NEWS Broncos investigating alleged Payne Haas-Albert Kelly brawl video

Things getting heated between players is not something new.

It happens A LOT more than people think, even in the successful teams. Storm in a teacup, move on.

You've got a group of guys full of testosterone. Shits bound to happen at some point.
Can confirm. 5'5" and 55kg wringing wet but do not get me angry. Have 5 ranga boys, plz help.
5'5" eh? Thank you for making me feel like a giant at a staggering 5'8" This is you and me at the next BBQ bro...

austinpowers GIF

Got a few KG's on you though lol.
This is all such bullshit. I can't believe the same people that were saying the Latrell Mitchell pre-season punch on was awesome to see because of pre-season aggression are condemning anyone and everyone even involved with the Broncos over this.

We need a Porky Morgan-like man to run this club. Time to start standing up to the NRL again. Donaghy doesn't seem to be the man for the job IMO.
I like Payne on the field...but off it........ he appears to be a complete dickhead.

I dunno....
why is everything at the Broncos always so completely fucked.....?

I'm on the edge

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The one big thing though is we won two games with a great defensive effort by the team as a whole. We have collapsed in a heap since this incident. Probably more than just a coincidence imo.
Could be but it’s just as likely that we also are just a shit team. We were really poor in those wins too.

Last game we had too many injuries too.
Kurt Capewell says:

He has plenty of mates who get on the grog and have arguments​
Doesn't just happen in the footy world.​
Payne and Albert "love each other" both on and off the field.​
It's a deadset storm in a teacup.​
At training they block out the outside noise (including the Karens, in this thread, talking shit)​
They're worrying about how to get better on the footy field.​
2:35s on:

Kurt Capewell says:

He has plenty of mates who get on the grog and have arguments​
Doesn't just happen in the footy world.​
Payne and Albert "love each other" both on and off the field.​
It's a deadset storm in a teacup.​
At training they block out the outside noise (including the Karens, in this thread, talking shit)
They're worrying about how to get better on the footy field.​
2:35s on:

That's very specific from Capes, didn't know he was a member here.
Hold the ball and don't run toward the side line. Basically tell Toes and Cobbs to pull their fingers out and think.
I share your feelings about Tyson vs Billy. Which do you think would be more likely to get under Walker's skin and put him off his game?
Kurt Capewell says:

He has plenty of mates who get on the grog and have arguments​
Doesn't just happen in the footy world.​
Payne and Albert "love each other" both on and off the field.​
It's a deadset storm in a teacup.​
At training they block out the outside noise (including the Karens, in this thread, talking shit)​
They're worrying about how to get better on the footy field.​
2:35s on:

Maybe he can tell Brent Read to go **** himself too.

Journalists get the rope.
The interesting thing about Brent Read is, he is a Broncos supporter/lover.
He is also very good pals with everyone favourite ex-NRL coach, Anthony Seibold.
I’d hate to join the dots here..