Way to compare apples with oranges!
The accountant will be the one held responsible for that tax return, because under the law you are not expected to understand everything he does. Still, you are expected to be aware of the generic contents of what you signed, and if your tax return says you're getting $20K back after you earned only $15K salary, you'll be held responsible as well!
However, when signing a employment contract, the onus is on you, no one else. There is no such thing as an ignorance clause or any other far fetched excuse for this!
Regarding the doctor, once again you're just taking the ****, because:
- You're not an elite athlete that needs to be aware of what you are ingesting or being injected with.
- Why the hell would your doctor give you something else than medication for the ailment you complained about?
However, I did say that in the case of an elite athlete, if the person supplying the tablets or injections is lying, it's a tough one...
Personally, I'd baulk at anything being injected in my body, and if I was given supplements in the form of tablets, I wouldn't take a couple of dodgy pills thrown my way. I'd ask for the bottle/box and keep it as a safeguard with a sample just in case.