Me and others like me get annoyed when our legitimate complaints get shot down or called stupid etc with absolutely nothing coming back the other way aside from schoolyard insults.
Also, I believe in trying to be balanced (even though certainly not always successful to be fair) and if I see something worth commending, I commend it. I also point out what I would like to see the club do and if they do something different but I can see merit in it, I will say that.
Yes, I tend to be negative at times as do others but in fairness to us (me), it isn't all negativity. What often happens though is that I or someone like me post something that is negative and legitimate and then we got shot down but not with reasons, just with insults and stupidity and so of course it gets exacerbated. And no, I'm not going to blindly be positive about something that isn't worth being positive about - ala White, our recruitment and retention team / policy, lack of future planning, giving up on the field, getting smashed and the cherry on top of everything - player options. These are the things I and ones like me complain about. Other things I and people like me try to be positive / realistic about. What is wrong with that?
Also, as a side note, thank you for you well thought out and legitimately valid discussion points, it is so much more enjoyable talking like this.