Broncos Player Movements and Rumours 2013

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State of Origin Rep
Mar 2, 2010

[h=3]Scouting talent[/h]ORIGINAL Broncos CEO John Ribot reckoned this week that the best signing he ever made was the club's late great talent scout Cyril Connell in 1990.

Cyril, who died three years ago aged 81, was responsible for spotting and signing Broncos from Darren Lockyer and Shane Webcke up to Karmichael Hunt, a period which resulted in four premierships.

It could be coincidence, but on the weekend as the Broncos looked rudderless in going down to Manly, starring for winning clubs were game-changers Daly Cherry-Evans, Johnathan Thurston, Greg Inglis, Chris Sandow, Billy Slater, Cameron Smith and Cooper Cronk - all Queenslanders.


State of Origin Rep
Mar 2, 2010

BRISBANE'S decision to drop their pursuit of Johnathan Thurston has backfired, with the club set to lose their best young backline talent Corey Norman to Parramatta next season.

On the same day Thurston confirmed he would stay at North Queensland on a $5 million four-year deal, Norman was tipped to be on the verge of announcing he would head to the Eels in 2014 on a deal worth more than $400,000 a year.

Given Brisbane's recruitment strategy has been based around retaining their group of young stars, losing Norman would be an enormous blow as they would need to groom a new playmaker.

The Broncos, who refused to comment about Norman's possible defection yesterday, believe they are still a chance to retain the 21-year-old.

Norman's manager Paul Sutton spoke to the club yesterday and said no contract had been finalised with the Eels.

"There's always speculation," Sutton said.

"We are still talking to the Broncos. Nothing has been agreed."

The Eels have endured a major run of recruitment disappointments, including Josh Papalii backing out of his deal last week, and will no doubt move heaven and earth to ensure Norman is not another potential star to slip from their grasp.

Just 12 months ago Norman was anointed as Brisbane's successor to Darren Lockyer, and a future Origin fixture, forming a halves partnership with Peter Wallace the club hoped would carry them into the future.

"Most of the boys coming through now are getting a fairly good reputation ... but Corey Norman can be a star of the future," Broncos football manager Andrew Gee said last year.

"At the moment he needs to keep his head down and not try and get there too quick.

"He has the skill set. He won't be Darren Lockyer but Corey brings his own personality to the team. He's got a huge future."

Norman signed a one-year extension early in 2012, hoping he would earn a significant upgrade once he had established himself as the club's five-eighth. But late last year he was momentarily shifted to fullback as the Broncos suffered a six-game losing streak. The club then recruited Scott Prince on a two-year deal from the Titans and another offseason battle for Norman to secure a halves position was on the cards.

"I want to stay in the halves, that's where I want to play," Norman said earlier this year.

Norman started every trial at five-eighth but come round 1 was moved to fullback in favour of Prince. He made some bad kicking mistakes in Brisbane's 22-14 loss to Manly, including a penalty kick that failed to find touch.

Brisbane's attack has failed to fire since the middle of last season. The Broncos have scored more than 20 points once in 11 NRL games.

Backrower Alex Glenn, who will play his 100th NRL game on Friday against St George Illawarra, said the Broncos were being too impatient in attack.

"We're trying to over-think things and trying to score every play," Glenn said.

We've lost the plot...


Life is a Fantasy League
Jan 9, 2011
Brisbane need to make a play for someone big and at this point the only one I can think of is Hayne.

1. Hayne
6. Prince
7. Hunt

Sometimes we need to bite the bullet and accept an outsider while letting a couple of pieces of furniture go. (Wallace,Norman)
Black Philip

Black Philip

State of Origin Captain
Mar 5, 2008
Brisbane need to make a play for someone big and at this point the only one I can think of is Hayne.

1. Hayne
6. Prince
7. Hunt

Sometimes we need to bite the bullet and accept an outsider while letting a couple of pieces of furniture go. (Wallace,Norman)

Surely Prince is a stop gap... he's 33.


Life is a Fantasy League
Jan 9, 2011
Surely Prince is a stop gap... he's 33.

He is indeed, Until either another player steps up or a proven half comes on the market he is the best option. Hopefully with a string of games playing the full 80 as well Hunt will get the chance to shine.


