Broncos remain NRL's cleanest club



International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
they wouldnt be delaying the punishment - the punishment would be to start the next full season on minus points.

like i said, punishments only work if you actually get punished. taking points off you when you already cant make the finals isnt a punishment.

who says we can't make the finals ... we are currently sitting in 8th place.

but here is the other problem with delaying punishment ... assume for a second we do make the finals, go on a massive run and actually with the thing (and before anyone whinges, i don't actually think it will happen, but it can't be discounted). what then ... the NRL have allowed a team to win the comp, knowing that they were planning to deduct points for cap breeches.

they would struggle to be able to take a trophy off us (unless the rorts were very severe, like the Storms/Bulldogs, and there isn't a suggestion of that, even from the biased Sydney media). although i am all for embarrassing the NRL
Anonymous person

Anonymous person

Banned User
Dec 16, 2008
punishments only work if you actually get punished. taking points off you when you already cant make the finals isnt a punishment

That's a completely irrelevant consideration. If the NRL is delaying the investigation so that they can punish us next year then you can expect litigation to be launched (and indeed, it will probably succeed). Even Melbourne was punished in the year when the breach was discovered......
and they were punished the next year too. So youd rather the broncos get punished this year and the next? fantastic.

It's not an irrelevant consideration. Punishments dont work if the punishment carries no weight.

The NRL can delay the investigation however freaking long they want - just because the investigation might finish tomorrow doesnt mean that any punishment has to be restricted to this year lol. They are the ones who decide the punishment, and if they decide tomorrow that the Broncos should lose points for the next 5 years in a row then thats what will happen. "delaying" the investigation is meaningless.

who says we can't make the finals ... we are currently sitting in 8th place.

but here is the other problem with delaying punishment ... assume for a second we do make the finals, go on a massive run and actually with the thing (and before anyone whinges, i don't actually think it will happen, but it can't be discounted). what then ... the NRL have allowed a team to win the comp, knowing that they were planning to deduct points for cap breeches.

they would struggle to be able to take a trophy off us (unless the rorts were very severe, like the Storms/Bulldogs, and there isn't a suggestion of that, even from the biased Sydney media). although i am all for embarrassing the NRL
sure we are a mathematical chance of making the finals, but in reality we're not. we have to beat at least 2 of teams #1, #4, #2, and #6 (who just touched us up good and proper), along with beating the knights and dragons. If we can pull it off thats great, but I'm not holding my breathe.

on your other point about us potentially winning, I agree - something needs to be done ASAP because to have us win and then be stripped of the title a few weeks/months later would be unforgivable. it was the same with the sharks last year - if they won the comp while they were under the ASADA cloud, what would have happened? thats why a speedy decision was needed - well not even speedy, just appropriately lengthed wouldve been fine, but 12 months later we're still waiting.
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International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
and they were punished the next year too. So youd rather the broncos get punished this year and the next? fantastic.

It's not an irrelevant consideration. Punishments dont work if the punishment carries no weight.

The NRL can delay the investigation however freaking long they want - just because the investigation might finish tomorrow doesnt mean that any punishment has to be restricted to this year lol. They are the ones who decide the punishment, and if they decide tomorrow that the Broncos should lose points for the next 5 years in a row then thats what will happen. "delaying" the investigation is meaningless.

how were the Storm punished the following year ... apart from cutting players until they were actually following the rules?


Senior Staff
Sep 6, 2013
I can't remember, how were they also punished the next year? The salary cap is a joke anyway, everyone most likely cheats it, it's just a matter of who gets caught.
Anonymous person

Anonymous person

Banned User
Dec 16, 2008
how were the Storm punished the following year ... apart from cutting players until they were actually following the rules?
they had to get rid of players, they werent allowed to renegotiate contracts to get them under the cap. they also still had to pay the full wages of those that they let go to other teams. so they were punished by losing players who might have wanted to stay, and financially punished by having to pay wages of players who are playing for other teams.


