DCE backflips to stay at Manly

Let's just keep the course here. This petty bickering makes those involved look stupid. Thread bans, warnings and infractions are available for those that don't want to play ball.
The reason people like me are disappointed about this is that I consider the Maroons to be one of "my" teams. And DCE is, or was, or will be, part of that team. In a team sport (or any team for that matter), you're only going to perform to anything close to your best if there is trust. His actions will surely compromise any trust that players have in him, and therefore those actions have compromised how my team will potentially perform. That's not too hard a stretch in my opinion. If this were Greg Bird or Paul Gallen or Josh Reynolds, I doubt half of us would take it as personally. There would be a similar amount of finger-pointing, sure, but it wouldn't be taken as personally as DCE's actions have, in fact it would probably be laughed at in terms of NSW grubs once again being grubs.

Do you think after showing this that he will be picked for Origin again?

I hope not, but plenty would suggest that Mal won't care about this.
The reason people like me are disappointed about this is that I consider the Maroons to be one of "my" teams. And DCE is, or was, or will be, part of that team. In a team sport (or any team for that matter), you're only going to perform to anything close to your best if there is trust. His actions will surely compromise any trust that players have in him, and therefore those actions have compromised how my team will potentially perform. That's not too hard a stretch in my opinion. If this were Greg Bird or Paul Gallen or Josh Reynolds, I doubt half of us would take it as personally. There would be a similar amount of finger-pointing, sure, but it wouldn't be taken as personally as DCE's actions have, in fact it would probably be laughed at in terms of NSW grubs once again being grubs.

They don't seem to be too down on Inglis, Slater, Smith, Cronk with their dubious contract backgrounds?

No one cares that Boyd was a notorious **** until he sorted his demons? No one cares that a certain player was heavily involved in Coffs Harbour?

I seriously doubt in the heat of battle, something like a contract dispute is going to come into play. Like they're not gonna pass a player the ball because he reneged on a contract and thus that deems him untrustworthy in a rep football environment (despite the fact he's obviously good enough to be there in the first place)?

They're just footballers, not role models for society, not outstanding beacons of virtue, they're just good at playing a sport. That's all. We cheer for them because they represent us on tribal basis, not because of any other reason. Sometimes I think people get that muddled up.
I guess what I wonder about it though is who has final decision on when his career is over?

So here is my too scenarios I am wondering about:

Say he gets to 35 and he still wants to play although his form is shithouse, do they still have to pay him?

alternatively, he gets to his early 30's and is still playing good but not 1.4 million a year good can Manly drop him to reggies and say "your not playing NRL anymore so we dont have to pay?

Surely there are some clauses in there for both sides to determine when his NRL career is deemed over

Shirley there is. Manly, whilst a complete mess behind the scenes are certainly not incompetent enough to leave themselves open to a 75 yr old DCE rolling around in a wheel chair putting his hand out for a million a year.
I can't imagine the NRL would register and open ended contract either.
I can't see this disrupting DCE's Origin career one bit

And whilst I don't agree with what he has done and he has certainly lost some respect, I don't see why it should stop him being picked either
I have no problem with perspective , thinking in fact that I am one of the few moderate and restrained posters on here. What I object to is the mock indignation, the self righteous , holier than thou attitude expressed when someone does something some posters disagree with. It is so wildly out of proportion to the alleged offence. When a person stupidly describes someone as the lowest, the worst, the vilest piece of scum etc they leave no room . They paint themselves into a corner because there is no where else to go, no lower level, no worse a person. For heavens sake, have an opinion and even a strong one but failing to honour a contract which has a cooling off period in it is hardly a big deal. After all, it happens every single day of the week in the real estate world.

What's even more amazing, it's got ****ing nothing to do with anyone on this forum. It does not affect any of us as it is between Manly,the Titans and DCE...We don't even have a horse in the race !

A well thought out and written piece, particularly support your comments about ' When a person stupidly describes someone as the lowest, the worst, the vilest piece of scum etc they leave no room" .

You obviously have been on this site for a while. Was there such outrage and indignation when the Broncos tore up the contracts of Ivan Henjak, Anthony Griffin, and others? If not, then hypocrisy is rife on this matter.
DCE played within in the rules end of story

The reason I have lost respect for him is that I don't like playing games in a situation that is going to leave someone disadvantaged. If Manly withdrew an offer to me so I had to find another deal then Manly would not have got another look in even if they doubled the Titans offer.
It was the way he kept saying at this stage I am going to the Titans BUT Manly have to round 13 to make an offer that bothered me.

So he played within the rules but he lost me as a supporter of his and I would be over the moon if he was never selected to represent Queensland again
Front page of the Gold Coast Bulletin.

Round 18 Monday 13th July. Titans v Manly at CBus.
Should be a cracker.
Does anyone really consider the Titans a QLD side? They feel more like a Sydney side based in QLD.

Great post. All this furor about QLDr's arcing up at DCE over his decison. Who gives a ****, it's the Titans.

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