State of Origin Captain
Mar 4, 2008
ffs, if we sign Norman we are so fucked for years and years.
Ari Gold

Ari Gold

Master Baiter
Mar 13, 2008
So... Who is actually left that we could even attempt to sign? Assuming Hopoate is Eels bound the only name I can think of is Tomkins (of those who would realistically be released from their contract)


State of Origin Captain
Mar 4, 2008
just keep Ben Hunt and wait it out until Cherry or Shaun Johnson come off contract


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
I don't know who, I don't know where from, but the Broncos need to sign a quality fullback and a quality half or five-eighth.

But before there's any chance of that happening, they have to get over their obsession with Peter Wallace. He's been nothing but mediocre since he joined the club. Not horrible, but not outstanding (bar a few isolated performances). Because frankly he either needs to take a pay cut so we can afford a quality half, or he needs to just go and we pool our resources into retaining Ben Hunt and giving him the opportunity to partner a quality half.

Our outside backs, apart from Hodges and Hoffman, would be on such little coin that it shouldn't be an issue to sign up a quality player.

As Ari said though, the issue is "who". The pantry is bare.


Life is a Fantasy League
Jan 9, 2011
Off Contract after this season.

Steve Turner - not flash but he gets the job done and is better than our options now.
Todd Carney - Yeah alright I'm putting this here to spark some anger ;)
Ryan Stig - Has his moments, A change of club could help him however not much of an upgrade on what we have now.
Kevin Locke - eh
Jamie Soward - Best option of a bad bunch, However tends to go missing a little much in games.. Plus he is a bitch.

2014 is a little nice

Cameron Smith -
Shaun Johnson - Needs a good halves partner but would still be a great addition.
Gareth Widdop - Screw it let's buy 2 halves and partner Widdop/Johnson
Jarryd Hayne - With Hodges retiring (guess) we can throw some Hodges Money+ at Hayne. Brisbane open the wallet.

Personally I'd be happy to see Brisbane hold out for an extra season and just throw some money at getting.

1. Hayne
6. Widdop/Hunt
7. Johnson/Hunt

Haynes next contract could be his last and he will want a premiership. Build a team that gives him a chance and he could cost less than we think.
Ari Gold

Ari Gold

Master Baiter
Mar 13, 2008
If Norman and Sandow are the halves then you have to wonder how Hayne and Hopoate fit into the equation.
Black Philip

Black Philip

State of Origin Captain
Mar 5, 2008
So... Who is actually left that we could even attempt to sign? Assuming Hopoate is Eels bound the only name I can think of is Tomkins (of those who would realistically be released from their contract)

I'd love to see Tomkins in the NRL. We should try dangling a carrot in front of him. How hard can it be to convince someone who lives in Wigan to move to a subtropical region?

Gareth Widdop and Sam Williams are playmaking options we need to look at. And if our fullback options still suck, throw some cash at Kevin Locke (or Sam Tomkins... but he's contracted till the end of 2015, so it probably won't happen).

I think a lot of people, fans and club management alike, seem to be too proud to admit that a lot of our juniors recently haven't been able to cut it at the top level. And many of the ones that were competent were let go from shitty management decisions. Time to swallow our pride and rebuild. Cut the deadwood and buy some players who will kick ass and take names.
Black Philip

Black Philip

State of Origin Captain
Mar 5, 2008
I don't know who, I don't know where from, but the Broncos need to sign a quality fullback and a quality half or five-eighth.

But before there's any chance of that happening, they have to get over their obsession with Peter Wallace. He's been nothing but mediocre since he joined the club. Not horrible, but not outstanding (bar a few isolated performances). Because frankly he either needs to take a pay cut so we can afford a quality half, or he needs to just go and we pool our resources into retaining Ben Hunt and giving him the opportunity to partner a quality half.

Our outside backs, apart from Hodges and Hoffman, would be on such little coin that it shouldn't be an issue to sign up a quality player.

As Ari said though, the issue is "who". The pantry is bare.

The only times Wallace has looked any good was when he had Lockyer next to him.


State of Origin Captain
Mar 4, 2008
Carney would be awesome!


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
Josh Dugan being sacked by the Raiders apparently. Let's sign him!


Senior Staff
Mar 5, 2008
Just buy Carney, Gallen, and Dugan.

Take the scraps. I don't give a ****. Scraps are better than the useless pricks we have now.

Would love Locke. He gives me a chub.
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