That's because most are led by the nose and don't think for themselves. It's okay though, people are entitled to believe what they wish. I will cite one example of a preconception. Last year you could barely find a poster on here who thought Kennedy was a decent nrl forward. I was one of very very few who watched carefully and formed an opinion on what I saw. I don't listen to football broadcasts, I find the commentary irritating and distracting. I just watch in silence.
Kennedy has not changed one iota or perhaps he's a tad fitter, I don't know. Last year nobody put him down on the team lists they like creating. When I suggested him I was told he was garbage. Now, he features on every proposed list. He hasn't changed, he's still tackling the same, still making the same metres. What's changed? I tell you what's changed. The commentary around his efforts. You ask how I know if I watch in silence?
I watch the replays with the sound on. I've heard complimentary things said and lo and behold, next day or straight after they're said those same comments become many posters own thoughts!
The Anasta Isaako diatribe the other night was a classic example. Any fair minded person watching the game would see Isaako did little wrong. Anasta crucified him, hammering the same line and of course, that became 'the truth'. It wouldn't have mattered who the fullback was, the times when four grubbers are perfectly weighted, the times when those same four grubbers bounce their final bounce perfectly and lob into the arms of an attacker can be counted as 'once in a lifetime'. It doesn't happen but it did on that night.
You can believe it was some masterful plan or that Isaako should have been perfectly positioned but the truth is it was simply a freakishly fortunate sequence that bounced the perfect way. Anyway, you guys keep thinking Isaako is terrible, I choose to believe otherwise. I've blocked Bookhaki and won't be engaging anymore on this subject which will no doubt please many.