Drugs in sport - government investigation

Waste. Of. Money.

RE: Warfarin...agreed, it's terrible. My dad had it after he had bypass surgery and it was awful. The fact it was originally rat poison says it all...

Why's it a waste of money? Broncos s&c staff wouldn't waste money on it if it works. Which it does.

My dad had bypass and valve repair and hated it. I wouldn't wish that shit on anyone.
manly has been cleared of any wrongdoing.

newcastle, since wayne bennett began, have been cleared too apparently.
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Why isn't AFL getting any attention. They are implicated too, and they have the worst drugs policy I have ever heard in sport. 3 Strikes, no ASADA? What a fucking croc.
This whole thing is a croc, no where near widespread as it was made out.
i said right from the start that i dont think anything will actually come out of it, and it looks increasingly likely that nothing will. absolutely ridiculous.
If you're going to pull a gun in a fight, be damned sure you know how to use it.

Levelling unparticularised allegations about the most heinous of all sporting "crimes" and then back tracking is suicide. You go there, you follow it through to the death (either you or them). Even if there is something in it, the powers that be are already mincing their words and have lost the faith and support of the public (and I dare say the bodies) and the clubs involved are on the front foot now.

Fucking amatuers - trying to make political name for themselves and senior public servants making sure they justify re-employment before the change of government. Meanwhile besmirching everyone that has played professional sport in the past 5 years.
Thursday night at 9.40pm on channel 9 there is going to be some special news report in regards to this whole thing. I don't know if Qld will be co broadcasting it, airing something similar or showing it delayed.
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QLD will be showing it at 9.40pm QLD time.
Ratings grab by Channel 9, it'll just be the same old crap regurgitated.
Judging by Karl stefanovic's hostile questioning of the former ASADA chief today, and Guys being on the panel, I suspect it's going to be pretty savage on the whole thing
Judging by Karl stefanovic's hostile questioning of the former ASADA chief today, and Guys being on the panel, I suspect it's going to be pretty savage on the whole thing

And rightly so. Should have been handled with much less circus.
Rumours of 14 Sharks players being stood down by ASADA immediately. Bit of weight to it - Sharks calling an emergency board meeting, betting has been suspended on their game this week and they've cancelled a player appearance with fans tomorrow.