Drugs in sport - government investigation

Well this is fucked up... Glad my only Sharks player in fantasy footy is Michael Gordon. :001_tt2:
I'm convinced they always had something. But just didn't have quite enough to make it public. I hope they put an end to the speculation tonight. This can't be allowed to drag on.
Yep. I'm sick and tired of this crap, just get on with it ffs and stop giving the media more ammunition.
Very bad news for the sharks , Sharks v Titans game betting is on hold
So apparently there are now players ready to sue the club if they get banned.

This could get ugly, real quick.
Fredie, could you please read the threads you post in, prior to making your post. Just to make sure you're not posting information that is already widely known, and acknowledged in the thread.
This investigation again reveals it's a balls up. If they had enough to prosecute, they would have gone in gun's blazing and sanctioned the relevant players. If you're in the right, you don't walk into a fight and push someone half heartedly or grab them by the collar. You hit them hard and fast and without warning; your first punch is your best punch.

This "advice" given by Richard Redman (ex-"senior counsel" at ASADA), ahhh possibly a conflict of interest where you've previously acted for the department who's intending to press charges against your current clients.

You'd be fucking stupid to take the six month "offer", even if you worked with Dank. I'd be saying, bring it on. Put up or shut up. We're talking about player's careers here.

The investigation has nothing. The ASADA will only have records and evidence and information if the clubs (a) kept records and (b) freely give that information to the ASADA without formal proceedings being commenced.

I hope that if the ASADA doesn't stop it's "save face" campaign and does sanction and name some players that the NRL maintains the status quo and allows the players to continue to play while the matter runs its course (which could be a season long).
You'd be ****ing stupid to take the six month "offer", even if you worked with Dank. I'd be saying, bring it on. Put up or shut up. We're talking about player's careers here.

think of it like an early guilty plea at the judiciary. fess up, tell us all the details, and you get leniency. dont, get found guilty, and get a more serious penalty.
think of it like an early guilty plea at the judiciary. fess up, tell us all the details, and you get leniency. dont, get found guilty, and get a more serious penalty.

I understand the concept. The evidence is extremely clear in judiciary cases.

It's different here though because there's not going to be enough evidence, the ASADA is clutching at straws. They're hoping for a swift result, they need some blood to save the report. If it goes through tribunals then to Court and through appeal, the ASADA is not going to win, or at least come out of it with any credibility. By then government will have changed hands, senior public servants will change hands and this will die its natural death (though it should never have come to life).
I understand the concept. The evidence is extremely clear in judiciary cases.

It's different here though because there's not going to be enough evidence, the ASADA is clutching at straws.

how do you know that? i havent seen the evidence, have you?

do you also know that ASADA can ban players on suspicion, without any positive drug tests whatsoever, based on things like phone calls to suspicious people?

trust me, i was the biggest 'nothing is going to come from this whole stupid investigation' thinker around, but it looks like something is going down.
You'd be fucking stupid to take the six month "offer", even if you worked with Dank. I'd be saying, bring it on. Put up or shut up. We're talking about player's careers here.

The investigation has nothing. The ASADA will only have records and evidence and information if the clubs (a) kept records and (b) freely give that information to the ASADA without formal proceedings being commenced.

It's either take the 6 months or they could get a 2 year ban.

ASADA would have phone taps, photos etc.

They have been investigating this for years. (though the government say a year.)

Sharks players were meeting club officials on Thursday to discuss their next move after some were reportedly given an option to accept six-month suspensions over alleged use of performance-enhancing drugs.

As many as 14 players are believed to be implicated.

Mr O'Farrell said he was concerned by reports the substances given to the players weren't illegal in 2011 when they were taken.

"I am concerned at allegations that players who didn't know they were taking these substances are going to be punished, not the people who provided them," he told reporters in Sydney.

"My argument all the way through has been those who are guilty should have the book thrown at them.

"I think once again the issue has been mishandled and I am incredibly sceptical about the timing of these revelations on the eve of the beginning of the NRL season."
Mr O'Farrell said the federal government had mishandled the press conference last month about the use of peptides in Australian sporting codes.

"I don't know whether there is now an attempt by some of the agencies involved to get some self-justification," he said.

"But my concern is that it looks as though those who are allegedly innocent are being singled out rather than those who are responsible."

The premier said the rumours needed to end.

"My point is if there is evidence, charge people, if there is evidence, take people to court.

"But this trial by rumour, this trial by innuendo, and this trial which apparently involved declaring illegal today things that weren't illegal two years ago, I don't think passes the commonsense test or looks particularly fair."

My thoughts exactly.
how do you know that? i havent seen the evidence, have you?

do you also know that ASADA can ban players on suspicion, without any positive drug tests whatsoever, based on things like phone calls to suspicious people?

trust me, i was the biggest 'nothing is going to come from this whole stupid investigation' thinker around, but it looks like something is going down.

Not really:


The anti-doping rules in Australia comply with those set by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), the organisation that defines the World Anti-Doping Code (the Code).

There are eight ways in which an athlete or support person can breach the Code, or commit an Anti-Doping Rule Violation.

In Australia, ASADA’s role is to conduct the Results Management Process and to present information to the independent Anti-Doping Rule Violation Panel about a potential violation of the Code. The independent Anti-Doping Rule Violation Panel is made up of experts in the areas of sports medicine, sports law, clinical pharmacology, ethics and investigations.

They assess the information presented to them, including information provided by the athlete, and then decide on:
whether to enter an athlete’s details on to the Register of Findings (a formal record of decisions on anti-doping rule violations and associated matters) whether to recommend a sanction to the sport.

The athlete is then given the opportunity to have a hearing before a sports tribunal. It is then up to the individual sport to sanction the athlete or support person.