RUMOUR Jayden Nikorima to the Broncos

having a degree is a better fall back than no degree, especially when trying to compare between that and a nrl career.
Yeah just ask all the grads that are running around unemployed with no experience and about $30k debt.
I was mainly referring to the horse shit blanket comment that everyone will always take more cash when on offer.... hence my opening fucking sentence!!!

I have nothing against jnik taking the cash but I'm sick of the blanket "if you were offered more cash you'd take it" as if it is directly comparable to the real world.

you arent comparing 2 like for like careers though, so your comment cant cover what your proposing.
you have 40 years of your chosen profession, nrl players have far less than that.
hell - if someone said to me here is 375 instead of 125 i would be on the 3.45pm express with no stops out of my current job.
standard work and professions dont see salary increases and opportunities like sports people so again you cannot compare the 2.
10 year careers for sports and 40 plus for other.
Yeah just ask all the grads that are running around unemployed with no experience and about $30k debt.

if you choose to do a arts degree with no end substance and arent prepared to do the hard yards then thats what you get.
there is plenty of work around if you want to get in and have a crack and work your way up - im in the corporate world and there are a mountain of jobs and opportunties we cant fill.
if you choose to do a arts degree with no end substance and arent prepared to do the hard yards then thats what you get.
there is plenty of work around if you want to get in and have a crack and work your way up - im in the corporate world and there are a mountain of jobs and opportunties we cant fill.

There are plenty of really good jobs in my work field as well, the problem is, most graduates in my field want to start at the top, that is a seriously big problem, so they take the lower jobs.
you arent comparing 2 like for like careers though, so your comment cant cover what your proposing.
you have 40 years of your chosen profession, nrl players have far less than that.
hell - if someone said to me here is 375 instead of 125 i would be on the 3.45pm express with no stops out of my current job.
standard work and professions dont see salary increases and opportunities like sports people so again you cannot compare the 2.
10 year careers for sports and 40 plus for other.
This was the exact point I was making. The blanket call that EVERYONE would take more cash if offered is an unrealistic comparison between the "real world" and NRL. The example I presented was a personal one of which I turned down double the cash. Hence the assumption everyone would take double the cash is bullshit when circumstances are taken into account
Man ya'll some judgmental fellas on here, if all of you were in JNiks position you all would've taken the money. He was never getting a start position here Kodi and Taylor were ahead of him, and Hunt and milford were pinned as our halves for the next 5 years. But yeah nah please go on and show your ignorance as if ya'll some angels from heaven.
I'm sick of this if you were offered triple your wage you'd take it rubbish. It's just a cop out with no context.

If, in the real world, you were offered triple your wage it would mean a fairly substantial increase in your responsibilities or some fairly demanding working conditions. Your suggestion is someone just paying you triple wage for the exact same job.

If the latter then you know your role and take it, but just means you were underemployed in the first place, an NRL example would be Blair, Green, ect. ie veterans who are offered more money but know what they bring. For the former it means you're basically suggesting someone straight out of uni getting offered a senior role. It's a ridiculous concept and if it did occur they would be quickly shown to be out of their depth and sent packing hugely denting their career. ie jnik, Hastings, etc.

I was actually in a somewhat comparable situation coming out of uni... i was offered a grad job in Brisbane and also a fifo at Curtis Island for more than double the pay. I chose the grad job for less money, because I knew for my career it was best to learn and gain experience from senior staff, under the knowledge that as I developed higher positions would come my way. I was in it for the long haul and not to make a quick buck as I was intent on making a career out of my profession.

