If it was prescribed medicinal marijuana he will have no dramas with it being in his system as he will be able to prove that. If he is using medicinal marijuanathough, regardless you still cant drive as you can still be impaired. Thats no different to a lot of prescribed medications. Its up to the individual to read the directions on taking medication. Ignorance and stupidity isnt a defence.

Its all irrelevant anyway, he was unlicensed. If we had the balls we should terminate him just like we should have with Haas. We wont though.
If we don't DD is a pussy that doesn't really put his money where his mouth is. Two years In a row he comes out and talks about standards. Make an example of the flea and **** him off.
If we don't DD is a pussy that doesn't really put his money where his mouth is. Two years In a row he comes out and talks about standards. Make an example of the flea and **** him off.

Its not all on him though. We have enough people at the club who should stand up and enforce some standards.
I reckon he probably just forgot to renew it. If my manager is taking 8-15% I would make sure they are managing allllll my life administration bullshit

To a point i agree, but at the same time, its on him. He's 21, not 8. Its up to him to keep on top of shit like this like everyone else.
Its not all on him though. We have enough people at the club who should stand up and enforce some standards.
Agree - but hes the guy that fronts up each time and talks about standards. What i'm saying is, this time do something about it Dave.
Stupid and could have been really terrible and hopefully a wake up call for Ezra. Who here didn't do a bunch of really stupid shit when they were 22 ? I get that he has responsibilities to the club and to the game to not be a dickhead but once again. 22 year olds are fucking morons. He didn't bash his missus, He didn't molest anyone. If it is residual in his system and not was off his face and driving It is redeemable. So fucking stupid though.
If we don't DD is a pussy that doesn't really put his money where his mouth is. Two years In a row he comes out and talks about standards. Make an example of the flea and **** him off.
Was he at the Storm when they had all the dramas with Munster and Smith in the off season.
Agree - but hes the guy that fronts up each time and talks about standards. What i'm saying is, this time do something about it Dave.

Thats part of his job to front up to the media. The board will have to get involved as would Maguire and his staff. Technically, Mam is an asset and there will have to be protocol involved in disposing of him. I doubt its a decision Donaghy can just make off his own back.
Even on perscription drugs there are certain responsibilities when it comes to driving, I should know I was diagnosed in my early 20's around Mam's age with Epilepsy and couldn't drive for a number of years until I got my medication right and was shown to have my seizures under control. Even then I have had periods where I couldn't drive, it definitely hindered my life in certain aspects but I managed. Every year I get medical clearance to drive.

No excuses for driving under the influence of illegal drugs(if true) or drunk for anyone and definitely none for not having a valid licence and I find it very hard to believe he didn't know. Frankly I care more for the people in the accident who could have been really hurt then I do Mam's contract.

Exactly. When i had a seizure caused by my second covid injection i couldnt drive for 6 months. Luckily, i'm not a spoiled, entitled footballer who thinks they can do as they please, so i didnt drive.
Thats part of his job to front up to the media. The board will have to get involved as would Maguire and his staff. Technically, Mam is an asset and there will have to be protocol involved in disposing of him. I doubt its a decision Donaghy can just make off his own back.
Of course. Obviously but if DD is the CEO of the broncos and he talks about standards, well the buck stops with him unfortunately. If they brush it under the table we and the other retarded players know the club wont put its money where its mouth is.
Of course. Obviously but if DD is the CEO of the broncos and he talks about standards, well the buck stops with him unfortunately. If they brush it under the table we and the other retarded players know the club wont put its money where its mouth is.

The buck doesnt stop with him, thats my whole point. He runs the club as a business day to day. An incident like this though and how it could affect the club financially and commercially would have to go to the board of directors because they have shareholders to answer to. Its not like its some bloke cleaning at the training ground. Its one of our high profile, star players who we have a lot of money invested in. If they think they can still get value out of Ezra and he can make the club money, they wont sack him.
The buck doesnt stop with him, thats my whole point. He runs the club as a business day to day. An incident like this though and how it could affect the club financially and commercially would have to go to the board of directors because they have shareholders to answer to. Its not like its some bloke cleaning at the training ground. Its one of our high profile, star players who we have a lot of money invested in. If they think they can still get value out of Ezra and he can make the club money, they wont sack him.
Stop being an argumentative twat. Who the **** cares, the Broncos should sack him regardless if it's the board, DD or whatever. It's semantics. Move on.
Last time I checked Marijuana is a prescription drug. Plenty of anxiety meds can cause you to record false positives for benzos, pain meds can cause false positives for opiates. Even over the counter cough syrup’s can cause you to fail a road side drug test. That’s why you get taken for a 2nd test. But you keep living in your ignorant little bubble
Marijuana Cocaine and Methamphetamine as far as I know.

And go **** yourself for the rest if your post.


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