The punishment handed down by the courts is embarrassing. $850 fine!! I got more for being on my phone while driving. Not really a deterrent is it.

Penalty Broncos will be the call from other supporters.

They went very easy on him financially. Not that it makes it any better but I assume the NRL will fine him a larger amount?
All these people saying he would be jailed etc. This is reality. Been saying it since the start. It's bad, but not Matt Lodge bad. He got a slap on the wrist. NRL will rub him out for 6 weeks and life will go on.

I dunno if the NRL will even intervene .
Month max if any penalty is my call . 1st offence , rehabbed , very sorry etc etc .
I thought he would have received a bigger fine, but that's about what I was expecting in terms of punishment (fine and license disqualification).

It's soft, but our legal system is quite relaxed.
His punishment is what I expected from the courts, I don’t know what everyone thinks is the appropriate punishment here. You basically have to be a repeat offender or severely bash/kill some one to get jail ha. He was never going to get a mega fine either.