NEWS Broncos investigating alleged Payne Haas-Albert Kelly brawl video

Let’s make this very clear, Brandon Smith wasn’t suspended for any matches because of the allstars precedence created by the nrls’s **** up of latrell Mitchell’s suspension. Neither was Walsh, he was already suspended for rd 1 because of a cautionary conduct charge, yet the nrl allowed him to serve it concurrently with the drug charge suspension, and he then, like Smith, got the second game included in the allstars. In what world can you serve a suspension in a game you were never eligible to play? Then we have Dylan Walker, serial offender, pleading guilty to assault in court and abdo hands him a 1 wk suspension, and then turns around and gives Staggs 2 wks for something that had ZERO police involvement. The NRL is either incompetent or corrupt or both, “integrity unit” my arse.

The Integrity Unit should you know...look in the mirror.
The Broncos shouldn't have sent it to the Integrity Unit. They should've handled it in house and told the NRL it was a non event. They should've trotted them out arm-in-arm, to say they feel a bit sheepish, and had them crack a couple of jokes about it. And that would've been it.

Absolutely. I am sick of us constantly trying to be the good guys.
Absolutely. I am sick of us constantly trying to be the good guys.
Yeah we’ll probably send a memo out to the 15 other clubs asking if any of them would like take Haas on loan when he returns from suspension.. as a further gesture of goodwill
"War is Peace," "Freedom is Slavery," and "Ignorance is Strength" seems to be the ethos of our beloved Integrity unit. or, should it be known better as the Ministry of truth.

I've seen it all now.
Nice squid James gets off scott free and we get suspensions. Typical rorters league. This sport is so rigged they're not even trying to hide it anymore.
Didn’t you hear? The girl who made the complaint ABOUT Tedesco was given a six year ban.. just in case she ever had plans to play in the NRLW

the NRL also compensated ‘Teddy bear’ for pain and suffering
While i actually have no sympathy for either of our blokes for getting banned for their stupidity, i'm a bit stumped how Taylan May can be up in court for assaulting somebody yet escape even a fine.
**** this fucking competition.

I’m so done
I actually hope more players follow Haas and don't cooperate with the Integrity unit. They think they're some holier than thou gods, get fucked. Who even runs that shit joint? Why is it so secretive.

I'm self employed, but if my employer wanted to question me about a legal matter that happened outside of work, the only answer would be get fucked.
I actually hope more players follow Haas and don't cooperate with the Integrity unit. They think they're some holier than thou gods, get fucked. Who even runs that shit joint? Why is it so secretive.

I'm self employed, but if my employer wanted to question me about a legal matter that happened outside of work, the only answer would be get fucked.

Nobody would bat an eyelid if they all got treated the same.
Nobody would bat an eyelid if they all got treated the same.
Yep that's my issue, it's all hush-hush with inconsistent suspensions. How is what Kelly did worse than Walsh/Munster/Smith? In what world is committing an illegal act on camera worse than pestering a friend. All they do is lay out a suspension with zero reasoning and clubs just have to cop it.
I wonder if we should have just appeared in public to just come down on the two of them a little harder than we did. Does make me wonder when they stick Kevvie in front of a camera and he says that Payne didnt do a lot wrong and he was just trying to do the right thing and calm his team mate down whether the integrity unit think we havent taken it seriously. Lets face it, i dont think Payne was exactly trying to diffuse the situation despite what Kevvie is saying.


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