Drugs in sport - government investigation

Some people believe Chiropractors are medical professionals too. Just because they crack your bones, doesn't make it so.
Any sports scientist who recommends supplements etc is just a quack.
Gus Gould typically anti-establishment in his comments on the Today show this morning. "No details in the report, no direct allegations, they've tarnished all Australian sport with no basis"...

I think he should shut his mouth until the DETAILED report is released and the follow up investigations from ASADA and the state and Fed police is complete.
How is it a pseudo science? Dealing with the body and it's biochemistry in relation to exercise seems pretty scientific to me?

I'm not a doctor but Western medicine is evidence based practice (or so they say). Hypothesis, test empircally, result. Direct cause and effect of treatment.

There's an entire category of everything else in the field of health that isn't so. Accupuncture, chiropractors, naturopath, herbalists, applied kinesology, not evidence based. Indirectly can show a correlation between treatment applied and the removal of disease but cannot directly attribute the treatment through medical proof to show it was the cause of the removal of the illness.

I am all for alternative remedies when you are lost in Western medicine, but I don't like to leave treatment of my body to chance if possible.

BTW I know this is off topic, but anyone touting shit about "toxins" should raise a massive red flag.
Gus Gould typically anti-establishment in his comments on the Today show this morning. "No details in the report, no direct allegations, they've tarnished all Australian sport with no basis"...

I think he should shut his mouth until the DETAILED report is released and the follow up investigations from ASADA and the state and Fed police is complete.

I actually agree with that approach from Gus. I've read the report and it is dangerously unparticularised. In fact, I don't see the point in making these grand statements and reports.

Every professional athlete is tarnished. Now they've found a urinal vial in Skilled Park and infer Titans players must have planted it there for future drug testing.

It's like the police coming out and saying we've got a major pedo problem on BHQ because they've located kiddie pr0n on the BHQ server and certain users are being investigated, but we aren't naming names. We're all implicated then.

It's not a massive revelation that a percentage of professional athletes take performance enhancing drugs. ASADA should prosecute if they've found infringements. If all they've got is circumstantial evidence then they need to legislate so in the future this doesn't happen as much.

All the other shit about "underground figures" and "match fixing" is completely irrelevant to this issue but strangely has been dragged out to sexifiy the report.
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I actually agree with that approach from Gus. I've read the report and it is dangerously unparticularised. In fact, I don't see the point in making these grand statements and reports.

But in the confidential part, the review named players & teams.

Gus has no fucking idea & should shut up.
I actually agree with that approach from Gus. I've read the report and it is dangerously unparticularised. In fact, I don't see the point in making these grand statements and reports.

Every professional athlete is tarnished. Now they've found a urinal vial in Skilled Park and infer Titans players must have planted it there for future drug testing.

It's like the police coming out and saying we've got a major pedo problem on BHQ because they've located kiddie pr0n on the BHQ server and certain users are being investigated, but we aren't naming names. We're all implicated then.

It's not a massive revelation that a percentage of professional athletes take performance enhancing drugs. ASADA should prosecute if they've found infringements. If all they've got is circumstantial evidence then they need to legislate so in the future this doesn't happen as much.

All the other **** about "underground figures" and "match fixing" is completely irrelevant to this issue but strangely has been dragged out to sexifiy the report.

Could not agree more! I don't like Gus but he is exactly right in this instance. Releasing statements at this point where there is nothing concrete just tarnishes everyone for no reason. What would have changed if they continued the investigation until the had everything pinpointed. What they should have done is continued to investigate until they have the concrete evidence and can say it involves x club and x player, that way only the guilty are affected
I know what they're saying, but maybe I'm just not your average mug. I don't hear this report and think "every player in every sport is dirty". So they're not all "tarred" IMO.

I think it's an overreaction on the part of Gould. I think he's worried because Deloittes is auditing the Panthers and thus people will jump to conclusions something's going on there. I think most people are intelligent enough to realise that just because someone/something is being investigated doesn't mean they're guilty.
BTW, I do question the motive for releasing this report now. Call me sceptical, but I think it's a lot to do with the absolute crap that the government has been dealing with the last couple of weeks since announcing the election date (Thomson arrest, ministers retiring etc). Good distraction.

Putting my cynicism aside, the other logical motive could have been to avoid a lot of scuttlebutt and whispers when ASADA started pulling people in for questioning under the new laws passed. At least this way everyone knows what it's related to, plus it might motivate some people to come forward and fall on their sword and assist in cleaning up, in exchange for some anonymity.
I know what they're saying, but maybe I'm just not your average mug. I don't hear this report and think "every player in every sport is dirty". So they're not all "tarred" IMO.

I think it's an overreaction on the part of Gould. I think he's worried because Deloittes is auditing the Panthers and thus people will jump to conclusions something's going on there. I think most people are intelligent enough to realise that just because someone/something is being investigated doesn't mean they're guilty.

While I see your point, it riles me that our club is compelled to defend its reputation based on a mere allegation levelled at it by the fact it's a professional sporting body.


I also question Jason Clare's political motive (ACC is a Federal Government body) in releasing this report in an election year and particularly they way he conveyed the findings sensationally rather than letting the report speak for itself. In the past month there's been strategy/policy on drug crime reform, guns, customs. Nothing major in the 24 months prior.

And now I think about it, ominous that Rudd has broken party lines to object to the action taken. Watch that space.
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BTW, I do question the motive for releasing this report now. Call me sceptical, but I think it's a lot to do with the absolute crap that the government has been dealing with the last couple of weeks since announcing the election date (Thomson arrest, ministers retiring etc). Good distraction.

Putting my cynicism aside, the other logical motive could have been to avoid a lot of scuttlebutt and whispers when ASADA started pulling people in for questioning under the new laws passed. At least this way everyone knows what it's related to, plus it might motivate some people to come forward and fall on their sword and assist in cleaning up, in exchange for some anonymity.

Lol. Continuation of the election thread, we said the same thing. Hahaha

You could also put another spin on it, what has the ASADA and the relevant Minister been doing to prevent this before it "got out of control"?
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Rudd is agitating a lot at the moment. There's no doubt he's angling to unseat Gillard before the election.
Well I did see a poster on FB who explicitly said something along the lines of as if we didn't know they were ALL involved in drugs and match fixing.
So yes for some people it does tarnish everyone.
They are just the extreme minority though and just typical s**t slingers.