Broncos remain NRL's cleanest club

There's an ocean of grey in the salary cap rules, with a few beacons of mandatoryness and discretion thrown in.

If you are an ex-footballer without much in the way of corporate governance, legal or compliance and auditing training, dealing with player manager shiesters, you're bound to come up against some curly judgment calls.

The fact the Broncos self-reported it probably indicates that:

(a) it's towards the blacker end of that scale;
(b) they've been proactive and the NRL should consider that as a mitigating factor when deciding penalties (if any);
(c) it's vastly different to the Storm breaches - literally falsifying books and records

well said
What about money paid from other people or companies?

If a player is receiving money from any person as a way of inducing him to play for the club, then that money will be included in the Salary Cap.

Income that a player earns from parties not related to his club is generally not included in the Salary Cap, however, the details of the agreement must be advised to the club by the player.
The club must then get approval for the agreement from the Salary Cap Auditor in order for the remuneration to be excluded.
In 2006, the NRL also introduced an allowance for players who enter into Third Party Agreements with club sponsors, referred to as Marquee Player Agreements. In 2014, the Top 25 players are allowed to earn up to a maximum $600,000 in Marquee Player Agreements but the total payments under these agreements must not exceed $600,000 per club, otherwise any excess amounts are included in the salary cap.
Players are also able to enter into agreements with game sponsors, referred to as Sponsor Leveraging Agreements. There is no maximum amount and they are excluded from the salary cap.
"Income that a player earns from parties not related to his club is generally not included in the Salary Cap, however, the details of the agreement must be advised to the club by the player. The club must then get approval for the agreement from the Salary Cap Auditor in order for the remuneration to be excluded."

So supposedly the NRL salary cap auditor is aware of every cent earned by every NRL player from any source whatsoever.

Apparently he's supposed to be more efficient than the ATO!
Honestly, it seems like a massive beat up. Brisbane aren't playing well so it's not like the media can crow about our on-field exploits. Need to find another angle to drum up interest.
Look, I'm hoping we haven't done anything seriously wrong BUT if we have White may be the smartest CEO ever (now just give me some latitude here).

1) the club mate have recognised that we aren't going to win it this year;
2) the club may think we have a much better chance next year;
3) by self reporting, the club controls when the penalty will likely be imposed;
4) given the time of year, any loss of points etc is likely to imposed in relation to this season rather than next season.

Is White that smart?
Dobbo on Triple-M this morning said:

* Includes two senior players.
* Involves Barba's contract specifically, and as Milford's contract stands, in its current form will unlikely be registered by the NRL
* It involves both the Leagues club and football club.
They also said last night that Gee also had a position at the Leagues Club, and that he was quietly removed from that role a month ago. Which is two weeks before his "personal leave". The fact that the media are reporting that it's both the leagues club & football operation may be an extrapolated assumption based on Gee's involvement with both, or it may well be the defining link to how they uncovered the alleged rort.

On the plus side, because it's been found before Milford's contract has been registered, you'd assume it could be amended to make it acceptable.

But seriously, if it looks like Gee has been so incompetent that he's screwed up the contracts of two biggest recruits since Folau, as well as opened the club up to serious penalties, he should have his life membership torn up.
That sounds like Andrew Gee has made a meal of things big time. What a debacle.
Dobbo on Triple-M this morning said:

* Includes two senior players.
* Involves Barba's contract specifically, and as Milford's contract stands, in its current form will unlikely be registered by the NRL
* It involves both the Leagues club and football club.

Then how does the 2012, and 2013 season come into it.
Then how does the 2012, and 2013 season come into it.

My guess is, if any of these rumours are true, that Barba and the current Milford contract have a payment structure similar to the 2012/2013 payments of player X that are now a potential salary cap breach.

My confusion is why wouldnt all of this be picked up when the NRL registers each and every contract unless something was deliberately hidden
This thing turned over much quicker then even I expected.

Goodluck with your season anyways.

PS, if Tedesco is uninjured he pwns Cinderella.
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They better do whatever needs to be done to make milford's contract registered.

What a fucking mess
I wouldn't believe a world Triple M say, they make stuff up most of the time
I wouldn't believe a world Triple M say, they make stuff up most of the time

Yeah I know, except that this didn't come from "Chinese Whispers" Marto, it was from the mouth of a (slightly) more credible source.
Dobbo on Triple-M this morning said:

* Includes two senior players.
* Involves Barba's contract specifically, and as Milford's contract stands, in its current form will unlikely be registered by the NRL
* It involves both the Leagues club and football club.

I'd be backing Dobbo on this one. I've heard this info from another source as well.
But seriously, if it looks like Gee has been so incompetent that he's screwed up the contracts of two biggest recruits since Folau, as well as opened the club up to serious penalties, he should have his life membership torn up.

surely the club has lawyers which handle the actual contracts?
surely the club has lawyers which handle the actual contracts?

And that's the bigger concern - if it wasn't just a sneaky little unauthorised act by Gee, how many other people were involved?