Broncos Roster, Signings and Rumours Discussion 2021

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State of Origin Rep
Mar 26, 2008
You guys do realise that defence us 50% of the game.
All the talk is about strike players but we are shit at defence.
TPJ has been a lot better , his second phase is good but it so often is a pass he pops up over a defender which is slow .
In D his efforts off the ball are still not there every week.


Senior Staff
Sep 6, 2013
You guys do realise that defence us 50% of the game.
All the talk is about strike players but we are shit at defence.
TPJ has been a lot better , his second phase is good but it so often is a pass he pops up over a defender which is slow .
In D his efforts off the ball are still not there every week.

You’re talking about the old rugby league. Defense is non existent in this current under 20s version.


State of Origin Rep
Dec 4, 2013
It all depends on who comes in. TPJ is a beast and my favourite player at the moment, he’s historically been toxic off of the field and continues to make costly errors.

If you move on TPJ and gain Sua on 150k less and replace Isaako with Hynes and these moves allow us to sign a quality hooker - than yeah, the loss of TPJ is disappointing but the balance of the team is far improved.
Tpj isn’t on outlandish money tho, I’d say he’s on far less than his market value atm. Aside from Reynolds, he’s the last player we should be shedding from our ‘22 roster.

With that said, i get a bad feeling that these rumours are legit given that the club is chasing an experienced second row and we have young talent coming through that have been signed longish term. Surely we can get Hynes and Hodgo without losing him...


State of Origin Rep
Mar 26, 2008
You’re talking about the old rugby league. Defense is non existent in this current under 20s version.
Panther, Roosters, Storm and Eels all say Hi.
Averaging under 15 points per game.
Dazza 92

Dazza 92

NRL Captain
Oct 13, 2014
So about Nicho Hynes...

Some interesting stuff here from Roy Masters.


"For example, the Storm calculate what they term “work rate markers”, counting a player’s total runs, tackles, support and kick pressure, divided by the number of minutes the player is on the field.

Whenever former champion fullback Billy Slater recorded a score of 0.22, he walked off the field totally spent, while this year’s custodians, Ryan Papenhuyzen and Nicho Hynes, have averaged figures 30 percent higher than Slater."

This "is" the Melbourne system.

So, if you think for any moment that inserting Hynes into the Broncos backline would instantly see Hynes replicate his Storm form here.....the Stats suggest youd be sadly disappointed.

Double down if you then pay him a wage that purpots to be fair for the Melbourne version of Hynes...

By the above metric, Hynes is already above Slaters best ever season....are we trying to buy the next Slater then?

Dont think so...


State of Origin Rep
Mar 26, 2008
Interesting on that, how do they go in terms of six agains and penalties compared to everyone else?
Not everything is a conspiracy. I agree we cop the rough end a lot but the better sides are defending in a manner that gets away with shit. It's been a weak point of ours since Wayne was here. It's up to us to do it better.
Mr Fourex

Mr Fourex

State of Origin Captain
Apr 9, 2012
I don’t think anyone has even gone remotely close to suggesting Lockyer is the problem.

He can, however, be criticised for his involvement without being held totally accountable. They don’t have to be the same thing.

Through all of this though, like it or not, he has played his part in the downfall of this club. No ones hands are clean.
I think you're last is the most salient point. Lockyer has largely gone under the radar for his role in letting our club turn to shit......

So for whatever role he is actual performing in......(?) He doesn't seem to interact with the players and or coaching staff....and as for his business acumen ( :rofl )

....he should be either moved to another less pivotal role.....or shown the door completely.


It's Bronco Time
Aug 27, 2008
What concerns me is the denial of the Isaako rumour but crickets about TPJ. I want them both to stay, but if I can have only one, it's TPJ


It's Bronco Time
Aug 27, 2008
I think you're last is the most salient point. Lockyer has largely gone under the radar for his role in letting our club turn to shit......

So for whatever role he is actual performing in......(?) He doesn't seem to interact with the players and or coaching staff....and as for his business acumen ( :rofl )

....he should be either moved to another less pivotal role.....or shown the door completely.
Or a more pivotal 5/8 coach :happy:
Trill Harrigan

Trill Harrigan

QCup Player
Apr 18, 2021
ill donate my salon quality barnet to locky if he'll go on a nice long holiday and leave the broncs alone for a while or even just promises not to make any more media statements

this is a legitimate offer daz, dm me


International Rep
Mar 7, 2008
I think the point has been mentioned in another thread but im intrigued by the talk that we still need to lose players to fix our cap. I would have thought our current situation allows us to get Reynolds, Hynes and maybe one other (Su'a/Capewell type player) easily.

This makes me think that maybe we're going to launch an all out assult on some really big names which haven't been mentioned yet?

I mean we loose Milf and gain Reynolds plus 200k change. We had an 800k offer on the table for fifta last year, supposedly 400-500k for coates and 300k walsh and Dearden who didnt accept offers.

You include that money in with the other guys we've offloaded such as macca (600k ish) bird (800k ish) offa (500k ish) i honestly struggle to see how we dont have cap space for 3 decent signings.

Yes we've made some upgrades such as staggs but even with that we should still be sitting pretty.

Honestly if our cap is that bad then the 800k offer for Fifita last year must have nearly had us over given we kept that money plus lose milfords 1 million and still supposedly have no money.

The more i think of it the more i think its just bulshit talk and making the media kickong us while we are down.

I'd love to see a list of what our cap looked like with all of the above players still here (pre season 2021) compared to them not here (right now) and compare how much space we have.
Actually @Sproj liked this post but I'm a bit surprised he didn't satisfy your curiosity. He's got all the financial details for the Broncos players. He told me exactly what Kennedy is getting next year (120k!) I must admit I was shocked to learn that. It's pretty impressive money management, a NRL standard bench front rower playing 40 minutes every week for 120k !!! You could have eight Kennedy's and get change out of a million.


NRL Captain
Mar 28, 2008
So about Nicho Hynes...

Some interesting stuff here from Roy Masters.


"For example, the Storm calculate what they term “work rate markers”, counting a player’s total runs, tackles, support and kick pressure, divided by the number of minutes the player is on the field.

Whenever former champion fullback Billy Slater recorded a score of 0.22, he walked off the field totally spent, while this year’s custodians, Ryan Papenhuyzen and Nicho Hynes, have averaged figures 30 percent higher than Slater."

This "is" the Melbourne system.

So, if you think for any moment that inserting Hynes into the Broncos backline would instantly see Hynes replicate his Storm form here.....the Stats suggest youd be sadly disappointed.

Double down if you then pay him a wage that purpots to be fair for the Melbourne version of Hynes...

By the above metric, Hynes is already above Slaters best ever season....are we trying to buy the next Slater then?

Dont think so...

I don't understand. The Storm's stats show Hynes works hard (harder than Slater, perhaps, although not taking into account the changes to the game since he played), but that somehow implies that he only works hard because he plays for the Storm, and if he were to play for another team he would not work as hard as he does currently?
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