The cap benefits for long term players is nowhere near enough, but our development systems also don't look to be up to scratch either.
The benefits of having a good development system is having a conveyor belt of talent coming into the system and providing value for money whereby rookie juniors can cut it with first graders at a fraction of the price.
When it's time to move a senior player on you also have a junior coming through ready to take the spot (i.e. succession planning).
At the moment we cast a state wide net and appear to just grab the biggest and the fastest, we've neglected the spine positions for what seems forever and we look to stockpile young talent by giving them spots in the Top 30 instead of being selective and only holding onto the best prospects.
If we can improve our development systems losing a Flegler or Herbie doesn't become the end of the world because the next one off the conveyor belt just comes in