DCE backflips to stay at Manly

I would never commit to something if I wasn't decided. Just like when I was offered a job with another company last year, when offered, I told them I would make my decision after speaking to my current employer.

After he gave me his offer to keep me, I went back and said unfortunately I wouldn't be able to take the job unless they agreed to X. They didn't, and we parted ways.

What I didn't do, was agree. I then didn't go an tell everyone I was 100% going to go to the new job, I didn't continually lie and say that I was going and that nothing had changed. The one time they called me through the week, I advised them I was not yet decided.

So Nashy you are telling us that If you had have accepted the offer and your current boss had tried to bluff you but when you handed in your resignation he changed his mind and offered you 20k more you would have honoured
your agreement.
So Nashy you are telling us that If you had have accepted the offer and your current boss had tried to bluff you but when you handed in your resignation he changed his mind and offered you 20k more you would have honoured
your agreement.

Absolutely. If I wasn't worth the money on the first offer, that's his chance. Which is exactly what happened when I moved on from GE back in the day.
It will be interesting to see whether I am the only fan booing DCE tonight. Talking to people, I don't think I will be.
I shudder to think of the other "conditions" of his contract. Is he going to have to be consulted on coaching? Recruitment? Will he have more power than the coach?

That's what the rumours are saying.
I like the real estate analogy, if anyone on here can honestly say they would not use the cooling off period if they had made an offer on a house then a very similar house in the same street became available at 100 k less then they are probably lying

Well call me a liar.

I would not use the cooling off period if another house in the street came on the market & was cheaper.
I like the real estate analogy, if anyone on here can honestly say they would not use the cooling off period if they had made an offer on a house then a very similar house in the same street became available at 100 k less then they are probably lying
You obviously don't live in Sydney. If you'd left it for a day it would've increased by 100k
Few too many people on a moral high horse for mine.

I hate using personal experiences but here goes:

Last year I offered a job to relocate and I took it. In the month notice period of resignation I was offered by a new party the same role for another 30k. I called the guy who hired me to move and was straight up. "Ive since been offered substantially more blah blah- can you improve your offer, they couldnt so I went with the highest bidder. Boo me all you like.

Its great to be all high and mighty and be the nice guy, but really you cant knock anyone from maximising their earning potential.
Well call me a liar.

I would not use the cooling off period if another house in the street came on the market & was cheaper.

Sorry to say it but I think that is bulldust
Absolutely. If I wasn't worth the money on the first offer, that's his chance. Which is exactly what happened when I moved on from GE back in the day.

Ok was the difference in pay as much as my example, after all that is the test isn't.
Few too many people on a moral high horse for mine.

I hate using personal experiences but here goes:

Last year I offered a job to relocate and I took it. In the month notice period of resignation I was offered by a new party the same role for another 30k. I called the guy who hired me to move and was straight up. "Ive since been offered substantially more blah blah- can you improve your offer, they couldnt so I went with the highest bidder. Boo me all you like.

Its great to be all high and mighty and be the nice guy, but really you cant knock anyone from maximising their earning potential.
At least you went to them, explained the situation, and asked them to match the offer. It's not very elegant, but nowhere near what DCE did.

He signed a contract with the GC (which was then sent to the NRL, but could not be registered until Rnd 13), strung them along for the ride until the very last moment, to the point where they lost 2 of their best players in Myles and Sezer, then went and signed with Manly, without so much as saying boo to the Titans, who ended up finding out about it via de media.

Are you honestly going to compare one situation with the other?

He's a POS with zero integrity and credibility, but I guess it pays handsomely...

I'm not being a hypocrite, because I simply couldn't and wouldn't do it, no matter the money involved. Although the numbers are obviously not remotely close to the ones in this case, I have been head hunted several times with handsome offers exceeding my pay by a fair bit, and haven't taken them up on it, albeit truth be said, my job has a lot of perks and I wouldn't trade those easily.
Few too many people on a moral high horse for mine.

I hate using personal experiences but here goes:

Last year I offered a job to relocate and I took it. In the month notice period of resignation I was offered by a new party the same role for another 30k. I called the guy who hired me to move and was straight up. "Ive since been offered substantially more blah blah- can you improve your offer, they couldnt so I went with the highest bidder. Boo me all you like.

Its great to be all high and mighty and be the nice guy, but really you cant knock anyone from maximising their earning potential.
Wow man. You really shafted that guy that I don't know by not taking his cheap ass job. It's an outrage. I bet it bothers you everyday with only a measly $600 bucks a week for compensation. The shame.
I think it is a pretty obvious situation thoug that people seem to be arguing around. I don't think anybody disagrees he took a better offer and based purely on money, most others would too. No one disagrees there.

Its the way he did it that irks people and they have every right to voice their opinion on it. I don't think it's that hard to understand the different sides and respect that despite however you personally feel about it. Is it?
If this didn't happen, the shitty rule would still be in place. So in a way, DCE is a hero. :p
I think it is a pretty obvious situation thoug that people seem to be arguing around. I don't think anybody disagrees he took a better offer and based purely on money, most others would too. No one disagrees there.

Its the way he did it that irks people and they have every right to voice their opinion on it. I don't think it's that hard to understand the different sides and respect that despite however you personally feel about it. Is it?
Oh you are right alrighty about his reasons and you're right in that everyone is entitled to their opinion except that some of us are realists, people who actually know how people will behave given the right inducements. The old saying is true that everyone has their price.
Each and everyone of DCEs detractors could be bought, their word, their integrity. It's the sanctimonious amongst his detractors that irritate me, the ones that claim 'oh no,I wouldn't take that much better deal because I'm so honourable' when in fact if you stood in front of them , laying the cash and inducements out and all they have to do is say yes, they would reach a point where they'd fold and accept .
Then the rationalising would begin. Oh so predictable human beings. Yet still they read this and say, not me. Delusional and judgemental.
DCE is getting heavily boo'd every time he's near the ball.
Did a few back of the envelope calculations to try and put things in perspective. Manly's offer, in $100 notes, would cover a 160cm x 70cm dining table with a green brick 140cm high weighing a bit over 100kg. Chances are he could buy a Ferrari and have so much money left it wouldn't fit in the boot. If he got paid in five dollar notes he could fill ten fridges with cash every week, and if he got paid in pies he could almost fill George Rose.

What the guy did was pretty off, but a pile of money larger and heavier than a person could be a mighty temptation.