Every promotion or job is taken on merit and context rather than just cash... It's still the same in league as jnik should've known with greater cash comes greater responsibilities, of which he wasn't ready for, and it has now dented his career.
Yet how do you know with any certainty that the road Not taken would not have been an even better choice ? It's great being a 20/20 hindsight expert but players leave their junior clubs seeking opportunity every single year. Many greats of the game never played a single senior game for their junior clubs. In my opinion either choice JNik made was the correct one at the time, life is not guaranteed for you've heard before Carpe Diem, quam minimum credula postero. This kid may blossom with maturity and being closer to family could be the key. If I were the Gold Coast decision maker and this kid came knocking and he displayed a realistic assessment of his position, life choices and opportunities then I would be taking a chance. Encouragement for the remorseful and realistic sounds good to me.
Never had a problem with anyone chasing money. Not even an issue in my book. At the same time, if it doesnt work out like it hasn't for Nikorima, you can end up looking like you made a bad choice. He now has to prove himself all over again. It wont be with the Broncos. He thought he would be better elsewhere, we moved on and dont need him back.
Can't blame him for taking the money at all. It was a huge amount for someone his age. I do hope this is a cautionary tale for young players wanting to go to the Roosters though.
Especially if the figures are true. $600k deal for 3 years, but his last year was worth $370k. That means on average $115k for each of those first 2 years. Not exactly the NRL big-time.
comparing university to an nrl career is absolute horse shit.
why not take the triple amount of cash for a nrl career that generally has a max limit of 10 years!! and thats for the lucky ones.
majority of players dont get anywhere near a 100 games.
have you considered that jnik and hastings were junior superstars and didnt fire through to senior football? there are hundreds of kids like this all the time.
now for your comparison!! your uni degree will last forever and you can fall back on this anytime - hence your decision to stay in the city. you can take your degree and run with it for another 40 years, these kids who majority are uneducated and come form tough socio demograph backgorunds may only get one chance in their life to set themselves up - trying to place a comparison between your situation and jnik is garbage.

maybe jnik was another one of those kids who couldnt take the next step - no matter what club he played for.
do you honestly think he would have played top grade at the broncos in the last 2 years????? and he probably would have been paid a base min salary also.
The real issue is the kid decided to move away from a club with a history of building from their development ranks. A club that has shown loyalty to countless players over the years.The Roosters buy priemerships always have. Be it coaches or players and have shown a consistent inclination to chuck you on the heap whenever they have used you up. They have no loyalty and i find them detestable.
The real issue is the kid decided to move away from a club with a history of building from their development ranks. A club that has shown loyalty to countless players over the years.The Roosters buy priemerships always have. Be it coaches or players and have shown a consistent inclination to chuck you on the heap whenever they have used you up. They have no loyalty and i find them detestable.

dont start quoting loyalty and development in nrl these days because its dead and has been for a long time.
yep i agree the roosters are ruthless but ther business model clearly works and has done for a long time.
we have had plenty of players through our system who dont feel like they were shown loyalty or development over time.
p.s - we also have bought plenty in as well from outside the club and if you look at our roster now it shows.
The kid went for the money. Who would blame him. Become unstuck in the real world. Broncs don't want him back - should be the end of the thread. Goodnight.
They do want him back after his 12 game suspension.
dont start quoting loyalty and development in nrl these days because its dead and has been for a long time.
yep i agree the roosters are ruthless but ther business model clearly works and has done for a long time.
we have had plenty of players through our system who dont feel like they were shown loyalty or development over time.
p.s - we also have bought plenty in as well from outside the club and if you look at our roster now it shows.
I think a few blokes on this forum are being very unrealistic when it comes to nurturing young talent or staying loyal. The NRL is a money driven corporation as is the broncos. Broncos will bring in and get rid of anyone if they think there a better chance of winning. It's called the real world, it's life.
What we don't know is what he was thinking when he left.

We all sit back and assume that success is his number one goal, and so moving away from a club with a history of nurturing talent is an obviously bad choice, especially now with how it has worked out.

But what if he was thinking along the lines of not having any guarantee of long term high paid contracts and success no matter where he plays, and taking the big money once is enough to make a huge difference to his life?

He may have been thinking that no matter how this turns out career wise, it's a risk I'm prepared to take, because at worst, I can get a normal job but unlike most people I'll already own my house at 21yo.

He could have stayed at the Broncos, on a third of the money, and still got cut.

Maybe he isn't thinking it was a mistake.

Failing 2 drug tests was though!
I actually find it pretty low/tasteless that some of you are giving the guy full stick.

He made first grade, is in a position to be a regular first grader and play football for a living. That is better than most of us could dream of. Hes pulled on the broncos jersey once in his career - so maybe tall poppy around here?