I found it. Right there in Black and White. NRL Judiciary Guidelines. Why the hell it isn't worded into the rulebook like this is beyond me, if it was there like that, no-one would be complaining.
https://www.nswrl.com.au/content/da...re and Ed/NRLJudiciaryCodeofProcedure2014.pdf
Contact With A Kicker Charged as Dangerous Contact
Directions along the following lines may be given:
Kicking the ball in the course of play is a legitimate part of the game.
It is acceptable fairly to charge down the kick before or during the making of the
kick so as to frustrate it and to prevent the ball passing cleanly away; however it
is conduct in breach of the Rules where, in the course of a charge-down of a kick
in the course of play, the charging player makes Dangerous Contact with the
kicking player.
One possible indicator of such an offence is that the contact is improbably late
and/or not directed at the football - that is, where it is clear that the charging
player was never likely actually to stop the ball being kicked away, and just
aimed to make contact with the kicker whilst he is off balance and vulnerable.
Another possible indicator of such an offence is that in attempting to charge a
kick down a defender throws himself in front of the kicker or at the kicker’s leg or
legs making it likely a collision with the defender will be unavoidable.
Another possible indicator of such an offence is that the charging player
launches himself so that he loses contact with the ground in the course of the
And there may be other indicators.
The Panel should bear in mind, where deciding on such charges, the need to
protect kickers against being targeted.
This offence may be committed intentionally, recklessly or carelessly.
But then again some people will probably read it differently to me.