Mal's Conspiracy Theory


The Brizz

Mar 4, 2008
Now I know I am drawing a long bow here but seriously is it just me or did we see two of the most blatant cheap shots you will ever see by NSW players from Sydney teams on QLD origin stars this weekend. The JT one is as straight forward as they get he deadset tried to break his jaw and thankfully for everyone concerned he failed to do it. Then tonight Gallen not so subtley kneeing big Dave for absolutely no reason at all, it wasn't a situation where he needed to be where he was nor was it a situation where the way the tackle played out made things happen accidentally. He intentionally kneed the head once again luckily he didn't get him as well as I am sure he had hoped for.

So my question/theory/alfoil hat moment is this......

Do the powers at be put a message out to some of these teams or players to have a crack at our stars especially this year when you look at the drastic quality difference between QLD and NSW on paper, is it possible that these incidents are not coincedental and that NSW so sick of losing is going above and beyond its usual MO of just getting their stars off at the judiciary by actually having a crack at our stars.

This is facetious Broncoman before you go on a nonsensical tirade.


State of Origin Rep
Oct 9, 2011
During this Years series can Mal please think of something new to say. The us against them topic is very old and it is not in anyway informative. I find it hilarious how he portrays QLD as underdogs yet you have won 6 straight series. If Mal says something new I'll be happy.


International Captain
Senior Staff
Feb 27, 2010
Lol, nah man. Don't bring yourself down to that idiots level. It's nothing but a coincidence.
Yeah, of course it is... Let's see what happens with Gallen at the judiciary.
I bet the punishment will be directly associated with his injury time off. Ergo, if he is out for a few weeks, he'll get a few weeks; but if his injury is not much to worry about, he won't get more than a week!


International Captain
Senior Staff
Feb 27, 2010
I agree about the judicary. But not about players risking weeks from their own club just to take out a Queenslander. It's stupid.
Wait, you're saying Gallen isn't stupid?
Besides that'w what you get for kneeing Taylor's jaw, you go off with a knee injury! :lol:


State of Origin Rep
Apr 8, 2008
Taylor had hold of Gallen's leg. I'm sure it wasn't a deliberate act from Gallen. He's cleaned up his act so much - I don't see why he'd revert.

It looked to me like he was just trying to pull his leg out/knock Taylor off his leg, but Taylor was trying to stand up while he was doing it. He might get a week or two but I don't believe it was deliberate.


NRL Player
Jun 5, 2008
Taylor had hold of Gallen's leg. I'm sure it wasn't a deliberate act from Gallen. He's cleaned up his act so much - I don't see why he'd revert.

It looked to me like he was just trying to pull his leg out/knock Taylor off his leg, but Taylor was trying to stand up while he was doing it. He might get a week or two but I don't believe it was deliberate.

I've only seen the slow mo replay on the Fox Sports website, but it didn't look deliberate to me. Gallen wasn't even looking at Taylor, he was just scrambling to get onside and clocked him.


QCup Player
May 2, 2008
Thursto's situation was deadset deliberate (despite andrew johns saying it wasnt in the sunday footy show) Gals knee to Taylor tho, i dont think it was, Gal would be crazy to even want to attempt something like that with SoO round the corner. Although he did make contact to the head, taylor didnt help much either trying to get up that way, was an accident but chargable
Big Pete

Big Pete

International Captain
Mar 12, 2008
:lol: This thread's a tad ridiculous.

No doubt there's been some agendas in the judiciary as there's never any consistency but these players aren't told to take others out, that's tin foil hat stuff.

Basically how I see it...

Prior was frustrated for handing the Cowboys possession off the kick off so he took it out on the first player he could. It was a dog play, deserves a lengthy suspension but it didn't have anything to do with JT.

I'm not even convinced Gallen meant to collect Taylor. As dukey said, it appeared Gallen was just looking to get to marker as quickly as possible and happened to collect Taylor on the way. I could be wrong, and it wouldn't be surprise me if I was but there's definitely some doubt.


NRL Player
Oct 1, 2008
I'm with you man, although I'm still not convinced we walked on the moon either.


International Captain
Senior Staff
Feb 27, 2010
I'm not saying it is the case here, but I wouldn't dismiss the possibility with a tin foil hat remark.
You would expect that professional sportsmen wouldn't go out there with the intent to injure others, but the recent New Orleans Saints affair in the NFL proves otherwise.


NRL Player
Mar 4, 2008
Nothing in the Gallen kneeing incident. Prior on the other hand is gonna blow big...8 weeks I reckon.


State of Origin Rep
Mar 26, 2008
:lol: This thread's a tad ridiculous.

No doubt there's been some agendas in the judiciary as there's never any consistency but these players aren't told to take others out, that's tin foil hat stuff.

So Mark Geyer is lying when he says he was told to take blokes heads off and he would be looked after?

I'm certain Gallen wasn't carrying out instructions but I do think it was deliberate. Taylor didn't grab his leg until after he was kneed and Gallen didn't lose balance either, he had both his hands on Taylors shoulders.

Like I said in the other thread, his instinct is to be a grub and he knows the right situation to have a crack and make it look accidental because it comes naturally to him.
Big Pete

Big Pete

International Captain
Mar 12, 2008
One example 20+ years ago doesn't make Gallen, Prior or NSWRL guilty of some anti-Qld conspiracy.


State of Origin Rep
Mar 26, 2008
Yeah, thought I covered that in my post, but I was just pointing out that it's happened before and that's a fact.
Big Pete

Big Pete

International Captain
Mar 12, 2008
Players cheap shot each other in Origin all the time. To suggest a player outside of that arena was instructed by the NSWRL to maim a player like JT is just plain silly. Facetious or not.

Funny how there's no mention of Taylor pushing Gallen in the back late. Spose we were all too busy giving him a round of applause to acknowledge it?
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