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
they had to get rid of players, they werent allowed to renegotiate contracts to get them under the cap. they also still had to pay the full wages of those that they let go to other teams. so they were punished by losing players who might have wanted to stay, and financially punished by having to pay wages of players who are playing for other teams.

what a load of crap ... they were forced to comply with the rules, nothing less.

and they may not have been able to retain those players if they weren't cheating. allowing them to "re-negotiate" contracts penalises other teams that were denied a fair chance to sign those players in the first place.

don't get me wrong, i would've had sympathy for the Storm, if they had done what the Broncos and other teams have done, and lose players that they had developed. by instead they decided that the rules didn't apply to them and flat out cheated
Anonymous person

Anonymous person

Banned User
Dec 16, 2008
what a load of crap ... they were forced to comply with the rules, nothing less.
Again, no, they weren't. They were not allowed to sign their players again for less money to get them under the cap. If one of the players said "ok ill take a $100k paycut to stay" they still weren't allowed to.


International Captain
Senior Staff
Feb 27, 2010
We've had the Storm cap rort discussion a gazillion times, with the same outcome: Everyone agrees it was fair except AP...

Move on!


It's Bronco Time
Aug 27, 2008
they wouldnt be delaying the punishment - the punishment would be to start the next full season on minus points.

like i said, punishments only work if you actually get punished. taking points off you when you already cant make the finals isnt a punishment.

missing the point AP, but in fairness to you, I helped you miss it with a quickly written and thus poorly worded post

my post was in the context of the NRL deliberately delaying the process in order to hand down a punishment for next year

Assume that the investigation is as efficient as possible, but it still isn't concluded until after the 2014 season is over

In that case it would be reasonable to have the penalty apply to 2015 (if the penalty is loss of points)

If the investigation is concluded whilst the 2014 season is still going, the penalty should apply to 2014, otherwise it by very definition "delaying"
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Anonymous person

Anonymous person

Banned User
Dec 16, 2008
If the investigation is concluded whilst the 2014 season is still going, the penalty should apply to 2014, otherwise it by very definition "delaying"
i dont agree with that at all.

what season it finishes in should have no impact on the punishment. the punishment needs to be strong enough to get a message across, and taking points away from a team when the loss of points means nothing at that stage doesnt send a message. well it does, but the wrong one.


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
i dont agree with that at all.

what season it finishes in should have no impact on the punishment. the punishment needs to be strong enough to get a message across, and taking points away from a team when the loss of points means nothing at that stage doesnt send a message. well it does, but the wrong one.

how about we wait to find out what actually happened ... if points need to be deducted as a punishment, we'll deal with it. if a fine is sufficient penalty, that so be it. it should be the same penalty for us as if it happened at a poor Sydney club. for example, if they would fine a Sydney club, then they should fine us as well, not deduct points because we could easily pay the fine
Mister Wright

Mister Wright

NRL Captain
Jun 8, 2009
We'll only get a points deduction for 2014 if we qualify for the finals. If we don't we'll lose points for 2015.


It's Bronco Time
Aug 27, 2008
We'll only get a points deduction for 2014 if we qualify for the finals. If we don't we'll lose points for 2015.

Yet Melbourne lost their points and couldn't earn anymore in the season the rort was uncovered

What if the investigation concludes today?

Does the NRL wait until they find out if we qualify for finals prior to announcing the punishment?



It's Bronco Time
Aug 27, 2008
Also, I think we should assume a fine rather than loss of points at this stage

Unless there was systematic, ongoing and deliberate rorting (as per Storm) a fine seems to be the likely outcome


Senior Staff
Mar 5, 2008
Warriors lost points. I see no reason why we won't either.
Mister Wright

Mister Wright

NRL Captain
Jun 8, 2009
Yet Melbourne lost their points and couldn't earn anymore in the season the rort was uncovered

What if the investigation concludes today?

Does the NRL wait until they find out if we qualify for finals prior to announcing the punishment?


Lol! My post was sarcastic meaning kharma will work against us, for eg, we work and play hard to make the finals only to have points taken off us to be eliminated. However, if we miss the finals (which is likely) it's possible the investigation won't finish until end of season meaning we'll lose our points for 2015.

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