
4. Hodges
5. Copley
6. Milford
7. Hunt
8. McGuire
9. McCullough
10. Kennedy / Gavet
11. Glenn
12. Gillett
13. Parker

14. Thaiday
15. Oates
16. Gavet / Kennedy
17. Ofahengaue

Getting better...

Copley better not be on the wing, Copley at centre and Reed out. I like Reed, its just that Copley is a better attacking centre. I know it is unlikely but if possible I would also like to see Carlin Anderson on the wing.

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