I hope Opacic is back. We need some solid defence on that edge, particularly with Gillett looking hampered by his shoulder. Morgan has a great track record on that edge against is, we need to be tight there or he will shred us.
This us a winnable game for us but we definitely have to improve. Cowboys hung in there versus the Storm in unfavourable conditions. Storm's defence was terrific, we're that solid close to the line.
End result didn't surprise me, but it was only in the second half that errors cruelled the Cowboy's chances. They were completing sets at a high percentage and racking up drop outs with kicks behind the line. If we let them do that, we'll be on a hiding to nothing.
A repeat of our effort versus the Storm is what we need. Need to kick early, turn them around and muscle up in defence before their players get back on side. Restrict their progress that way and force them to kick without field position.