Broncos Player Movements and Rumours 2013

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Well, they have been playing on average 8 years longer than these kids. Plus at club level they've only won 1 premiership (and 1 wooden spoon which I happily count). Its pretty realistic that if the players I mentioned were on the same team they would win a premiership at least once in the next 8 years so I guess we'll have to wait and see.

unfortunately that combination would never be allowed to stay intact for eight years .. it'd be smashed to pieces c/o the salary as soon it yielded a premiership.
it means when someone tells him something and says "this doesnt leave the room", he isnt allowed to go posting it on some internet forums.

Exactly. Which makes him
And nopatience the only people I take notice of as far as sources. Because as I have said before if someone is actually in the know they aren't going to post all the facts like others do because they are only 'in the know' because they are in a position of trust which they wouldn't break
there was a silly media article suggesting we were chasing brooks and moses from the tigers. can put that to bed as they've both re-signed with tigers for four years.
He's being held captive in Faithinhook's basement ... Faithinhook is a serial killer.

PMSL!! Hey play nice Sharkie!! LOL.

Anyways guys, as I mentioned previously, these certainly ARE exciting times for the club, coaching staff and fans alike. Let's sit tight and wait for some more news from 1910 when his informant passes ON further intel.

Take care all and have a wonderful afternoon.
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I'd say Karmichael is a contingency plan in case we don't get Barba.
I think Andrew Gee’s position needs to be put on notice.

Basically every signing and potential signing so far this year has fallen into our lap, all the off contract players passed us by and now we’re left playing a cat and mouse game with other clubs and agents in attempt to poach a playmaker. Tasi and Kennedy are by no means bad signings but they’re not exactly what we desperately needed are they?

Dugan was another candidate that fell into our lap but we all know why that didn’t happen, whether it was a blessing (pretty big douche) or a curse (pretty good player) only time will tell but there’s no point dwelling on it as I’m pretty confident he’ll never be a Bronco.

All that’s left for us (at this stage) is Milford and Barba and both or either of those guys are exactly what we need, a genuine game breaker. The problem with both these players is that their signatures are surrounded by too many if’s and but’s. Milford’s signing requires him enacting a get out clause to be closer to his sick father and for all we know is just smoke and mirrors from his agent to get a pay rise. I know that [MENTION=8272]1910[/MENTION] is confident that we’ve got him and I pray he’s right but Furner is also confident and unfortunately he’s likely to know more (although Griffin was confident we’d keep Norman so my fingers are crossed). Now that leaves Barba, who in my opinion is a better chance of signing with us but that also depends entirely on his ex-partner moving to the Gold Coast and the Bulldogs releasing him on compassionate grounds so yeah it’s in no way a certainty.

So it all comes back to Gee really, what in God’s name is he doing? Now if he signs either of those guys then he’s done his job and BHQ should back off and give the guy a break, however if he doesn’t get either of their signatures then he has failed as a recruitment manager and should step down from the position. He should have known at the end of last season that we needed a new playmaker but all he got for us was a 33 year old Scott Prince and even then he approached us (because his own club didn’t want him) and he came with a 50% discount. I’m not going to list all the other potential signings we passed on this year because we either weren’t interested or we didn’t want to spend the cash but let’s just say that there were some missed opportunities.

I’m going to back Gee to get the job done for now but if he fails this time then we should seriously consider petitioning to have him sacked as it would certainly be in the best interests of the club.
What do you expect Gee to do when DCE, Barba and Milford are still contracted
I'd just like to add that if we do get Milford then not only will I never doubt [MENTION=8272]1910[/MENTION] again but I'll personally drive over to his house, take off his pants and...

…well you get the idea.
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