Broncos Roster, Signings and Rumours Discussion 2021

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Both Latrell and GI are a lot different to Staggs imo. I've seen Kotoni in the back row and the centers. It suits his skill set. I don't see him having the skill set to play fullback or 6.
I think he’d make a decent running 6 if a club was willing to take the risk and develop a game and team that played to his strengths there. I’m definitely not suggesting that we be that team.

What the real point of my original post was, is that he’s just a centre and no matter how good of a centre he is, centres aren’t worth huge contracts.
According to the top paid players article, Manu is on 700K plus (not sure exactly what). Staggs is no Manu until he learns how to defend, but he's more hyped up by the media so its going to get interesting.
I was sure Manu was one of those guys the Roosters have been trying to pass off as only on around $400k, with plenty of help from Fox Sports etc to get that message out there.
Both Latrell and GI are a lot different to Staggs imo. I've seen Kotoni in the back row and the centers. It suits his skill set. I don't see him having the skill set to play fullback or 6.
I'd be genuinely curious to know how many of the 'Corey Allan hasn't done enough yet to warrant $400-500K at Fullback' brigade also fall into the 'Let's give Staggs $700-750k and hope he can play Fullback or 5/8' brigade.
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Read is one of the senior sports writers at the Australian. His stuff turns up occasionally in other Newcorp mastheads.

Murdoch's NRL coverage is the best by far. You'd be whinging like a **** if all you got was Fairfax and the Guardian. Though that might change when more transsexuals get involved.

I honestly don’t think my support of the game would differ in any way if News Corp didn’t report on it. I don’t go out of my way to read the lies, slander and blind guesswork that Booze and his cronies put out every fucking day to try and justify their jobs. As is the way for everything News Corp I guess.
I honestly don’t think my support of the game would differ in any way if News Corp didn’t report on it. I don’t go out of my way to read the lies, slander and blind guesswork that Booze and his cronies put out every fucking day to try and justify their jobs. As is the way for everything News Corp I guess.
Which news outlets would you recommend as being straight up and down, only the facts?
ABC generally only reports facts when it comes to sports- opinion pieces are pretty rare. There’s just little content compared to News Corpse.
ABC is excellent for sport, in general, though light on for day to day team gossip. Other topics, particularly those that are current political policy, I don't find it notably more vigilant than any of the Murdoch rags, which though generally skewing right, aren't an homogeneous voice. The ABC gives the Greens, and usually Labor, a free pass on many subjects. Take linking last years bushfires to energy policy. They shouldn't have tolerated a bar of that nonsense, but they let it pass unchallenged. Everyone I know at the ABC, outside the rural areas, is hard left and largely innumerate. Murdoch journos are a mixed bunch. The notion that Rupert tells them what to write isn't based in any reality, but he has, in the past, chosen a political candidate to support during election times, though he doesn't take the interest in Australia many assume. The Times and Sun supported Tony Blair, for example, who was Labour. And the WSJ went hard against Trump in the last election, though more in the aftermath.

There is a conflict of/mutual interest between the Courier Mail and the Broncos. It's a soap opera.
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Which news outlets would you recommend as being straight up and down, only the facts?
Not a news outlet, but i get 100% of my info from BHQ 😂 but for real, I follow @Clarkeys.rl.column & @blokeinabar (denan kemp) and they pretty much summarise all the big media's scoops but without any of the bullshit. I dont look at any thing else.
This proves that player judgements, at least in the case of fans, are for the most part entirely emotional and absolutely not logical or based on anything supported by actual data.
Oops, seems I read the original post wrong. To be clear I am in both the Corey Allen is not worth 500k and the don’t pay Staggs 750k for an experimental position camp.
ABC is excellent for sport, in general, though light on for day to day team gossip. Other topics, particularly those that are current political policy, I don't find it notably more vigilant than any of the Murdoch rags, which though generally skewing right, aren't an homogeneous voice. The ABC gives the Greens, and usually Labor, a free pass on many subjects. Take linking last years bushfires to energy policy. They shouldn't have tolerated a bar of that nonsense, but they let it pass unchallenged. Everyone I know at the ABC, outside the rural areas, is hard left and largely innumerate. Murdoch journos are a mixed bunch. The notion that Rupert tells them what to write isn't based in any reality, but he has, in the past, chosen a political candidate to support during election times, though he doesn't take the interest in Australia many assume. The Times and Sun supported Tony Blair, for example, who was Labour. And the WSJ went hard against Trump in the last election, though more in the aftermath.

There is a conflict of/mutual interest between the Courier Mail and the Broncos. It's a soap opera.
Not sure if it's out in the public sphere but channel 9 notfied it's entire workforce in the regions last Friday that they are all to be made redundant by this coming July.
ive mentioned htis before, last eyar i think, that the first truly successful Broncos side, and to some extent every one of our premiership winning tesm, had most of their cap invested in our backline.

Recently, that has swung around to be mostly based on our forward did that work out?

So for mine, we should return to our roots and start divesting oursleves of overpriced forwards and start adding true star dust into that backline.

Staggs isnt that right now, but he could be...Walsh also...

Just something to keep in mind next tiem you hear about Staggs wage demands....
Oops, seems I read the original post wrong. To be clear I am in both the Corey Allen is not worth 500k and the don’t pay Staggs 750k for an experimental position camp.
Holding both those positions in either the affirmative or negative together would make a great deal more sense even if I didn't agree with it personally.
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We should be bringing Walsh into the 21, if he isn't there already. The chances of Isaako shitting the bed at fullback are just way too high
What high priced centre has ever been worth the money?

If the genuinely see him shifting to 5/8 or fullback than he’s worth the money but 500+
for a centre, he can walk.
Mal Meninga, Gene Miles, Steve Renouf, Mick Cronin, Justin Hodges, Greg Inglis, Andrew Ettinghausen, Steve Rogers, Jamie Lyon etc
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