Matt Lodge Discussion

Kids are resilient, if anything , better equipped to deal with than the parents. I think we go to the " won't somebody think of the children " line too often, well at least the lawyers do.

kids are better at supressing trauma and drama at a younger age, however it is more likely to casue issues later in their life as thing like this can re-surface
so he has never disputed the claims has he?
i would also find it hard to believe that 5 people could fabricate a story of this magnitude.
are you going to suggest that any of the info before or after the cctv didnt actually happen????
If there was sufficient evidence for their claims he would be behind bars. He's not. I'm not sure why they would have accepted 200 hours community service and alcohol testing in another country if they had a concrete case against him. The $1.6 million is a civil case. If you have more evidence then the New York prosecutors I suggest you hand it in.
Yeah, your right... I'd say he'd still be pretty ordinary. Just shits me that some get the green light for a redemption story and others get crucified.

the whole media love affair with packer now stinks to high hell.
these pair should be known as common thug criminals.
kids are better at supressing trauma and drama at a younger age, however it is more likely to casue issues later in their life as thing like this can re-surface
Just because some ambulance chaser says the kid is traumatised doesn't mean it's true.thats the problem with civil system, lets see who can paint the biggest lie.
If there was sufficient evidence for their claims he would be behind bars. He's not. I'm not sure why they would have accepted 200 hours community service and alcohol testing in another country if they had a concrete case against him. The $1.6 million is a civil case. If you have more evidence then the New York prosecutors I suggest you hand it in.

If there was sufficient evidence for their claims he would be behind bars. He's not. I'm not sure why they would have accepted 200 hours community service and alcohol testing in another country if they had a concrete case against him. The $1.6 million is a civil case. If you have more evidence then the New York prosecutors I suggest you hand it in.

he was only arrested at gun point, surely he hasnt done anything wrong for that to happen!!
Just because some ambulance chaser says the kid is traumatised doesn't mean it's true.thats the problem with civil system, lets see who can paint the biggest lie.

so we revert to believing the criminal rather than the victim?
why doesnt ldoge really come forward and give his account of events to clear all this up?
so we revert to believing the criminal rather than the victim?
why doesnt ldoge really come forward and give his account of events to clear all this up?
No , he or his minders are smart enough to know he's not equipped to,deal with the media. Would you say the conduct from the victims side, given what's come to light from Basel , has been hourable?
lol whoever released the footage must be rubbing their hands together with glee. All this outrage is what they wanted because God forbid we get the footy underway in a week's time without having another fucking scandal. A scandal from 3 years ago no less. The outrage on LU is real and I'm about to go check out a few other forums too. Hope Lodge wins the Dally M and the CC.
I don’t like the signing. Don’t see the upside long term. He succeeds he needs to go chasing the money from highest bidder closer to home and Wayne doesn’t pay big for props. He stuffs up then it is I told you so. Either way it’s bad PR in short term.

But obviously not on the inside. If he’s genuinely rehabilitated and making an honest go of it then good on him for trying. Couldn’t give two **** what a US civil court says. Where truth goes to the best purveyor of bull**** and ridiculous money distorts any incentive to heal.
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No , he or his minders are smart enough to know he's not equipped to,deal with the media. Would you say the conduct from the victims side, given what's come to light from Basel , has been hourable?

why isnt he equipped enough? are they frightened of what he will say! he was man enough to do the crime.
time to stump up for mine.
so we revert to believing the criminal rather than the victim?
why doesnt ldoge really come forward and give his account of events to clear all this up?
Lodge was fucken sideways! He will never remember that night!
The release of the footage shows to me there are vested interests clearly trying to get him out of the game. Whether you think he should be playing or not is mute, there is clearly a concerted effort to remove him with the release of the video. Maybe it is to hurt the Broncs chances, maybe it is even a different sport trying to damage League but I have never seen such an effort is such a short time with to be honest little motivation for the sudden increase in reaction to him playing. If they really cared there should have been all this reaction and video leaks when he started with Redcliffe.
why isnt he equipped enough? are they frightened of what he will say! he was man enough to do the crime.
time to stump up for mine.
Not to put too fine a point on it, he's a front rower, sometimes the smart game with media is no game at all. You of all people should know that. It's become known that he has officially shown remorse and made an offer for restitution. Yet that's not we hear from the other side. What's their true motivation. They have been contradicted and shown to be loose with the facts, how can we trust anything they say?
Further more, if you're going to play the aggrieved victim, rightly or wrongly,you want make sure you're squeaky clean and up front with the truth. It's a really bad look if you aren't. In this case they look anything but.
he was only arrested at gun point, surely he hasnt done anything wrong for that to happen!!
A 120kg drunken pissed off idiot will get a gun drawn on him in the United States, that's correct. I'm not sure what that proves but yes, correct. It is the USA....

All there is EVIDENCE of is a drunken fight with NO PHYSICAL DAMAGE to a person. For that he has lost $100,000's and could not work in his proffession for 2 years and now starts on a minimal contract this year, he has also been vilified by the media constantly-what about his innocent kid and partner? Are they any less victims then a kid who saw a fight and (allegedly) got yelled at? She would hear about it at work and from total strangers-the American family could go through the rest of their lives with it not being mentioned to them again (and if it was an event which caused $1.6 million of traumatizm I would think they wouldn't want it in the media?)he's also doing well over 200 hours community service and hasn't touched a drink in 2 years. I'm not sure what else you want? Prision? So once again, why isn't he in there if it was that bad? The USA has an extrodinarily high incarceration rate, there would have been no hesitation if it was worthy of it.

People I don't want in the nrl:
Rapists, murderers, paedophiles, drug dealers, terrorists, men who hit women(eg avua).........

Men I think are tossers or have been in the past but don't deserve to have their entire lives ruined/kicked out of the nrl or thrown in prision:
Guys who got into a drunken fight in another country, hit a wall, slurred out some drunk crap and threw a bottle.

For the record, I don't think carney or ferguson should either BUT I wouldn't want them playing for my club because they are embarrassing (fighting vs drinking your own piss) and obviously don't put the team first. And I think that's actually what happended to carney, if clubs wanted him enough they could do what brisbane are doing with lodge
so he has never disputed the claims has he?
i would also find it hard to believe that 5 people could fabricate a story of this magnitude.
are you going to suggest that any of the info before or after the cctv didnt actually happen????

Firstly, I asked you a question respectfully, there is no need for the attitude.

I never said nothing else happened or even suggested that, I do think it is possible that it has been greatly exagerated to say the least. These same people that you have claimed are incapable of fabrication have already been called out in a bald face lie. I don’t think it is a stretch to think they may be exaggerating things to try and pocket a cool 1.6M.
If it was so bad why is he not behind bars now??
Because they want a payday.
I have 3 kids and if anyone did this to my family I would want them in a cage.

The problem is you don’t get to choose if they are in a cage or not. This is not some sort of gameshow where you (or this lot) as your prize get to decide what happens to him.

You are talking about a criminal charge in a civilised criminal justice system. You get to make a complaint. Police and in some jurisdictions prosecutors decide if he is to be charged, and with what offence and a judge and sometimes jury decide if a person is guilty and a judge decides what the penalty will be after hearing sentencing submissions from the prosecution and the defence.

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