Drugs in sport - government investigation

According to Brent Read on Twitter the Six Clubs are...North Queensland, Penrith, Canberra, Manly, Newcastle & Cronulla.

If true maybe WB should have kept his mouth shut.

Mastercoach Wayne Bennett says widespread doping could not happen at an NRL club without the knowledge of the head coach.

While Bennett wants more regulation applied to sports scientists, he believes the coach must wear the ultimate blame for any doping practices by employees.

"There is no way that the coach doesn't know," Bennett said.


Unless they were into match fixing. (which isn't the case)


Fairfax Media can also reveal that about 50 serving and former professional sportsmen, including players from six NRL clubs - Cronulla, Manly, Canberra, Penrith, the Newcastle Knights and North Queensland - are under scrutiny over their personal supplement use.
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If true maybe WB should have kept his mouth shut.

Mastercoach Wayne Bennett says widespread doping could not happen at an NRL club without the knowledge of the head coach.

While Bennett wants more regulation applied to sports scientists, he believes the coach must wear the ultimate blame for any doping practices by employees.

"There is no way that the coach doesn't know," Bennett said.


Unless they were into match fixing. (which isn't the case)


The report was about match fixing and drug use. So probably don't jump the gun there, it could be match fixing.
Even more so when we know the Knights checkered past with drugs so it isn't really something new.

It's articles like this one that annoy me about stories like this. The media instantly writes up some bullshit headline to get views, whereas it's just outrageous shit they are saying.

ESSENDON coaches took drugs that were banned for players, the former club sports scientist at the centre of the Bombers' drugs crisis claims.

Stephen Dank last night said coaches - whom he did not name - took substances not approved by the World Anti-Doping Agency.

"A couple of coaches were using supplements that were a little bit outside the WADA code but, again, they were entitled to it and nothing illegal in those," Dank said.

Read more: http://www.news.com.au/top-stories/...ms/story-e6frfkp9-1226575060123#ixzz2KdB7llzn

There is plenty of shit available OTC that is banned that isn't a drug. For all we know these coaches were taking pre-workout supplements like Jack3d or something like that which contained the stimulant DMAA.

Calling a supplement a drug is such a moronic stretch. If journalists are going to write stories about this shit they need to get informed. A peptide just means a string of amino acids! They are saying the word like it's an anabolic steroid or MDMA or something. Ridiculous.
If true maybe WB should have kept his mouth shut.

Mastercoach Wayne Bennett says widespread doping could not happen at an NRL club without the knowledge of the head coach.

Maybe it happened before Bennett was coach, or maybe it wasn't widespread at newcastle???

But yeah, he could look a little stupid if it turns out to have been widespread while he was coach.
As soon as that article came out i just thought "why would anyone be so stupid as to stick their neck out like that???" . he shouldve just shutup just in case newcastle were involved. now he just looks like a chode.

Maybe it happened before Bennett was coach, or maybe it wasn't widespread at newcastle???

But yeah, he could look a little stupid if it turns out to have been widespread while he was coach.
The only way Bennett will be embarrassed is if his staff administered drugs/supplements without his knowledge since he has been coach. What happens with players individually or before he came to the club does not embarrass him.
I am sure some players would take stuff of their own accord. But I highly doubt clubs would be administering players with stuff, the paper trail would eventually catch up to them.
I am sure some players would take stuff of their own accord. But I highly doubt clubs would be administering players with stuff, the paper trail would eventually catch up to them.

I think most clubs would rather have a paper trail of supplements purchased from trustworthy companies like Bodyscience and Musashi then try and do it off the books.
I think most clubs would rather have a paper trail of supplements purchased from trustworthy companies like Bodyscience and Musashi then try and do it off the books.

Yeah no doubt that those companies supply clubs with proteins. I'm talking about the paper trail of getting stuff off the Internet or off dodgy people.
I think most clubs would rather have a paper trail of supplements purchased from trustworthy companies like Bodyscience and Musashi then try and do it off the books.

I dunno, I would think clubs would be embarrassed to admit they wasted their money on that shit.
This whole thing just shits me to tears with its greyness, and the greyness trying to be turned into blackness by the press.

My 65 year old dad was given Warfarin after heart surgery (and is still on it). Terrible drug with so many undesirable side effects (heart palpitations, depression, fatigue, weight gain). When that is being administered to healthy young football players, you've got to question the actual concern for player welfare.

The NRL spends so much money on education programs about alchohol and domestic violence to protects its image, it should educate young players on their right to say no to team doctors and sports scientists or coaches or get a second opinion from their independent GP.

Young blokes are very impressionable, I think it's got to be a senior playing group encouraged culture. I can see how at a Manly's "win at all costs", "it's the world versus us" take every point, question every decision club culture that this bending of the rules attitude could permeate.

The old blokes in the corner bar would say the professional-ising of the game is to blame.
This whole thing just ****s me to tears with its greyness, and the greyness trying to be turned into blackness by the press.

My 65 year old dad was given Warfarin after heart surgery (and is still on it). Terrible drug with so many undesirable side effects (heart palpitations, depression, fatigue, weight gain). When that is being administered to healthy young football players, you've got to question the actual concern for player welfare.

The NRL spends so much money on education programs about alchohol and domestic violence to protects its image, it should educate young players on their right to say no to team doctors and sports scientists or coaches or get a second opinion from their independent GP.

Young blokes are very impressionable, I think it's got to be a senior playing group encouraged culture. I can see how at a Manly's "win at all costs", "it's the world versus us" take every point, question every decision club culture that this bending of the rules attitude could permeate.

The old blokes in the corner bar would say the professional-ising of the game is to blame.

Totally agree. Especially about drugs like warfarin which is a bloody awful drug and should be used only if absolutely needed. The fact that young healthy players are having this pumped into them is f***ed
Waste. Of. Money.

RE: Warfarin...agreed, it's terrible. My dad had it after he had bypass surgery and it was awful. The fact it was originally rat poison says it all...