If he stays on less money with us it will be an enormous lift to the whole club. If he goes to the Tits on $1.25mil can you imagine the amount of resentment other players will be feeling when they are getting flogged and Dave is not 'saving' them.
The whole shitshow where other players know what the high earners are getting is not good for player harmony. There has to be some skulduggery going on to try and destablilise what looks to be an absolute redhot pack if allowed to stay together for another year or two.
You need only look to see how there is barely a whisper when the Rorters are due to re-sign a player (Keary a prime example). Not even a counter offer from a single club to raise his potential earning capacity from his manager? So suss!
If Dave stays it will be a huge "**** You" to the rest of the comp and it will herald the beginning of a new era at the Broncos.