Josh Hoffman



Made Legal Threat to BHQ
Oct 31, 2012
Re: Josh Hoffman, to the principles office!

Sticking someone in the Qld cup for wanting a release, when that player is still our best option on the wing is petty and vindictive pure and simple. We need to do what is in the best interests of the Broncos here... It is the same reason the Bulldogs let us have Barba so cheap.

The transfer fee doesn't necessarily have to be cash, it could be a player, but we should be negotiating something with the Bulldogs. Even if we don't use the money for this season, it means we can negotiate for players for the 2015 season, knowing we will also have his 300k to spend.

BTW, sorry if I offended you by calling you vindictive, it was unintentional

Mate we're family on here. No harm done.

I'm just getting a little cranky with this bloke (Hoffman) getting his way.

I suppose if we've got 300 k in the kitty and someone becomes available during the season thats not all bad.

I like your idea of a player swap though.


State of Origin Rep
Mar 26, 2008
Re: Josh Hoffman, to the principles office!

I hope Hoffamn goes ASAP. One of two things will happen, he will either prove to the rugby league world why we had to switch him to wing when he fails at converting overlaps to points or Hasler will develop a move to use him and expose the coaching at the Broncos.


International Rep
Oct 17, 2013
Re: Josh Hoffman, to the principles office!

So the Broncos should hold onto Hoffman because you don't like the Bulldog fans?

Mostly because they don't deserve any positives for their team because of how they acted towards us, not just me but every Broncos fan, threats as well. Apparently I have to watch my back at the next Broncos vs Dogs home game because they're going to bash me. This was written on a Bulldogs tweet. My opinion is they don't deserve anything because they're wankers.


NRL Captain
Mar 31, 2008
Re: Josh Hoffman, to the principles office!

any coincidence that Barba posted a pic today of him and hoffman together in their broncs jerseys from the weekend saying how great it was to be playing together again


International Captain
Senior Staff
Feb 27, 2010
Re: Josh Hoffman, to the principles office!

youve got to wonder how it would affect the playing group to know the suits are being pricks. the players would very quietly support hoffmans wishes as they are his mate. im sure theyd be sad to see him go but if thats how it is, they arent going to be angry at him for it. it would only create a negative feeling towards the higher ups if the players know white and co are dicking around their mate.
And how would it look to the playing group, when they realise that all you need to do to get out of a contract, is throw a tantrum about not playing your preferred position?

People judged Milford on his wish to move to Brisbane to be near his sick father, after he had put a clause in his contract (possibly poorly worded) for that exact purpose. Now, Hoffman is unhappy because he never mastered the challenge at the Broncos and not only did they go and got better players than him, he was dislodged for Norman ffs!

Now, I don't agree to put him in Qcup because of this. He should only be put there if he doesn't roll up his sleeves and does his FUCKING JOB, for which he is still contracted for another 2 years in the Broncos jersey!

If the Broncos are able to broker a deal favourable to us, fine by me, otherwise releasing a player for these reasons or because he will be unhappy is a load of bullshit, as is thinking it will impact the playing group.
The club pays you a fuckload of money to do what most people dream to do, the least you can do, is give everything you got in return!

Want a challenge Josh? How about you prove you can do what you think you deserve?

P.S. I just realised this might have come across as aggressive to you [MENTION=1996]noisetheory[/MENTION]. It's not mate, at all!
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Bucking Beads

Bucking Beads

International Captain
Mar 5, 2008
Re: Josh Hoffman, to the principles office!

It sounds a lot like Sookmans manager is playing games.


State of Origin Rep
Oct 9, 2011
Re: Josh Hoffman, to the principles office!

At the risk of sounding like a negative, hate filled bastard I hope if Hoffman goes to Canterbury he flops. He left because he didn't get what he wanted when he had a starting position guaranteed anyway here at the Broncos.


International Captain
Forum Staff
Oct 5, 2011
Re: Josh Hoffman, to the principles office!

At the risk of sounding like a negative, hate filled bastard I hope if Hoffman goes to Canterbury he flops. He left because he didn't get what he wanted when he had a starting position guaranteed anyway here at the Broncos.

If your a negative hate filled bastard then so am I, cos I hope this too
Russell Coight

Russell Coight

QCup Player
Jul 10, 2013
Re: Josh Hoffman, to the principles office!

I don't mind him going, but to wish failure on him is pretty ridiculous.


NRL Captain
Mar 31, 2008
Re: Josh Hoffman, to the principles office!

i certainly don't want to see him fail.

if he goes and becomes a big success it puts into question what our coaches are doing with players. well ok, thats already in question over the last two or three years, but it would really emphasises it.
Russell Coight

Russell Coight

QCup Player
Jul 10, 2013
Re: Josh Hoffman, to the principles office!

i certainly don't want to see him fail.

if he goes and becomes a big success it puts into question what our coaches are doing with players. well ok, thats already in question over the last two or three years, but it would really emphasises it.

Im in total agreeance, we have lost some decent players the last 3 or 4 years, winterstein beale and probably hoffman.


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
Re: Josh Hoffman, to the principles office!

If he wants out and isn't prepared to give it his all then he needs to go, Hodges tried to give him a good wake up call that he should have taken on board but didn't so do up a deal with the Dogs and be done with it, frankly with options in no particular order like Yow Yeh, Vidot, Mills, Copley, Oates, Drew etc available then we can afford to let him go and look at who's available on the market.
Painin the Haas

Painin the Haas

NRL Player
Nov 10, 2013
Re: Josh Hoffman, to the principles office!

Josh Hoffman's debut game was against the Dragons. He defused many bombs on that night and looked a very promising and safe fullback. Unfortunately his creativity never really developed but he's still a very good defensive custodian.

Sorry your right, it was his first in 2009, hunt was on origin duty


International Captain
Senior Staff
Apr 26, 2008
Re: Josh Hoffman, to the principles office!

Here's the pic from Barba's Instagram



NRL Captain
Aug 5, 2013
Re: Josh Hoffman, to the principles office!

I would've thought Hoffman would be taller than Barba. Is Ben standing on a milk crate?
Mister Wright

Mister Wright

NRL Captain
Jun 8, 2009
Re: Josh Hoffman, to the principles office!

Hoffman should just have to do what Beale did - wait until his contract is up and then sign with another club who is looking for a fullback. You didn't see him chucking a hissy fit to get out of his contract early.


Senior Staff
Mar 5, 2008
Re: Josh Hoffman, to the principles office!

Beale wasn't in the same league as Hoffman though. And he broke Lockyer's jaw, so **** him.


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