Maybe the NRL itself needs to enforce some kind of quota for player managers on number of clients they can represent. With power comes corruption and the last thing the game needs is to give too much power to these manager wankers.
It's a tough one because players can have whoever they want as their manager... and managers are usually there early on in the player's career to guide them through to professionalism. So if you punish the manager you can inadvertently punish yourself by disenfranchising the player of someone who they have grown up with and guided them in their career.
The argument being that it is highly unlikely a guy like Isaac Moses has been with and guided 100's of players through their career and it is more likely he has "appeared" at the end promising them a million dollars after they clearly look like they can make it.
I think the NRL just need to be strong with corruption associated with player agents and ensure they have a suitable whistle blowers policy.... because it has to be identified with clear evidence that these guys are corrupting the system.
If a player manager is being corrupt with a club the club would be the whistle blower and the manager should then be banned from ever being associated with the NRL. Clubs and recruitment teams would have emails and more as evidence to present to the NRL for these guys to be banned, but clearly they must be worried about a softly softly punishment from the NRL on the agent and losing their best talent. Instead if corruption is presented them they should be banned from formally representing a player in the NRL.
The concern the NRL would have is if the player manager takes his talent to a different code (and by talent I clearly mean the players he has in his stable).
I think one thing this Latrell scenario is showing though is that no player is irreplaceable. At one point this year he was being classed as a million dollar player and potentially best player in the comp (albeit that was rumbo buzz's opinion so who gives a ****)... but next minute teams are pulling away because they ain't paying that much for what he brings.
The NRL just needs to be strong against the player agents. Yes some will be lost to the code to follow their player agent to European Rugby, but really the players who want to be anything but a "professional athlete" will come back after seeing that the grass isn't always greener.
And there will still be NRL clubs willing to give them what they are worth despite which ever wanker is on the other end of the phone call