Kennedy, Release at season end? Yes or No?

Kennedy doesn't run with venom, legs pumping, full of anger. Compare his running style to Scott for example, or JWH.

Kennedy lumbers.

I can now really clearly see why the Roosters let him go
I think many of the so called "knowledgeable " of you all are indeed missing the point with this frustrating situation we all find ourselves in. We have a coach who doesn't know what he's doing, but cleverly has surrounded himself with people of lesser ability. If the NRL were to next week tell the Broncos they were only allowed to play a team of 14, but the Titans can field a team of 17, there would be outraged!Griffin has been secretly doing this every week. We are competing with less players by his deplorable use of bench. I'm pretty sure we had interchange to spare last game, yet we had players dead on their feet. Yes we had a chance to win, but the coach didn't give us a chance. The Hannant situation is a deflecting tool to take the focus off his poor coaching ability. To play a starting prop for 19 mins, who whilst defending for 75% of the 19 mins he had on the field, and at the same time have the highest workload stats for that time for both teams does not make sense and then.... Not put him back on again AT ALL! It does not make any sense. Yes he may have had only 3 runs, but the so called know it all's fail to tell the true stats. The team had 25% posession in that 19 mins, and in fact only had three sets in that time. So unless he was going to have three hit ups per set, how else could the stat be any different.. To compare one prop who gets 19 mins against another who gets 68 mins is like comparing a three legged dog with a four legged dog at the greyhounds. The body language in the post match press conference showed it all. The players have lost respect. And even more sad is that the coach has lost respect for his players. He was rude, arrogant and had no sensible responses to any questions.. Desperate men will do desperate things. What we are seeing is a desperate man who will say and do anything to keep his job. Our players, our fans and our club deserves better.

I'm sure you're the only one who can see the big picture. You've really just repeated what everyone had been saying.

And for the love of whatever you believe in, use some paragraphs so your posts can easily be read. Welcome to the forums btw :-)
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Nor does griffin coach with any brains. Players are playing on an uneven playing field. Under utilized bench, over worked exhausted players on the field begging for a break, players requiring intravenous fluids after the game to recover from cramps because their bodies are so fatigued. Brainless! Sounds more like bush footy coaching to me, not NRL.
Nor does griffin coach with any brains. Players are playing on an uneven playing field. Under utilized bench, over worked exhausted players on the field begging for a break, players requiring intravenous fluids after the game to recover from cramps because their bodies are so fatigued. Brainless! Sounds more like bush footy coaching to me, not NRL.

It's the attitude, focus and commitment that is seriously problematic for mine, and cost us ALL of our matches.

Sloppy timing and execution, missed tackles and slow cracked defensive line, especially when it was crunch time.

I guess misusing the roster doesn't help either.
Griffins actions in dropping Kennedy are purely an attempt to again deflect attention from his pathetic coaching ability. Hannants axing last week was based on a personal conflict, nothing to do with his football. Someone should ask Griffin straight out and see his reaction. When the rationsle didn't add up, he has to quickly about face and think of another media headline so as to draw attention away again. Dodge another bullet so to speak. He should realise that there is more than one gun loaded after today's fiasco though. Wonder how the coach will sleep tonite !
So courier mail is reporting that kennedy will be dropped this friday. personally i think its a good descision. might be the kick up the ass he needs.
Hannant last week, Kennedy this week, who will it be next??? It's round 10, we've got 16 rounds to go, that gives Griffins a player a week he can drop, score another headline, deflect, deflect, deflect. Easy! Trouble is, the natives are getting restless and so are the chiefs. When the inside camp starts calling the place "toxic", action is needed.
The fuckin' idiot got it the wrong way round and only realized his mistake after the Cows got done running over the top of us.
Now apparently Kennedy is fighting to save his Broncos career.

one feels that the fans and the media made this weeks decision, which really should of been made last week.

enjoyed this part:

"“Martin can’t afford to come back and kick stones,” Walker said. “Ben is 29 and has played for Australia, whereas Martin is 25 and isn’t as proven. He has a lot of work to do, so it’s important he comes back with an equally good attitude and performs well.

“Ben Hannant came back with such a good attitude that he not only played well for us, he endeared himself to our team.

“Ben was the ultimate professional, he played 75 minutes and gave us everything.

“That’s the challenge now for Martin, we play at a decent level at Ipswich so hopefully he can turn up with the attitude that Ben did.”
Kennedy needs to watch footage of George Burgess and Matt Scott, do what he has to at gym to get some drive and power in his running or join the Raiders
I'm not so sure that he doesn't already have the required physicality, more so, he is the tinman (without a heart) and if he doesn't find the Wizard of Oz (a Bellamy, Hasler, Bennett), he has no hope...

Judging by the way he runs, sorry, lumbers, and the ease with which he is felled in a tackle, I think it is more than heart.

I mean Matt Scott is what, 108 kgs (same as J. Wallace I think) and look what he did to us. Kennedy is 122 kgs. Maybe he should lose 10 kgs?

Nevertheless, I agree with you that Hook just doesn't have that wizard in him.

Aside from which, for mine, our game is at its best when, as Beads posted elsewhere, we use our strengths: mobility and speed. Quick play the balls, constant forward momentum and passing the ball. Kennedy just doesn't seem to fit into that.
Matt Scott without a shirt on looks like a condom full of walnuts. He is massive. The 10 - 15kg can't come just from height, I reckon Scott would be pushing 112 kegs at least (he's been ~108kgs on the media guide for close to 6 years now).
Good to see Kennedy dropped. He hasn't offered much and hasn't made any impact and a stint in the ISC maybe what he needs to get motivated and confident.
Kennedy strikes me as a city type who has used a gym to accumulate muscle.

thought kennedy was a country kid - wasnt that the rumour earlier in the year - that he wasnt gelling with teammates because he's a country bloke when all the broncos clique are off getting lattes and haircuts

i dont know what we need to get him to fire up. personally i think the whole pack needs more aggression. always thought someone like tallis should come on board to fire them up. tigers have done that with steve roach and its done wonders for their pack
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thought kennedy was a country kid - wasnt that the rumour earlier in the year - that he wasnt gelling with teammates because he's a country bloke when all the broncos clique are off getting lattes and haircuts

i dont know what we need to get him to fire up. personally i think the whole pack needs more aggression. always thought someone like tallis should come on board to fire them up. tigers have done that with steve roach and its done wonders for their pack

I wouldn't really call Ipswich as being in the country