Drugs in sport - government investigation

Ex Chairman Damian Irvine said someting like he injected Sharks players with horse drugs.
I like how Dave Smith isn't going nuts publicly. Simply asked them to name names so they could issue an infraction. They said they have no names, so he's said no players will be stood down.

According to Paul Kent ASADA do have names but are following a process to let players admit to their sins before hitting them with 2 year bans.
Apparently there are 8 ways you can cop a ban and testing positive is only 1 of them.

ASADA were given info in the last few years from customs about the increasing amount of performance enhancing substances coming into the country so they started investigating the source and the suppliers first then they made their big announcement earlier this year and had all their phone taps in place and sat back and waited for the calls to come through.

That is where they got players names, so while players haven't been testing positive they do have questions to answer hence the interviews to be held over the coming months. If players can't come up with a reasonable explanation why they have been in regular contact with known suppliers then they will be in a bit of trouble.

If what Kent says is accurate then the players got shaken down and it worked a treat.
So the big song and dance by the government was about luring the people involved into talking about it so their conversations could be monitored?

I find that hard to believe. It's too clever for this government...
Well yeah, Paul Kent was adamant that was the case. Time will tell if Kent is full of shiete.
I believe they have got the evidence etc & are waiting to see if any player comes forward.

They would have phone taps etc.
They hvent got shit. If they did it would all be over.

They are basically trying to call te players bluff
"We got sooooooo much evidence here. Heaps of it. Too much nearly. But umm if you come forward and admit guilt then do that."

Being in contact with someone is not grounds to suspend them. Being in contact and making a deal with someone is a different matter.

They haven't got shit.
They hvent got ****. If they did it would all be over.

They are basically trying to call te players bluff
"We got sooooooo much evidence here. Heaps of it. Too much nearly. But umm if you come forward and admit guilt then do that."

Being in contact with someone is not grounds to suspend them. Being in contact and making a deal with someone is a different matter.

They haven't got ****.

Being in contact with someone IS grounds to suspend them. These guys are underground drug dealers, unless they are getting illegal substances what possible explanation could they have for even having their number, let alone calling it regularly?

IMO it is very naive to think that they have nothing and won't be able to suspend anyone
"We are friends"

Simple really, you can't be guilty by association.
So the big song and dance by the government was about luring the people involved into talking about it so their conversations could be monitored?

I find that hard to believe. It's too clever for this government...

If they in fact exist, I'd query whether those "phone taps" would even be admissible as evidence in Court.

Generally, a tape recorded conversation can't be admitted without the consent of the parties to the conversation (and I believe it is an offence to do it without) or legal authority, which I believe requires a warrant.

ASADA act in a pretty grey area - enforcing rules about athletes taking otherwise legal drugs.
Being in contact with someone IS grounds to suspend them. These guys are underground drug dealers, unless they are getting illegal substances what possible explanation could they have for even having their number, let alone calling it regularly?

Didn't customs tip off ASADA that illegal substances were being bought into the country & it lead to the investigation.
If they in fact exist, I'd query whether those "phone taps" would even be admissible as evidence in Court.

Generally, a tape recorded conversation can't be admitted without the consent of the parties to the conversation (and I believe it is an offence to do it without) or legal authority, which I believe requires a warrant.

I would say a Judge gave the warrant & they would be admissible in court.
I had a quick read of that site. Guilty by association doesn't seem to exist. Probably because it is not evidence of doping and a court would tell ASADA to **** right off.
Phone taps are admissible if the warrant and affidavit are signed off by a magistrate or judge.

As for recording conversations on say your iPhone then one person must be aware you are recording. In other words you can't leave your iPhone on the table recording and leave the room.