DCE backflips to stay at Manly

Wonder if this was taken at Manly Beach.

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So, is the "lifetime contract" in DCE's favour, or the club's? As in, which one of them gets to say that his "career" is over? Because if it's DCE, the club is fucked because judging by his character so far, it sounds like he'll gladly be pulling on their #7 jersey well in to his 40s, walking stick and spectacles included, and getting around $4 million a season if the next few TV rights' deals go as hoped.

Sensationalistic and ridiculous.

I don't think anyone begrudges him taking the money. In fact most people will probably admit that in order to negotiate a deal, using "interest" from another club is something most players (albeit their managers) would be expected of, like it or not. Where this goes past that is that, regardless of the fact it's a legit clause, actually signing something you don't intend on following through on is a dog act. Making promises to people that were never intended to be kept is a dog act. Even Greg Inglis could be argued to have acted with more class, seeing as at the time of agreeing with a handshake, he genuinely intended on being a Bronco.

When DCE signed the agreement with the Titans, Manly still had Foran on their books and it didn't appear as though Foran was going anywhere. So it's reasonable to believe that he was and intended to, play for the Titans. Since then, Foran has signed a deal with the Eels, Manly in turn now have more money to throw at DCE......DCE wants to stay at Manly. I don't see anything underhanded or any behaviour from DCE, that entitles his final decision to be labelled a "dog act".
What Daly did was not a class act by any means, and you've gotta feel for the Titans.

However, I'd punch Darren Lockyer in the nuts for 10 million freaking dollars.
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I'm all for people ragging on DCE for the foreseeable future, but seriously.. Tallis? Didn't he walk out on the Dragons and even sit out a season.. What a hypocrite :lol:

They’re not the same situation; Tallis was offered a release from the Dragons and took them up on it. He signed with Brisbane and then the Dragons said no to his release. He morally took exception to being lied to and said I won’t play with you and will sit out the last year of my contract. Dragons made the Grand Final he could have potentially won a premiership at the Dragons if he’d played. He cost himself big time with Origin and Test spots too. He stuck to not playing for a club that didn’t keep their word.
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Instead of trying to have a go at posters that aren't happy to go "who cares? doesn't affect me". Maybe just try and look at the situation.

The reason some people think this is so shit is because of the affect his actions have had on the club he had given his word to. This is crippling for the Titans, they were already on their knees and he left it so late that the only other options on the open market are either average or incredibly inexperienced.

No one is claiming what he has done is illegal but that doesn't make it any less dishonourable. He dragged them along for months with no intention of going there just so he can get his fat payday at Manly. When you do stuff like that you have to expect backlash
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Of course I'm fine with it because 1) it's not illegal 2) ethics are an individuals persuasion 3) i don't see why a business decision should reflect personally on someone 4) it has nothing to do with me hence i don't see the need to emotionally invest in it 5) he doesn't play for brisbane.

So essentially you have no opinion, thoughts or empathy outside of anything that affects your directly? there's a word for that...
They’re not the same situation; Tallis was offered a release from the Dragons and took them up on it. He signed with Brisbane and then the Dragons said no to his release. He morally took exception to being lied to and said I won’t play with you and will sit out the last year of my contract. Dragons made the Grand Final he could have potentially won a premiership at the Dragons if he’d played. He cost himself big time with Origin and Test spots too. He stuck to not playing for a club that didn’t keep their word.

Very true and well said. If anything his situation is the exact opposite of cherry-evans as he sat out on principle because he had given his word to Brisbane but they Dragons were preventing him from keeping his word, so he did the only thing he could
Why thank you. But if you look past that, you get the gist of my question, right? Who decides when his "lifetime contract" is over?

“As long as Daly is playing NRL football he’ll be here at (Manly),” Sea Eagles CEO Joe Kelly said in announcing the Cherry-Evans signing on Wednesday afternoon.
Why thank you. But if you look past that, you get the gist of my question, right? Who decides when his "lifetime contract" is over?

What if he retires in 4 years? Does that mean they'd have to pay him the rest of his 10 million in one go? They'll be struggling for salary cap room for some time.
“As long as Daly is playing NRL football he’ll be here at (Manly),” Sea Eagles CEO Joe Kelly said in announcing the Cherry-Evans signing on Wednesday afternoon.

I guess what I wonder about it though is who has final decision on when his career is over?

So here is my too scenarios I am wondering about:

Say he gets to 35 and he still wants to play although his form is shithouse, do they still have to pay him?

alternatively, he gets to his early 30's and is still playing good but not 1.4 million a year good can Manly drop him to reggies and say "your not playing NRL anymore so we dont have to pay?

Surely there are some clauses in there for both sides to determine when his NRL career is deemed over
Instead of trying to have a go at posters that aren't happy to go "who cares? doesn't affect me". Maybe just try and look at the situation.

The reason some people think this is so shit is because of the affect his actions have had on the club he had given his word to. This is crippling for the Titans, they were already on their knees and he left it so late that the only other options on the open market are either average or incredibly inexperienced.

You're confusing my apathy for ignorance - I'm aware of the situation, it would be hard not to, considering the media coverage on this.

I don't care for the Titans. At all. Therefore, I don't care if a player renegs on them. The Titans will fail regardless of DCE, because they have always failed, in every carnation in every code. The coast doesn't give a shit about their teams, that has been well detailed over many years.

Also, I'm not having a go at posters for it. If they want to feel personally aggrieved about this, by all means - i'm not insulting them for it. I just think some of the reactions are over the top.

No one is claiming what he has done is illegal but that doesn't make it any less dishonourable. He dragged them along for months with no intention of going there just so he can get his fat payday at Manly. When you do stuff like that you have to expect backlash

Yes but we're talking about honour and a man's word like there's some greater duty to be upheld. The guy kicks and passes a football every week, he's not a solider, a doctor, a social worker, or any one from the community that actually makes a tangibly positive difference to the community. That's why I find this whole backlash/outrage amusing, you're getting so upset because a guy didn't want to play football in one jersey. That's what makes him lower than scum, a piece of a shit, a merkin, a man with no class, etc etc? People need to realign their ideologies on what maketh a man if that's how they feel.

So essentially you have no opinion, thoughts or empathy outside of anything that affects your directly? there's a word for that...

Really, where did I say that? For someone who complains about having words put in their mouth this is very rich. All I suggested was people who emotionally invest in a business decision that has nothing at all to do with them maybe need to get some perspective.
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I think some people have taken the DCE insults wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too literally..
Yes but we're talking about honour and a man's word like there's some greater duty to be upheld. The guy kicks and passes a football every week, he's not a solider, a doctor, a social worker, or any one from the community that actually makes a tangibly positive difference to the community. That's why I find this whole backlash/outrage amusing, you're getting so upset because a guy didn't want to play football in one jersey. That's what makes him lower than scum, a piece of a shit, a merkin, a man with no class, etc etc? People need to realign their ideologies on what maketh a man if that's how they feel.

The reason people like me are disappointed about this is that I consider the Maroons to be one of "my" teams. And DCE is, or was, or will be, part of that team. In a team sport (or any team for that matter), you're only going to perform to anything close to your best if there is trust. His actions will surely compromise any trust that players have in him, and therefore those actions have compromised how my team will potentially perform. That's not too hard a stretch in my opinion. If this were Greg Bird or Paul Gallen or Josh Reynolds, I doubt half of us would take it as personally. There would be a similar amount of finger-pointing, sure, but it wouldn't be taken as personally as DCE's actions have, in fact it would probably be laughed at in terms of NSW grubs once again being grubs.