NEWS Broncos investigating alleged Payne Haas-Albert Kelly brawl video

Some articles are saying Payne is facing jail time over this. What the hell, why are the police even wasting their time on this. It's a push and shove between team mates and nobody is pressing charges. Why go looking for more cctv footage, it's vindictive behavior from the authorities here.
There's no way in heck anyone should go to jail for a shove between mates, good behaviour bond or not. That would be peak insanity.

I love that police investigate this but when someone whistleblows corrupt politicians, instead of investigating they raid the whistleblower.
Some articles are saying Payne is facing jail time over this. What the hell, why are the police even wasting their time on this. It's a push and shove between team mates and nobody is pressing charges. Why go looking for more cctv footage, it's vindictive behavior from the authorities here.

I'm starting to feel sorry for Payne here too. This is ridiculous.
When a drunk gets in your face you have every right to give them a lovetap. These are young testosterone fuelled men, not fucking synchronised swimmers. Give haas a medal.
Payne was not the aggressor in this situation, he wasn't drinking on the night (this has been confirmed by multiple sources), Kelly is a senior player who was signed on a train and trial and has a record spanning 10 years of booze related incidents.

I agree it's probably not to sack him today, but he needs to be absolutely be on a last warning and be slapped with a booze ban. He clearly can't handle the drink.

I'd say Payne was actually the aggressor tbh. He reacted in a pretty agressive manner to a drunken team mate. Kelly was just being annoying. He should have politely told him to get nicked and walked away.

Best thing all these idiots should do in these situations is take a deep breath and then ask themselves " What would Pat do? " and act accordingly. We would never have any dramas then.
Man, if this isn't evidence the media is trying to push the club to release him then I give up.

Brent Read is a piece of shit.
When a drunk gets in your face you have every right to give them a lovetap. These are young testosterone fuelled men, not fucking synchronised swimmers. Give haas a medal.
I agree, but i see what others are saying in that Haas could have handled it better.
Was he within his rights to get physical with Kelly? probably, but he also had the option of walking away and dealing with it the next day when Kelly sobered up.

There is nothing smart about getting physical with a bloke who is off his face and half your size.
I agree, but i see what others are saying in that Haas could have handled it better.
Was he within his rights to get physical with Kelly? probably, but he also had the option of walking away and dealing with it the next day when Kelly sobered up.

There is nothing smart about getting physical with a bloke who is off his face and half your size.
Such a short video though. Kelly looked like he had been badgering people all night by that point.
This is from the Courier Mail a few hours ago
It is understood Brisbane’s report, sent to NRL integrity-unit chiefs, identified Kelly as the instigator. Sources close to the incident suggest Kelly was being a “drunken pest” and earned the ire of Haas after repeatedly jumping on his shoes, prompting the prop to lash out.
I'm seriously on the train of sacking Kelly though, he's now 31 and he's still being a moron when drunk. At the very least, he drinks again this year, he's instantly sacked.

He was initially let go from the Cronulla back in 2012, when their chairman went on the record saying he's had more than 3 chances for booze related dramas, then he signs with the Knights who then sack him after another booze related incident where he smashed up a pub, then in SL he abuses a Maccas employee while drunk and now this. The Flegler-Riki punch on, apparently Riki was giving shit to Kelly, so Flegler punched him and split his lip. Pretty bad, I have no idea what Riki is like but in retrospect, Kelly is obviously a Hasting's level pest and has now been directly involved in two incidents for the club in matter of 6 months.

It's bad enough he turned up to pre-season 10kgs overweight, he's been mostly a dud on the field, then right after a win he goes out and gets blind drunk.

I don't know if that's normal for NRL players but it just seems incredibly unprofessional. Either drink, or play NRL, he clearly can't do both. Something about him just screams James Roberts.
Kelly is a noted pest on the piss but I’ve heard a few players say that playing groups generally love having him around.

If what you say is true, Flegler decking Riki over mistreating him may reenforce that.
Kelly is a noted pest on the piss but I’ve heard a few players say that playing groups generally love having him around.

If what you say is true, Flegler decking Riki over mistreating him may reenforce that.
Who knows really, maybe Riki was just being a prick, but he seems like the nicest guy in the world lol.

Did find it funny that Flegler reacted, that ginger hot head energy is real.
Who knows really, maybe Riki was just being a prick, but he seems like the nicest guy in the world lol.

Did find it funny that Flegler reacted, that ginger hot head energy is real.
thought they were wrestling and it got heated
thought they were wrestling and it got heated
That was the initial story, but recent stories about it said Riki was "teasing" Kelly and Flegler punched him... lol.

The wrestling story was just to get the media off their back.


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