Just need to confirm I have this right.
It’s not a fair indication to cherry pick a time frame, yet Roberts’ stint at the Broncos under Bennett (2 seasons) is OK to use as evidence, but his (second) time at the Rabbitohs (in excess of 1.5 seasons (6 games for the Broncos and 12 for the Rabbitohs in 2019)) is not? And his time at the Titans (2 seasons), after he’d been sacked by his previous 2 clubs (for being a dickhead) and made City Origin, is not?
Have I got that right?
That aside, I like to hang shit on the Titans as much as the next bloke, but I think you are severely downplaying the role they had in his turnaround. As you rightly point out, his 2015 and ‘17 form were very similar. However, what you haven’t included is that his 2015 form (from 2 less games than he played in 2017) was in a team that got beaten far more than it won, yet 2017 was in a winning team. I think it’s fair to say that it’s far easier to be a dominant attacking player in a team that’s winning, but also, when you’re not the only attacking threat.
I also think it’s very important not to forget that no one at the Rabbitohs wanted Roberts again, except Bennett. Bennett insisted on taking the gamble, and no matter what excuses you want to roll-out, failed.
I do want to clarify that I am not arguing Bennett isn’t good at managing each player based on their individual personality and nurturing those that need it through difficult times, as he has proven he is. I just don’t think Bennett is as responsible for Roberts’ turnaround as you’re making out, as Roberts wasn’t the loose cannon he was at Souths (first time) and Panthers when he came to us. If anything, I think the bulk of the work done in helping him straighten his life out was done at the Titans, certainly the very strong foundations at the very least. Bennett massaged it at the Broncos but couldn’t replicate that at the Rabbitohs.