I hate the media!

Well now the Broncos thing has come up now.

Woman breaks silence over Broncos incident
Article from: The Sunday Telegraph
By Paula Doneman
May 17, 2009 12:00am
THE woman at the centre of sexual-assault allegations against three Brisbane Broncos in a nightclub toilet last year has come forward with her story in the wake of the crisis that has rocked rugby league.

She told of the speed at which the situation got out of her control and the anguish she has endured.

Matty Johns scandal in-depth: Video, pictures, complete coverage

Ratings boost: Disgrace doesn't deter fans

"After a few kisses, things went drastically wrong . . . I absolutely froze. I ask myself why I didn't do something, why I didn't scream, why I didn't punch," she said, while speaking for the first time about what happened at the Alhambra Lounge nightclub, in Brisbane's Fortitude Valley, on September 13.

When it happened: The original story when it broke.

Full story can be read here http://www.news.com.au/dailytelegraph/s ... 21,00.html
Woo. Media grab, look at me, look at me.

Her case was investigated, its over, both these females should just move on with their lives. Turning this into a circus and reliving it for everyone to read and judge isn't going to make you feel better.

They both got drunk, wanyed to have some footy player(s) inside them, and after the fact, thought bad about herself.

When will we see all the coverage about how this has changed the lives of the players involved? Why are the players always the bad guys, what? Females can't seduce men anymore? Never happens?
If the article in the Sunday Mail is correct it was Boyd and Thaiday who caused the trouble not KHUNT.... I can see why KHUNT is over it if he is copping all the blame for this incident.
Do you know what really pisses me off? These girls get to stay anonymous while the players' names are dragged through the mud. I think it is totally unfair. Just my opinion.
How would you know?? He could have been in on the plan the whole time?? Yet again legally he did nothing wong but morally...
I hate the fact that everyone is comming down on these girls when no one knows the story and it is 3-11 peoples version againts the 1.Really what have these girls got to loose?Players need to hold there own resposibility for their wrong doings. The girls have had enough degrading as it is do we really need to know who they really are..
Matty johns was in the wrong for the fact he was married in the first place. Ok the chick was wrong for going back to the hotel room because it was initailly with 2 players. But the other players just invited them self in and what would a young girl butt naked be able to do againts those huge mucho players...and in the other incident she went to the cubicles with khunt and the others invited themselves in or had a prior plan to join...
I think all in all these people are human beings they were star struck and perhaps horny but to be taken advantage of is just wrong...
I'd say alot of people say in a different circumstance say you were maid the same offer to go back to the cubicle/hotel room with Brad Pitt/Angelina Jolie/ Twilight dude/Justin Timberlake/ Summer from OC/Paul Walker/Chris Brown/ the list is endless ,i bet one would do the same thing...Its the thing once more people enter thast immorally wrong unless they asked both parties involved if they could join then i think thats where its wrong...

People dont wana be seeing these offenders walk free ...Especially not on TV every weeek....Their standing down is rightfully so and bruno was very slap happy with his boys...

I really hate seeing the niave comments shes a sl**** she should of kept her legs closed seriously maybe they should have kept their privates in their pants!!!!
Another expose on ACA about the price of jerseys. They only showed league fans in the ad so it seems to focus on league over AFL and Union gear (just as expensive).

Big flashy spot saying "100% markup". So it doesn't cost $160 to make a jersey? O RLY? My favourite shirt cost me $60 and it was made in the Phillipines so it probably cost $3, that could be a 200% markup there. All my business shirts are made overseas too maybe ACA could investigate their own italian made cobber.
It's OK to name the players, so why not name the woman.

She said she had become angry when the trio did the television interview and apologised to their families and fans - but not to her.

Poor didums.
I thought the Broncos guys should have been stood down at the time, the only person who should lose their job over this is Bruno Cullen.
Yeah GG, she was wrong, she got herself into it, she said no, they let her go straight away, she got herself into it in the first place, she only has herself to blame, honestly just GTFO. We might as well drag up every past sex scandal and re-open all police investigations and have a weekly documentary about it... dead set just **** off media and find a real story like a good journo would.
Twiztid said:
Well now the Broncos thing has come up now.

Woman breaks silence over Broncos incident
Article from: The Sunday Telegraph
By Paula Doneman
May 17, 2009 12:00am
THE woman at the centre of sexual-assault allegations against three Brisbane Broncos in a nightclub toilet last year has come forward with her story in the wake of the crisis that has rocked rugby league.

She told of the speed at which the situation got out of her control and the anguish she has endured.

Matty Johns scandal in-depth: Video, pictures, complete coverage

Ratings boost: Disgrace doesn't deter fans

"After a few kisses, things went drastically wrong . . . I absolutely froze. I ask myself why I didn't do something, why I didn't scream, why I didn't punch," she said, while speaking for the first time about what happened at the Alhambra Lounge nightclub, in Brisbane's Fortitude Valley, on September 13.

When it happened: The original story when it broke.

Full story can be read here http://www.news.com.au/dailytelegraph/s ... 21,00.html

I was waiting for the Broncos toilet scandal to come up again after all the Matty Johns incident.

I'm in no way condoning what the three Broncos players did but what did the girl expect when she went in the toilet with Hunt? A tea party?

Also, I love it how the article is saying she is a "hardworking professional woman". Who cares if she is? She wasn't at work.

However, it was wrong that the other two players also joined in and started recording it on their phone(s).

As much as I love the Broncos, I think the three players should've been stood down during the investigation, so they (and the rest of the players) would learn that they're risking their career if they do stupid things like this.
This line is the best.

No charges were laid after the investigation and evidence - which included video taken on a mobile telephone - was independently reviewed by barrister Tim Carmody SC.

It was filmed, they checked it out, clearly she was loving getting pounded by the trio, hence why they didn't lay charges.

"Whenever I think (about it), I just want to spit, it's just disgusting, absolute disgusting."
You can all say he was morally wrong but that is to your standards not his... Many people get it on in cubicles it isn't a big deal.. The problem came about when photos were taken or allegedly taken. The sheila is a tramp for going to the cubicle in the first place so she should get over it..
Beads6 said:
You can all say he was morally wrong but that is to your standards not his... Many people get it on in cubicles it isn't a big deal.. The problem came about when photos were taken or allegedly taken. The sheila is a tramp for going to the cubicle in the first place so she should get over it..

You can't say that. It's the males fault man. You never blame the woman, as they are never to blame.
Nashy said:
Beads6 said:
You can all say he was morally wrong but that is to your standards not his... Many people get it on in cubicles it isn't a big deal.. The problem came about when photos were taken or allegedly taken. The sheila is a tramp for going to the cubicle in the first place so she should get over it..

You can't say that. It's the males fault man. You never blame the woman, as they are never to blame.

oh yes sorry your right how dare a man have sex with a woman in this day and ages he should only be having sex with other men..