Broncos remain NRL's cleanest club

Mr Fourex

Mr Fourex

State of Origin Captain
Apr 9, 2012
The NRL have gone to the video ref on this matter and the ASADA investigation .......tick tock tick tock .....yawn

watch the decisions come back as a complete balls up.

David Smith is whoring off our game to the highest bidder so he can pay the hotel bills for the "investigation committee" meetings.


State of Origin Rep
Sep 19, 2012
Is there any further updates on this yet?


It's Bronco Time
Aug 27, 2008
Lol! My post was sarcastic meaning kharma will work against us, for eg, we work and play hard to make the finals only to have points taken off us to be eliminated. However, if we miss the finals (which is likely) it's possible the investigation won't finish until end of season meaning we'll lose our points for 2015.

totally missed that!
Ari Gold

Ari Gold

Master Baiter
Mar 13, 2008
Call me greedy but I don't mind if we get docked 4pts next year. It'll just increase our odds to win the premiership, which is more than fine by me!


International Rep
Mar 7, 2008
Funny thing about being docked points for next year is WB, Milford, and several others likely will all be punished for something they had no part in. I doubt we'll be docked, most likely a fine as it seems that no monies ( don't really like the word )were paid to players so no excess for the cap. I'd hazard a guess that the drawn out nature of things is due to getting legal opinions for all the parties concerned. The NRL certainly don't want to come out all tough and hard only to see that stance overturned later in court.


International Rep
Oct 17, 2013
All I know is that no matter what is found, other NRL fans will think we got away with murder and we won't ever live it down.


State of Origin Captain
Mar 5, 2008
I'd hazard a guess that the drawn out nature of things is due to getting legal opinions for all the parties concerned.

The NRL are just bloody slow.

They have been investigating the Titans for over 8 months & so far nothing.

At this rate both will be resolved in the year 3000.


International Rep
Mar 7, 2008
All I know is that no matter what is found, other NRL fans will think we got away with murder and we won't ever live it down.

Yeah, I see that too. It's nice that we will at least get that as a silver lining lol......deep down they hate us anyway so ...**** em !!


NRL Player
Jan 16, 2014
More news is about to hit in regards to the salary cap. From what I'm hearing this is far from over and is getting deeper. I would anticipate that more news will be in the public eye over the next few days. If I hear anything more solid or direct details i will update accordingly.
Ari Gold

Ari Gold

Master Baiter
Mar 13, 2008
That's disappointing to hear.

It looks to me like we have spend $500,000 or more on this investigation. Any idea what that is for? Seems like a lot of money for us to be spending given the NRL are the ones who are doing the actual investigation.


NRL Player
Jan 16, 2014
That's disappointing to hear.
It looks to me like we have spend $500,000 or more on this investigation. Any idea what that is for? Seems like a lot of money for us to be spending given the NRL are the ones who are doing the actual investigation.

Not entirely sure yet ari, it is still a scary topic so info is pretty limited at this point in time. A lot of nervous people around.
Rhys van Beurden

Rhys van Beurden

QCup Player
Jun 20, 2013
NRL investigators have interviewed at least six Brisbane Broncos players as part of salary cap probe

STAR Brisbane recruits Ben Barba and Martin Kennedy have been interviewed as part of the NRL’s salary cap probe, which has hit a roadblock because the Integrity Unit cannot compel former Broncos football manager Andrew Gee to cooperate with them.
The Daily Telegraph can reveal at least half a dozen members of the Broncos squad have been summoned to interviews with NRL investigators over the past fortnight. The club’s two highest-paid recruits for 2014 — Barba and Kennedy — are among them.
Barba and Kennedy both defected north midway through their previous contracts, with the Bulldogs and Roosters respectively, on multimillion-dollar deals with the NRL’s most financially robust outfit.
Negotiations also included the prospect of third-party deals to top-up their base salaries.

There is no suggestion the players — or their agents — had any knowledge of wrongdoing or did anything wrong themselves.
Heavily involved in recruitment at the time, Gee was a key figure in those negotiations, which permitted Brisbane to help source outside money, but not guarantee it.
It’s understood there were delays in honouring third-party deals for more than one player for this season. With anxiety rising about whether the money would be forthcoming, Gee was a contact at the club for player agents seeking to ensure their clients weren’t left out of pocket.

The thrust of the NRL’s inquiry — launched in late May — was that the Broncos were guilty of guaranteeing third-party payments.
The potential smoking gun is a $400,000 loan from the Leagues Club — a separate entity to the publicly listed NRL business — to Gee. Internal records reveal this money was repaid shortly before Gee resigned as football manager in April. Gee also stepped down from the board of the Leagues Club around the time the NRL announced a salary cap investigation was taking place.

However, the probe has been frustrated because Gee cannot be compelled to cooperate with the Integrity Unit as he is no longer registered with the NRL. That roadblock has made the task of proving suspicions that any of the Leagues Club loan was used to guarantee unfulfilled third-party deals significantly longer.
That’s why inquiries have commenced with players that the NRL has identified as possible recipients.

On the face of it the transaction was merely a loan that has been repaid. But the NRL has not given up hope that Gee can still be interviewed, even if it is not by its own investigators.
It’s understood the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) has been contacted to assist inquiries into the Leagues Club, which is beyond the reach of the NRL’s investigative jurisdiction. ASIC might well have the power to interview Gee because he once represented the club as a board member.

Gee declined to respond when contacted on Wednesday. The Broncos and NRL did likewise. Representatives for Barba and Kennedy have confirmed both were interviewed by the NRL and cooperated fully.
“The NRL will not be commenting on the Broncos salary cap investigation until the matter is finalised,” an NRL spokesman said.
Coincidentally, NRL boss Dave Smith travelled to Brisbane on Wednesday night to give a State of Game presentation to Queensland-based captains, including Broncos skipper Corey Parker. The NRL denied that Smith would be meeting Broncos *officials about the salary cap probe during his trip north, stating the CEO can have no influence on the Integrity Unit’s investigation.

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International Rep
May 21, 2013
It's unlikely, but I guess it's possible that this whole thing has had an effect on Barba & Kennedy's form (Willingness to give 100%?)

Let's hope it's resolved soon, I'm sick of hearing about it.

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