Broncos vs Sharks - Build up thread



U18 Player
Nov 16, 2009
Big_Dave said:
Millsy said:
[quote="Big_Dave":38jbqoe2]Good to see Israel dad passed the word onto Henjak that Hoffman should be given a chance :)
Do you think Israels dad might also have a word to henjak About send Dudds back to Q cup???

Dodds did ok on Friday. Better than previous weeks [icon_shru[/quote:38jbqoe2]
I agree he is improving but he's not a starting Prop. And if you look at Maguire had a better game the week before he was dropped and IMO is probably a better option ATM than Dodds.
I do hope he proves me wrong we need him to this week


NRL Player
Mar 31, 2010
Coxy said:
The Rock said:
BTW, no concerned about the inexperience in the starting front row. Considering all our props get the same amount of game time, it won't make too much difference.

I agree with what Foordy said earlier in the thread, that Ivan's probably trying to protect against the momentum being hurt when you bring young guys on mid half. Sometimes you find they've got a bit nervous and stir crazy sitting on the bench for 25 minutes and so start a bit slow and tentative.

However, Kenny and Anderson are a bit more experienced so shouldn't have that problem.

Plus, running out to start gives the young guys a bit of a boost of enthusiasm so they will start the game with more intensity.

It's a risk, but I think it's a calculated risk.

Im just a bit concerned about how well the Sharks pack has been going and especially the front row. I cant believe Sims has been dropped. To me i would have had him in and Dodds to Qcup. Much stronger looking foward pack then IMO. We need somebody who is going to take it to the skarkies in the first 15mins and i think Sims would of done that better then Dodds.

Hope i am proved very very wrong on Sunday thought.

Brisbane Broncos For LIfe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


NRL Player
Mar 4, 2008
That's a bizarre team from Henjak.

Dropping Norman I can understand but I think he's changing too many players around when we should be looking to build combinations with all the injured guys coming back.

Glenn should be in the centres, Gillett at lock and we need one of Kenny or Anderson starting. Dodds and Lui together are too inexperienced.


NRL Player
May 14, 2009
Does anyone know the problem with Sims? Did he give the photo of Henjak with the goat to Dodds? Is he the goat and no longer respected by Ivan? Arrgghh!?!?!?!

Abe The Cop

QCup Player
Mar 13, 2008
That may be the team named today, but I don't think it'll be the team that runs out. Good to see some players coming back though.


Forum Staff
Mar 5, 2008
The Rock said:
Yep exactly. Dodds and Lui will hold their own in the first 20 minutes

Will they though?

Snowden and Douglas aren't exactly crap. Going by his past few matches, Dodds doesn't make a lot of runs, so it could be Lui doing most of the work in making metres.

I reckon the Sharks could easily gain the momentum in the opening exchanges.

Abe The Cop

QCup Player
Mar 13, 2008
ningnangnong said:
The Rock said:
Snowden and Douglas aren't exactly crap. Going by his past few matches, Dodds doesn't make a lot of runs, so it could be Lui doing most of the work in making metres.
If the rest of the team played as good as they did, they'd be at the other end of the table.


Forum Staff
Mar 5, 2008
The Rock said:
Lui and Dunumis will be fresh, exciting and ready to go.

Going a bit senile there mate? [icon_lol1.


NYC Player
Jun 22, 2009
I actually reckon that is the best looking team we have put on the field this yr. Would not be surprised to see Glenn and Gillett swap at some stage as well as maybe Dodds or Lui dropping back and Kenny coming in. Hoffman at fullback gives us more in attack, I think we can get a good win and bring back some confidence.


NRL Captain
Mar 16, 2008
Meat77 said:
The thing I find most interesting with this team is the starting front row - that would have to be the least experienced Round 6 front row in the history of the game!

I don't mind seeing Hoffman get a go at fullback - as long as this isn't going to be a one game in one game out thing with him and Norman.

Good point. Norman got 5 rounds, 4 of which were average so I take it Henjak is prepared to give Hoffman a decent crack back there.

With the forwards though, what is Henjak seeing that we aren't? Why no Sims? Lui was fantastic against the Dragons very glad to see him get another jersey; but starting prop? Kenny must be still battling that injury.

I can understand Anderson being dropped to the bench who's a bit of a passenger at the moment but I thought Sims really put in against the Dragons. Setu is a confidence/nothing to lose type of player (like Hayne).


NRL Captain
Mar 16, 2008
joshobro said:
I actually reckon that is the best looking team we have put on the field this yr. Would not be surprised to see Glenn and Gillett swap at some stage as well as maybe Dodds or Lui dropping back and Kenny coming in. Hoffman at fullback gives us more in attack, I think we can get a good win and bring back some confidence.

Here's hoping.

Glenn and Gillett will swap at some point. I think Ivan's trying to (badly) throw some doubt in the opposition's mind (considering even blind freddy knows we are going to smash the right hand side ALL DAY with Folau and Yow Yeh).

Get on Yow Yeh for FTS. He will score a couple.

Broncos by 13+


State of Origin Captain
Mar 4, 2008
Sweet. I'm looking forward to seeing Hoffman at fullback. I want to see who really is the better fullback out of these two (I'm leaning towards Hoffman though).

Some weird selections though, but we have a better side compared to last week's.
Mister Wright

Mister Wright

NRL Captain
Jun 8, 2009
Given a 19 man team has been selected there will probably be a few changes before the starting 13 run onto the park. I really don't know why Sims was dropped, I don't think he's been that bad. There's a good squad of 19 there, hopefully the right combination of 17 is picked.


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
I have been reading on some forums people having a go at Henjak for making so many changes... WTF do they expect when you have 5 of your better players coming back injury and suspension.
Bucking Beads

Bucking Beads

International Captain
Mar 5, 2008
I can't see why we are persisting with Setu in the team TBH. Also the 2 backs on the bench idea is rubbish I am over it. Play Glenn in the centres and leave it at that. No wonder our attack is woeful we keep changing centres mid match. Also starting the 2 front rowers is a bit silly IMO maybe start Dodds and Kenny and bring Lui and Anderson on together or even leave Dodds out there he is a tackling machine. Sometimes I really wonder what goes on in Ivans little bald head.

Obviosuly Sims is out of favour with Henjak I expect to see him sign with another club and no doubt seeing his brothers leave with him.


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008

01. Nathan Stapleton
02. Blake Ferguson
03. Ben Pomeroy
04. Taulima Tautai
05. Isaac Gordon
06. Trent Barrett (capt)
07. Tim Smith
08. Kade Snowden
09. John Morris
10. Luke Douglas
11. Grant Millington
12. Anthony Tupou
13. Paul Gallen

14. Luke Harlen
15. Josh Cordoba
16. Paul Aiton
17. Siosaia Vave
18. Broderick Wright.


NRL Player
Mar 25, 2008
What has Ivan got against Sims??? I was really impressed by him against the Dragons last week. Ivan always seems to find one reason or another to drop him. Why I don't know, beats me [icon_shru I'd take Sims over Dodds anyday tbh.

Really glad that Lui's in the side again.

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