Broncos remain NRL's cleanest club



State of Origin Rep
Sep 8, 2009
MMM are saying they went to interview Milford in Canberra but was advised by Ayoub not to take part as he didn't have legal representation.


QCup Player
Feb 8, 2014
Under White's watch - > recruitment of Griffin, worst finishes in Broncs history, salary cap investigation that seems to get worse each day etc etc.

White -> needs to take a very long walk out into the snow.

Soon, for the sake of the club.
Bucking Beads

Bucking Beads

International Captain
Mar 5, 2008
It isn't surprising at all that the Broncos have struggled to recruit players. When the people who are hired to do that job are dropping us in this Salary Cap mess. The rot starts at the top I am afraid. If guilty of these salary cap breaches Paul White will need to go.


International Captain
Forum Staff
Oct 5, 2011
Under White's watch - > recruitment of Griffin, worst finishes in Broncs history, salary cap investigation that seems to get worse each day etc etc.

White -> needs to take a very long walk out into the snow.

Soon, for the sake of the club.

Maybe you could show him the way?


State of Origin Rep
Sep 8, 2009
@badds76: Exclusive: the ceo that authorised $298,000 in payments to andrew gee and two more broncos stars in cap probe. Full story cmail tomrow


NRL Player
Jun 1, 2014
@badds76: Exclusive: the ceo that authorised $298,000 in payments to andrew gee and two more broncos stars in cap probe. Full story cmail tomrow

Article is up:

Former Broncos Leagues boss Geoff Kuehner, who quit on July 23, allegedly authorised payments totalling $298,000 to Brisbane’s football arm;
NRL salary cap auditor Jamie L’Oste Brown will interview Milford next week over the composition of his Broncos contract;
Parker’s new two-year deal, brokered in April, will be scrutinised;
One player has fronted a Broncos board member seeking more than $50,000 in unpaid contract money;
Former football manager Andrew Gee has sought legal advice following his sudden resignation in May; and
Corporate lawyer Angelo Venardos has been engaged by Broncos Leagues after the club, via Venardos, voluntarily submitted a report to ASIC a fortnight ago.


International Rep
May 21, 2013
■ One player has fronted a Broncos board member seeking more than $50,000 in unpaid contract money

Why do I get the feeling that it's Barba not getting paid his full amount, it would somewhat explain his poor form and lack of effort this season.


Senior Staff
Sep 6, 2013
The article also mentioned ASIC has not launched any legal action and nothing about $450-500k over the cap which means at this stage, being docked points, etc is utter speculation.


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
Raiders still holding out hope on Milford apparantly

Raiders hopeful on Milford
Canberra insiders believe the Broncos' salary cap investigation could see them retain the services of brilliant young fullback Anthony Milford.
Milford has signed with the Broncos for 2015 but is one of the players at the centre of the scandal that is currently being unravelled by the NRL and its Integrity Unit.
If the Broncos are found guilty there is a real chance the sanctions imposed on them will result in them being unable to sign Milford.
Privately, the Raiders cannot believe that Milford rejected the massive deal they put to him.
With 'extras' and incentives, the Raiders deal was worth close to $1 million a season - yet Milford still knocked it back - presumably to take more money in Brisbane.
The NRL investigation is set to take weeks - if not months - and Milford is scheduled to meet with NRL officials next week to discuss his contract.
Raiders officials will take more than a passing interest in how it all goes down…

League | The Lurker - NRL Rumour File - Friday | SPORTAL


International Captain
Forum Staff
Oct 5, 2011
Raiders still holding out hope on Milford apparantly

League | The Lurker - NRL Rumour File - Friday | SPORTAL

It amazes me that the raiders are still dumbfounded that Milford accepted less to come to Brisbane when;

a) It is his hometown and the team he grew up supporting

b) He has a sick father here

c) Many, many other players have turned the raiders to either stay at their current club or go elsewhere for less money than the raiders were offering.

How many times do they have to be rejected before they start thinking maybe it's us and not them?
Last edited:


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
It amazes me that the raiders are still dumbfounded that Milford accepted less to come to Brisbane when;

a) It is his hometown and the team he grew up supporting

b) He has a sick father her

c) Many, many other players have turned the raiders to either stay at their current club or go elsewhere for less money than the raiders were offering.

How many times do they have to be rejected before they start thinking maybe it's us and not them?

but you know as well as i do ... that his father was never sick ... heart attacks aren't that serious, you recover from them quickly (at least thats the Raiders and their fans POV).

I wonder what line they would use if he was unable to go to the Broncos, but still didn't go back to the Raiders
Bucking Beads

Bucking Beads

International Captain
Mar 5, 2008
If the Titans are smart they are sniffing around as well. No doubt Milford wants to be up here so the Titans would be an option if his deal with us fell through.


International Rep
May 21, 2013
I could handle us losing Barba, or Hoffman, but I couldn't handle us losing Milford, that'll be an enormous kick up the ass.
Ari Gold

Ari Gold

Master Baiter
Mar 13, 2008
but you know as well as i do ... that his father was never sick ... heart attacks aren't that serious, you recover from them quickly (at least thats the Raiders and their fans POV).

I wonder what line they would use if he was unable to go to the Broncos, but still didn't go back to the Raiders

To be honest I think Raiders fans are entitled to think heart attacks aren't serious. They have a team who play with no heart, how could someone having a heart possibly be bad to them?


International Captain
Forum Staff
Oct 5, 2011
To be honest I think Raiders fans are entitled to think heart attacks aren't serious. They have a team who play with no heart, how could someone having a heart possibly be bad to them?

bahahaha. you win everything


NRL Player
Jan 16, 2014
To be honest I think Raiders fans are entitled to think heart attacks aren't serious. They have a team who play with no heart, how could someone having a heart possibly be bad to them?

Hahahahaha, classic work ari.


NRL Captain
Jun 3, 2013
Lawyer of convicted wife-murderer Gerard Baden-Clay called in to help Broncos |

THE Broncos have engaged the lawyer of convicted wife-murderer Gerard Baden-Clay to help six Brisbane stars embroiled in the NRL’s salary-cap investigation.The Sunday Mail can reveal Peter Shields, one of Australia’s top criminal-defence lawyers, was hired to provide representation after NRL investigators descended on Broncos headquarters 11 days ago.


A Sunday Mail investigation has also found:
* At least six Broncos are in the crosshairs of the NRL’s cap probe. They are co-captain Corey Parker, Martin Kennedy, Ben Barba, Jarrod Wallace, Corey Oates, and the incoming Anthony Milford;
* Shields has long-time links with Broncos boss Paul White, with the pair entering the Queensland Police Academy as cadets in the 1980s;
* NRL salary-cap investigators are leaving no stone unturned, quizzing players on ownership of mobile phones and cars and any personal property transactions;
* The salary-cap probe has hit the Brisbane empire financially. In their half-yearly results released on Thursday, Brisbane Broncos Limited’s pre-tax profit decreased by $466,631 on the corresponding period last year; and
* The financial report said the downturn related primarily to “costs incurred” as part of the NRL’s probe into possible salary-cap irregularities totalling $450,000.

The NRL is ramping up its investigation, with salary-cap chief Jamie L’Oste Brown expected to travel to Canberra this week to finalise his round of interviews by meeting Milford.
Milford postponed a planned meeting with NRL investigators last week to give him more time to prepare and to organise legal representation.

A leaked NRL document, written by L’Oste Brown and sighted by The Sunday Mail, was issued on July 24 requesting meetings with six Broncos players.
But the Broncos are giving the targeted group every assistance, with Shields hired as legal aid after the players’ managers were banned from attending the interviews.

Shields has extensive experience in criminal law.
The former homicide-squad detective has represented alleged bikies and was recently hired by Baden-Clay, who was last month found guilty of killing his wife in Queensland’s biggest murder trial.
Shields politely declined an interview on the Broncos’ salary-cap probe, saying: “I won’t be making any comment. You should contact Dennis Watt (Broncos chairman) or Paul White if you wish to seek comment.”
There is no suggestion Broncos officials or players have orchestrated a salary-cap breach.
Rather NRL investigators are specifically probing more recent contract deals to help ascertain whether Broncos players received any third-party payments that may breach salary-cap laws.
A fortnight ago, Broncos Leagues, via legal representative Angelo Vernados, voluntarily submitted a report to ASIC.

An internal club audit detected $298,000 in alleged payments to Brisbane’s football arm via former operations chief Andrew Gee, who resigned in late April.
The Sunday Mail can reveal the machinations behind the biggest salary-cap probe in Brisbane’s 26-year history.
Last Wednesday week, Parker, Kennedy, Barba, Wallace and Oates were interviewed by L’Oste Brown and NRL integrity and compliance staffer Alby Taylor.
The meetings were originally scheduled to take place at Brisbane’s Sofitel Hotel, but were shifted to the Broncos Leagues Club.
“Rule 120 of the PCR Rules (Playing Contract and Remuneration Rules) requires you to co-operate with me to the best of your ability and to answer truthfully any question asked of you by me during the course of an investigation,” L’Oste’s communique reads in part.
“We invite you to bring a support person to the interview.”

The Broncos enlisted Shields for legal representation. Each player was interviewed individually for around 45 minutes to an hour.
They were asked a series of questions, including who paid their mobile-phone bills and whether any cars were supplied by the Broncos or related sponsors.
The players were also quizzed on the composition of their Broncos contracts and whether they had any third-party deals. The five in question were not compelled to supply paperwork outlining their contractual terms.
It is understood the group were asked to supply a formal statement. At least one player declined to do so.
Taylor did the interrogating, taking notes as players answered, while L’Oste Brown sat in on the interviews, saying little.
The Sunday Mail understands one player, in particular, copped a “heavy grilling” and left the interview room visibly “rattled”.

Broncos CEO White confirmed the interviews with five players, saying the club is being totally transparent in dealings with NRL investigators.
“It is really just part of a process that the NRL would interview players as part of their investigation,” White said on Brisbane’s official website.
“The involvement of our players is part of their process and we wouldn’t want people to read any more into it than that.
“We speak to the NRL daily to see where they are at, and for them to inform us of anything they want.
“They informed us and we scheduled the time in with the players.
“That was done in a very appropriate and orderly way and our players co-operated fully.

What it gives us confidence in, is that things are progressing.
“Following the interviews with the players, we would be hoping the matter would be resolved in the near future.”
Speaking after Brisbane’s 41-10 defeat of Canterbury on Friday night, Parker said the cap probe was not a distraction.
“What we have to do is our job,” he said.
“There has been some disruptions. It’s easy to say it has played on our minds but we have made a real conscious effort about turning up and doing the job and (the Bulldogs win) was a good example of that.”


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